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ok why is this soo hard????????

ok well read my other questions for more detail.but a quicky..i like my best friend that is a girl.she seems to be flirting(sorry im stupid when it comes to women) with me.shes always touching/hitting me while talking to me.we went for a long ride the other night with a friend.she had no problem leaning her leg against mine.i actually moved my leg a little to see what she would do.yup she moved her leg over to touch mine.she wanted to go out for some drinks we went,well she got trashed,i got buzzed.i made her leave her car but instead we left mine and took hers,i drove.i drove around with her all night till she was able to drive.we sat out front of my house for an hour talking.i could tell she wanted me to make a move but for some reason i just couldnt do it!!

even with both of us drinking i didnt have the balls to say something.


why is this being harder to do than it should be?im not afraid of loseing her as a friend.i promised her i will always be her friend and that i wont let anything or anybody come between us.

is there any easier way?i dont know why im such a chicken about this,but i am.

Update 2:

oh i definately respect her.i am kinda sure she does like me.usually if i am at her house and shes takeing a shower but forgot her clothes,she will make me turn around so she can run to get them wrapped in a towel.the other day i was at the house and she came out in her towel.she didnt tell me to turn around or anything i stood there haveing a conversation with her while she was wrapped in a towel.

so ya the signs are there but one of us has to make a move.i think she wants it to be me.i kinda want her to do it.i think i missed the oppurtunity the other night and im sure i missed it again i really dont want to miss the next one,if there is a next one.

Update 3:

too bad i cant give all but 2 of you the best answer.but one of you will get it.

and joe,i definately aint gay.what i think the problem is,is the chance she might get wierded out about it and say no.even though everything i see says yes.if she says no its not a big deal to me cuz ill still have her as a friend.ive known her mor then 10 years.practically grew up together.i love her to death and have told her so and she says the same back to me.ill do anything for her just to see her smile.i love/respect her soo much that i would wait as long as it took for her to be ready for even the first kiss.dont care if it took 3 years,id wait for her to be ready and comfortable with doing it.

7 Answers

  • Mav17
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is hard. Because you like her as a friend and you don't want to ruin it. But, if you do like her as much as you say you do..then you gotta do it. Just think of the regret you will have if she hooks up with another guy and your time has past.

    Just ask her out on a casual one on one type activity. See where it goes...if it doesn't go as you don't have to regard it as a date. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Search deep inside of you for a bigger pair of balls. When you see her tomorrow to go get your car, Put your hand on hers, look her in the eyes and tell her you really had a ton of fun with her last night and there was something you wanted to give her but wasn't sure the best time was when you were drunk, then reach over and plant a kiss on her.

    Don't think about it, just do it. If you think, you'll freeze.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds like you respect her or unsure if she likes you back. Sounds like she does provided that she does this all the time when she is sober. some people when they have been drinking tend to get touchy feely. Next time you go out with her, just do something. all the signs are there, you have nothing to lose. You could start by putting your arm around her and leaning in it her and kiss her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Face your fear. Ask yourself what you are afraid of and think about whether your fear is reasonable or not. Think about the worst case scenario and how likely it would be that the worst thing would happen. For example, if you are afraid she will reject you, that doesn't sound very reasonable, but imagine that she did, and she did it in the worst possible way, could you live with that and how likely would that happen?

  • 1 decade ago

    it;s ok to feel chicken i did you just have to go for it

    it's like jumping into cold water best to just jump in

  • 1 decade ago

    WTF Dude.... Are you GAY? Go for it! Obviously she's hot for you. Treat her well and good things will come to the both of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is too much..

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