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A recent survery said that 67% of single people using dating sites on the internet slept with their date on --

the first date. It didn't specify which percentage was male or female, if you have/had a internet dating profile would you do this if everything "felt right" by the end of the night?


Even being a guy, all the guys on here should know that sleeping with a girl before the time is right sometimes causes more problems than it solves.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely not, I don't care how good I think it would feel. You should always give it time, whether it occurred through the internet or face to face. Life is to precious to just give it up on the first date. Wait at least until the fourth date when you should know a little more about the person.

  • 5 years ago

    convinced! i'm at present with an excellent chick that I met on a relationship web site. it ought to remember upon the position you stay too...i'm in a metropolitan area so the pool of obtainable women is a amazing length. Dont subscribe until eventually you've quite browsed the area to ascertain if there is every person exciting/appealing. I certainly propose it and that i have commonplace those who've met their spouses on line. this does no longer mean you should stop going out and attempting to satisfy women in human being although. As a guy, you quite ought to make it artwork and deliver emails to women that catch your eye. pictures count number, yet quite study through a lady's profile to ascertain if she quite is exciting. clone of in human being, be polite, supply a praise, and note something you've in problem-loose.

  • I don't know but I ended up making out with someone online on the first date. Slept together during our 2nd month and now we're on our third month.......Maybe we're speedinf things up but he's perfect. I mean you get to talk to the person a lot before you actually meet them so you know more about them...

  • 1 decade ago

    I met my husband from a internet dating site and we did not have sex on the first date. If i remember correctly we didn't have sex until we declared our relationship after about 2 months. We did however on our first did hooked-up.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "A recent survey" done by WHO?!?!?!?!?

    If this was done by someone like a CONDOM company - it's called MANIPULATING numbers...

    First, what is the definition of "dating site" that they used - because they are probably talking about sites DESIGNED for people to "hook up"!

    That is the ENTIRE point of sites like craisglist, and the "Intimate Encounters" section of Lavalife ;);););););)

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are you asking? Hoping to get lucky on your first date?

  • 1 decade ago

    I lasted till the third date!! LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm i dont think this is true but i wish it was

    i guess the old dude on eharmony commericals is doin a good job!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    no, unless that is what you were looking for the in the first place..but I wasn't looking for that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if i felt right? wow thats a loaded question. of course i would!!!

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