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How do you make the time pass?

I swear I feel like I've been pregnant my entire life! I'm really excited about my son and I can't wait to see him/hug him/raise him but I am SICK of being pregnant! Sick of it! Argggghhhhh! I can't sleep or get comfortable, I'm constantly tired!

I've decorated the nursery, bought tons of baby clothes, washed and prepared my cloth diapers, started the baby book etc. It's like the time is just dragging!

Any advice? Someone please tell me the time will start flying by pretty soon here... I'm at 29 weeks today.


I know I shouldn't be sick of it this soon... but I'm generally a very active, very energetic person... so being tired all the time is just making me nuts...

Plus everyone keeps telling me to take it easy and rest etc. and that's driving me nuts too! Plus I live in a 4th floor apartment with NO elevator, so if I want to go out I have to seriously consider the fact that I'll have to climb the stairs back up (no easy feat when you're a good bit heavier than you used to be) so I feel kind of trapped in the house.

Plus there's the fact that I've never been good at waiting for things!

Update 2:

Not real worried about that Tessa... this is our one and only! If I can get through this pregnancy I'll never have to do it again!

But I imagine that having one or two running around while pregnant would totally add to the adventure!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here's some things that you would be able to do while staying cozy in the house...

    -wirte letters to your new baby. tell it things about you know, how you hope it will be.

    -rent movies and have a movie marathon. pop some popcorn and grab the remote

    -call an old friend and talk about anything and everythin.

    -surf the net. read up on all the baby things you should know

    -read all the books and magazines you've bought, but never had the time to read.

    -organize a spot in your home that is sort of messy

    -take a nap

    -pack the bags for the hospital

    -come up with as many names as you can think of for the baby

    -write down all the adjectives you think will describe your baby

    -use the internet and "shop" around for the best deal for formula, diapers, bottles... any thing that might cost you money in the future.

    good luck, and don't worry time will fly soon! =)

  • 1 decade ago

    oh ya i'm going through the same dang thing, I am 31 weeks so a little bit farther then you but going crazy none the less. Somethings that i try are reading(for some reason when you read, even if you are a fast reader time goes by really really fast), maybe make a baby blanket. Or write a story book for your baby. Write a list of things you want to do before baby gets here(you will be surprised by how many things you can put on that list). Hopefully that will help Good luck and congrats!!!!

    Source(s): 31 wks pregnant
  • ****
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I wish I could tell you it would fly by....but it didn't for me. I thought if one more person told me to rest (sleep) before the baby came I was going to scream because I was so uncomfortable that I could NOT sleep!!! The one thing that helped was when I started going to the doctor every 2 weeks, then every week. It made me feel like things were moving along a little quicker. I wish I had better advise...but all I can say is that you are not the only one to feel like this.

    Best of luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hang in there! The time does drag, and then suddenly you have your baby and are completely overwhelmed! I know you're uncomfortable (I gained 50 lbs), but if possible I would spend time organizing things while you can. Our place was a disaster when our baby arrived, and I wish I would have had it completely baby friendly before he arrived. Also, try to go out while you still can. It's a lot more difficult going out with the little one than it is going out while uncomfortable! (the car seat + baby is unbelievably heavy) Good luck!

  • JS
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only 29 weeks?? Sorry but you have a way to go. Bad only gets worse. Go into an on line chat room and chat with other pregnant women who can sympathize with you.

    I have been pregnant 5 times and didn't get sick of being pregnant until like 34 weeks!

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago


    I understand the area of being just sick of being pregnant. Really! If I sit down I can't get up, if I move too fast or open legs to wide I hurt. I can't sleep normally, all I want to do it push my honey off the bed! I get a pain above my stomach, under my chest. I can't sit on our toilet without the lid sliding- try to take me out. lol

    I think doing other things around your house or involving yourself in something outside. Doing what it takes to get prepared will help. I think sense you at 29 wks with 11 wks left it's the waiting game now. But, going shopping, walk around the block, cleaning something (I clean up after my 21 month old now).Resting yourself, keeping up on drinking A LOT of water and try to eat healthy too!

    I am being induced this Sunday 30Th at noon. My body is ready for this baby to get out! I think I am getting so scarred now! Just be happy you have the time you do to get yourself (mentally) ready before this baby comes out. When he/she is born you don't have all this time to yourself anymore! :) Good luck to you and finding a lot of stuff to do to pass time by.

    Source(s): I have a 21 month old and ( Being induced Sunday the 30th) MIGHT HAVE A NEW YEARS EVE BABY?
  • 1 decade ago

    oooh. you've got some time. i understand. i'm also sick of being pregnant. i'm almost 39 weeks. wait until you get this close to your due date. it will really drive you nuts. i'm on leave from work too but i also have a 2 year old. he keeps me pretty busy. i basically spend my time with him and clean stuff around the if i really feel like doing that.

  • 1 decade ago

    consider yourself lucky you are so bored. just wait til you have one or more children and then are pregnant again. you wont even have time to do all that stuff. and also just wait til you are 39 weeks. THEN you really wont be able to breath.

    Source(s): mom of 2. (3 and 1) and 21 weeks pregnant with #3.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ugh. I feel your pain. I'm only 23 weeks along. COME ON TIME!!!

    Good luck!

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