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american women have lost their self respects?

why do some american women have lost their self respects?

1. Some american racist prejudices or negative stereotypes are insulting asian men as unattractive persons, a short penis, the mockery of hispanic people as a lowed sallary dirty men etc. In fact I know countless asian businessmen & they are more succesful than any other white beggars here in America.

2. No wonder that the US has the biggest divorce statistical quote, because the men and women do not respect with each other.

In fact some US white gals are sometimes annoying!

I had known many indonesian, chinese, italian, spanish, ukrainian, french and german friends, both males and females, they seem to be more open minded sometimes than us - the Yanks.

Iam curious as an "american guy", because in Europe the situation is a bit better and more peaceful. Moreover people are more open minded there.

America is becoming a place for the devilish stereotypes and the negative prejudices, we have lost our values !


@Steelers, Iam a white american myself, why should I dislike my own women? No I don´t hate them, why must I ?

Seriously the generalization is always bad, but what I heard from the media, is always showing a negative point of view about our minorities....And everybody´s tired of listening those prejudice things. Frankly america is too overwhelmed by the prejudices...that ´s what I was thinking of...

we´ll miss the values...they have slowly gone

Update 2:

I do appreciate Susan, Xcalibur & Mr. Eagles for their logical senses

ths to you all

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well take your little behind to Europe then..gosh. with all of this negativity your displaying whos gonna miss ya? the asian guy with the small penis? not all of us is like that give some us the benifit of doubt.geesh

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an American and I have most certainly not lost my self respect. I suspect that you are involved with a certain "type" of woman that is probably young, foolish and of a lower class. I have few prejudices and the ones I have tend to be along the lines of class/manners instead of having racial prejudices. While I may think things about certain groups, I never act on it. I treat everyone with respect and kindness.

    I am married and my husband and I have the utmost respect for each other. The US has such a high divorce rate because we have a transient, disposable society. People don't settle down and live and work in one place for any length of time unlike in years past.

    I think that it's quite amusing that you're bashing Americans for stereotypes and prejudices when your entire question has been one big hateful stereotype about American women. Perhaps you really should repatriate to Germany or Spain and enjoy the culture that you feel is vastly superior to the one we have here. Good riddance.

  • Willow
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Whoa... You have got it bad! The situation you describe happens in most countries, it is the nature of we humans. Your Q I believe is "Have American women lost their self respect?".Then give no examples to support your Q. The isues you raise, while relative, are not pertinent to your Q.

    My view is that we are all different, we each have our own values despite what the media tries to tell us So try not to let yourself get taken in by all this rubbish, seems to me you are just as guilty of stereotyping people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To each his or her own I say. I've noticed the European, Asian and African mindsets are very different but, heck that's what makes the world go around! Vive la difference! (I'm not French btw). Also, there are 3 types of lies: Lies, Damned lies and Statistics. Remember that. Statistics are mostly fallacies.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, talk about HATE the American woman why???

    I have not lost my self respect. I see people not color, however I DO take offence to anybody that comes into THIS COUNTRY and refuses to LEARN english.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's nothing wrong with American women, or any other women, who prefer to date one race over others. That's not racist. It's really intolerant of you to complain about people's personal preferences that don't affect you in any way whatsoever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm from the Netherlands, and trust me, it's just human nature, you see this everywhere. It might have been different for YOU in Europe, because you were the visitor, but every day-to-day life things sound same worldwide.

    I've found more open-mindedness in my country than in the US though, from what I've seen on my travels, and well we have gay marriage, the coffeeshops and all, we are just a very liberal bunch I guess.

    Other than that, humanity and all it's quirks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that people in the US are rude and selfish. But stereotypes DO exist for a reason....because they are true for the most part. American people have a sense of entiltement, and the kids are getting worse because parents dont tell their kids "NO" anymore. On the flip side, alot of foregin people are shady as well, if you go to a different country they will take advantage of you because you dont know the language or know the ways things work in their country. You will always pay more for things if you are a tourist overseas, thats a fact.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems to me, that you are guilty of the same, with your broad stereotyping of American women.

    Speak for yourself, not for all American women.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yea, we got some problems. What I want to know is did you figure this out by yourself, or did you have help. I think a solution to this is, Go home, you've been here to long.

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