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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

What is the most hurt full thing that anyone ever said to you? What was the most uplifting? Same person?

What is the most hurtful and the most helpful thing someone has ever said to you? Who said those things? Was it the same person?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hearing "i am dissapointed in you" is horrible from my dad. He recently told me "I am proud of you and i love you" that is the best thing i have ever heard in my life, and will never forget it.

  • Sami
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Most hurt full: when a complete stranger told me I was going to die alone while I was at work. Not a nice thing to hear, considering how I'm in need of a boyfriend.

    Most uplifting: When my mom asked me about what I'm considering going into in college, I told her I might be interested in the english field instead of medical. My sister is in pharmacy and I never figured my parent would be big on my idea, but when I told my mom she actually supported the me and a couple days later she brought me some information about possible jobs. It felt so great to feel like my parents appreciated my individuality.

    Same person: not at all, and I'm hoping not to see that guy again.

  • 1 decade ago

    After I got married at 19 I had a child and like many people I put on some weight. My husband and I traveled to see family and I was very excited to see an uncle I really loved and had fun in my childhood with. I remember getting out of the car. I was so happy. I walked up to him to give him a hug and he turned and very rudely said "Boy marriage took it's toll on you". I can't remember what I said but, I know what I wish I could have said. I never felt the same way for him again; even though I tried to overlook it I never could.

    Ok, a happy memory for me that has stuck with me is a comment I got from a boy whe I was in the 7th grade. I was really shy and I didn't think any of the boys liked me as a girlfriend. I always had confidence in private that I felt I was pretty. One day the boys had been talking and one of them asked another boy if he thought I was pretty....I wanted to crawl under a rock. The boy was really cute and he turned to me and told me he thought that I was beautiful and would be perfect if I didn't have the little bump on my nose. The bump thing wasn't a put's a slight little bump and I like it. It really made me feel good....I don't know why, but that is a good memory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As far as the hurtful thing, my dad once told me "you're just like your mother". I don't really want to go into details, but that's an extremely hurtful thing.

    One of the good things, I think it's a toss up between comments two guys made to me. I was feeling blue about a recent break up with a boyfriend and one of my best guy friends (and my exes best friend) was comforting me and he said "He doesn't realize that he gave up a beautiful thing. Not just the relationship, but you. I don't want this to be awkward or anything, but I like you. I always have and always will." He had a girlfriend at the time, who he's still with, so we never went out, but it made me feel infinitely better.

    The other one was an entire conversation, but in short, it was senior prom, and I was on that new relationship high. He told me that I looked so sexy, we shared our first kiss(es), and then he thanked me for being his girlfriend. Later, he put his forehead to mine and whispered "I'm going to miss you so much [at college], because in the short time we've been together, you've taught me so much about myself and you've become one of my best friends in the world."

    It was so romantic.

    and no, they weren't the same person. XD

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok well one time when I was like 8 years old or something I was helping my uncle get his water and he told me to shut up really rudely and it hurt my feelings

    Another rude thing when I was camping I hate camping and sleeping outside so I slept in the van and one time before I went to bed I told my parents they can drive home with me in the car and my favourite aunt who is always nice to me said "FELICIA STOP ACTING LIKE A 2 YEAR OLD BRAT!!!'

    And A nice thing I heard was when I was outside and came inside my parents said they were very proud of me and they loved me just the way I am :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel the need to whine. My old lady neighbor once told me that "you are disgusting, you make me sick". She did apologize years later. Most uplifting? when my Dad told me I was smart and talented.

  • 1 decade ago

    lets see, my boyfriend said he wasn't in love with me & was ready to leave me until i got pregnant. After I left him, we were reconciling & he thanked me for loving him, that I am a good woman & the universe must've blessed him for bringing me to him.

    My ex mother in law said in front of my daughter (her grand daughter) said, why is she having another baby? she doesn't even care about the ones she has.

    One of my aunts told me I had the best of all of them in me. (7 aunties)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can't remember but it HAD to be something my mother-in-law said. She's a character. We're getting along great right now :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    When a woman came to my house to tell me she was sleeping with my boyfriend

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well... one person who I though was my friend on time told my, '' I hate you, you su*k....that same person became friendless

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