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how do you spike the tennis ball on wii sports?

i can only do it sometimes and i was just wondering if u can anytime and is there any other tricks you can do for wii sports

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Spike? I guess you mean a fast server, its a timing thing, the ball has to be at the apex of height for you to hit, it will then take off like a rocket.

    Other secrets... if you rotate your wrist a certain way you can put backspin or topspin on the ball. It really is a practice thing of motion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only trick that you can do with the Wii Sport Tennis Ball is making go really fast. In order to do that, you need to hit the ball exactly when its at the top of its throw. That's all there is. You can also do a number of features such as:

    - Put spin on the ball

    - Fake a hit

    - Hit the ball after it's hit the net.

    Well good luck and have fun with Wii Sports :D

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Learn How to Play Tennis With A Proven Step-by-Step European Teaching System -

    A Step-by-Step Video Instruction Guide For Tennis Beginners

    1. Learn how to play tennis quickly and without the frustration that beginners often experience with tennis

    2. Learn technique that lays the foundation for advanced strokes when you're ready for them

    3. Learn tennis with the modern "game-based" approach that lets you develop your own fluid strokes instead of robotic copy of your coach's

    This Tennis for Beginners video guide allows you to learn all major tennis strokes in a step-by-step format with additional videos that help you overcome the most common challenges all tennis beginners face.

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    If you are serious about learning how to play tennis, then don’t miss this chance of having 49 instruction videos on your PC, MAC, smartphone or tablet ready for you to study and analyze at any time and as many times as you want.

    Source(s): Tennis For Beginners - Learn How To Play Tennis -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you hit the ball up don't swing it but let it come back down to see the top of its hit. You will see it stops right at the bottom white line of the net. So when you see the ball get to the white line of the net you swing and you will serve it fast.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    u click a to throw the ball in the air and make your hand go down really fast this could take time

    Source(s): home
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I KNOW. My brother is always spiking it at me, and he says "Its just automatic" And then I finally hit it and said "How did I do that" out loud. I believe hes right, it just happens. I think it depends on how you hit it, how fast you hit it, and when you hit it. Gots ta be perfect.

    For the best answers, search on this site

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    step one: make sure your wearing wrist band...very tight

    step two: on your wrist stupid

    step three:insert wii sports and turn on wii..either finger will work

    step four: start game and choose tennis...thats the one that begins with 'T'

    step five: spike the ball

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no way to do this all the time, you just have to get it at its highest point. I am really good at playing tennis on wii sports. Wanna see?

    Check this:

    Source(s): My awesome wii sports pwnage
  • 1 decade ago

    you have to wait until the ball gets to the very top and right before it starts to come back down swing its called a power serve. its kinda hard to explain how to do it but you can do whenever you want

  • 1 decade ago

    It's all about the timing of the shot.

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