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bpbjess asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Aggressive Pup?

A woman is giving away a dog from the litter that mine came from. The way she described this 11 WEEK old pup, is that it attacks and bites the face of her young child.

Just a question, but don't all pups play and mouth all peoples faces at that age? I can understand it is unnerving, but should you not keep vigilent supervision of the dog when your child is there?

I just want peoples opinion on this. The dog has been around a 2 year old and an eight year old since its birth, before going to this "forever" home. The breeder never saw aggression around her children. Is it possible for an 11 week old pup to display aggression (unprovoked attacks, biting the face aggressively) to this extent all of a sudden?


I understand that the dog needs to be trained. I have a dog from the same litter, and she is the same way (in my opinion) around children, and myself when she is excited, trying to nip your nose and ears. I think this woman is overreacting, and wanted to know if it was possible for a pup that young to display such outright aggression.

Update 2:

* "bite", added in the details, went to ***. I have no idea why....

Update 3:

Thanks for all the answers! Exactly what I thought, but I didn't want to approach the subject if I was dead wrong. After checking her out a little more, she is a young mother who loves to party and such. I doubt she has time for her. She is also listing the dog for adoption as "a fu**ing dog for sale". I lose all respect for a "dog owner" like that.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Usually not, however, this depends on the breed- there is an actual disease- specific to English Springer Spaniels and Bull Terriers(uncommonly) known as "RAGE SYNDROME"- it is a real, documented, studied and it is in the veterinary text books- it causes unprovoked, very violent attacks. That being said, it is very rare, i imagine that this person is not working with this puppy well, or it has some kind of brain disorder such as rage syndrome or something similar. If you own a breed at risk, know that there is no cure for rage syndrome, and all dogs suffering from is should be euthanized- prob. this is not your situation however.

    - we had a litter of bull terriers at our hospital- the mother was killing and eating her pups as they were born, so we took over, whelped the pups and raised the litter (the owner of the ***** gave us the litter) and one girl pup (had rage syndrome) killed 3 of her littermates by he time they were 3.5 months old- when she would snap, she would be in a trance, and attack anything, killing 3 littermates and scaring many people.- she was euthanized- it is a genetic issue- i have also known 1 ESS that was affected. Good Luck

    Source(s): I have a degree in veterinary medicine and practice in an animal ER in Colorado.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anyone who has ever had a puppy knows that they will literally bite anything, including faces, hands, shoes, toes, etc. Small children can bring out some aggression even in the youngest of pups. I've seen this many times over the years, as I rescue Pomeranians. This is not a good breed to get if you have small children for sure. Usually, a small water bottle, filled with water and squirted at the pups face (which causes no pain, it just surprises them) will take care of some of the biting issues. If you can get to your local library, check out a book on puppy training and begin to work with your pup ASAP. Be very consistant. No not punish or spank the pup, because they really don't know what they are being punished for. BUT, if they try to get in the child's face and you squirt the pup in the face, and he forgets to bite the child, then reward the pup with a pat on the head, or even a small treat. Positive reinforcement is always the best way to train your pup.

    Source(s): The Dog Bible -book My personal vet
  • 5 years ago

    Definately do the training no matter what do it. Also you need to establish that you are dominant over him. You need to do it as quick as possible. Loud NO when he does something bad. Always eat first, never ever feed him from your plate. Never let him walk ahead of you on a leash. NEVER play tug of war with him. It builds aggression. The humping is also a sign of dominace not a sexual thing. If you have small children have them do similar things or the puppy will think they are below him in the pack and biting is ok. This all may seem a little much but if you don't do it now he will be a nightmare when he's bigger. It's unusual for an 8 week old shih tzu to be so aggressive so nip it in the bud NOW.

  • 1 decade ago

    The woman is probably not telling you the whole story. In cases like this the child is rubbing the dog wrong or just plain our hitting the dog. You said it yourself it has been around children since birth. This woman is probably letting her children treat the dog however. That dog doesn't deserve that. It needs a owner that can trust it. All puppies do that, its how they play and enjoy themselves and owners. If the dog did do this without violence from the children and didn't break the skin then it was playing. Let her give it to someone that loves and trust puppies better. Happy New Year!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes nearly all dogs will bite and snap when they are young but it is only a playful thing and you have to train them and teach them not to, they can't learn by themselves. she shouldn't have left the dog hurt the children, it wasnt the dogs fault. she wasnt prepared to handle a dog so maybe its best she doesnt keep it there'll be a better home for the dog than her if she wont even give it a chance

  • 1 decade ago

    Its either playing or afraid of the children. Animals don't always like small kids, they fear them sometimes because the move so fast. It could be that the puppy is scared and trying to defend itself. The two year old would be on its level, if it is pulling at the puppy's ears or nose, the puppy would instinctively snap at the child to try and get it to stop or to play.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all I don't know why she would let the dog be around a child at that young of age. Obviously, at that age the children will probably be angering the dog without meaning to or annoying it a lot. & at that age for dogs they usually have short tempers since they really don't even know better.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think it is showing aggression at all. I think this lady is an idiot for letting a puppy be around her children without supervising. The puppy is probably just playing and happens to have sharp teeth, as all puppies do. Bottom line: This lady is an idiot and the puppy is just play-biting as ALL puppies do!

  • 1 decade ago

    Please rescue this dog.

    And your breeder is not responsible, and is just breeding dogs to make a fast buck. No responsible breeder would have sold a dog to a person like this woman.

    And the breeder should be taking the dog back!

    If you love dogs, please consider adoption or getting a dog from a breed rescue. Look at

    We should not be supporting irresponsible breeders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Put it down.

    Don't risk the chance of somebody getting really hurt as its not worth it unless you know how to train it.


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