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Would you let your husband / boyfriend go to a strip club? How would you react?

"Hell yeah I'd ask him if I could go"

"I would let him go knowing he is not going to be performing any sexual acts with them."

"Don't care either way but he better be home by so and so time."

"Would prefer he not go but I'm not gonna stop him."

"Tell him I strongly disagree and forbid him to go."

"Tell him not to go and if he ever does and I find out it's over."

Don't express your opinion of the dancers themselves, just tell me what you would say and why.


Guys if you also want to add, tell me what your girlfriend or wife said when you asked them.

Update 2:

Just wanna explain, the whole line about "knowing he isn't performing any sexual acts with them" ,I said that because unless he is really lucky that is not happening, and almost all clubs have rules in place specifically FORBIDDING "real" sexual contact, they could be fined or closed down for that. Did you know in strip clubs if you touch the dancer you will be thrown out whether she was cool with it or not?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My former girlfriend actually wanted to come with me, and suggested it on several occasions. She even gave me some extra money to give to the dancer just to see what she would do.

    Most men usually just end up going to a strip club to get away from it all, and have pointless fun with their friends - it's normally harmless unless your relationship is in turmoil. Also if your relationship lacks trust, it's probably not the best idea to go without having a conversation about your intentions of going. If you're going with a group of people, sometimes it can be easier. Especially if she knows your friends, and know that they'll keep you out of trouble.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say no, no , no.

    I am an ex-stripper and that is where I met my husband so I know he could find another just like me. It is possible.

    And all the guys I met while I was stripping where in their because they did not get the attention that they needed. Not just because they wanted to get laid. They could do that at a dance club and only have to buy a few drinks.

    I would not like to think that my husband is not getting the attention he needed at home.

    And as an ex-stripper there was not one guy that ever came into that place that I could have not got them to have sex with me if I would have wanted them too. Your guy is no different.

  • 1 decade ago

    "I would let him go knowing he is not going to be performing any sexual acts with them." I don't know why you are asking this question, but I suggest that any woman who is upset by the strip club scene go to a strip club yourself. It used to make me self-conscious & worried when a stripper was mentioned, but after I went along with the boys & saw what all of the fuss was about. It put most of my fears to rest. It really isn't anything that spectacular, unless you're in vegas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i told him he could go if i went with him he said that was fine but we havent been yet i am soon to be married and we are very happy togeather he said women doing that kinda freaks him out you dont know if that girl performing has herps or anything lol

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it depends.. if its a bachulerette (i kno i spelled that one wrong lol).. party then ya.. its his last time stayin single... and all.. its normal.. i heard.. but if hes married and stuff i wouldnt let him go... only if i came lol.. what would be the point.. its a diss to the girl who is with him... its like saying looking at something you know you will never have.. but the point is why would you want to have that when your with someone who you have already at home..? are they not good enough for you that would seriously bring down a women especially if he couldnt find a good reason for him doing soo.. i dunno about u but i do not like that idea at ALL lol! smells like trouble to me! its like an sign to him that its ok to look at women and flirt with them as long as its not sexual.. ?? next thing u kno it would be sexual.. then he would go around and blame you and say "well you should expect that blah blah, you were the one who said it was ok for me to go etc... ".. guys are full of it and would say anything to justify what they did.. so be carefull lol

    good luck

    kesha <33333

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess I really wouldnt mind, if it was just once in awhile. And of course they didnt do sexual things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd let my husband go.

    I've got no problem with stip clubs at all.

    I've been to a few myself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He can go, I don't really care especially if he's with a group of friends ( boys will be boys)...If he goes alone, its a little creepy ....If he goes often with friends, I d be annoyed...if he goes often and alone, then WE have a problem dear!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, I'd let him go. I would be concerned if it was habitual, though.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would let him go if he promised not do do anyhting and be home at a certain time

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