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Fellow R&P Users: have you ever been offended by a question in here?

This is inspired by the sudden disappearance of the "get low" question.

Have you ever been offended by anything that has been posted in R&P? And what would it take for you to report a question or an answer in here?


Silver - OK, that's pretty bad...


Update 2:

Rckets - it was a question from a young man about music suggestions while he "gets low" with ladies.

I've never seen a question get deleted so quickly in here before...

Update 3:

Hi, Beatle fanatic!

Update 4:

James... *giggle*

Update 5:

Mike - I know what you mean about the thumbs down...

Update 6:

Bettei - I know EXACTLY what you mean... :)

Update 7:


Update 8:

Spooky - Moms rock! :)

Update 9:

Hey, Tesla Girl!

21 Answers

  • Rckets
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was offended that particular question got deleted before I had a chance to answer it. :)

    Seriously, not much offends me. If anything, this place would be even more amazing if several unnamed individuals (no one during the day shift) weren't quite so thinned skinned about their music or bands. The only things that I find offensive consist of:

    1. Anything racist, or when some blowhard comes into this room, blaming the present company for attacks against hip-hop instead of taking it up directly with that person.

    2. Any sort of personal attack against a user.

    As far as everything else goes, it should be fair game. If you want to rip on a band or a certain genre, that should be protected speech in here. I'm far more offended by the senseless reporting and that Yahoo encourages a system that protects trolls and snitches.

    I saw the question, but it was deleted right after I read it. Crude yes, but I confess it made me laugh a little. I could actually imagine a Will Farrell character from a movie saying those words.

  • Hey Sookie! :)

    I have never been offended in the R&P section. I have found that other sections haven't been as easy going and open minded though. I used to spend quite a bit of time in the Immigration section and it was like an all out grudge match. Everyone insulted one another and were out to see who could break who first. I guess it's ok if you are out to make as many enemies as you can in a day, but who needs enemies?

    What I like about the R&P section is the large majority of regulars who all share their boring days together exchanging funny, interesting and informative questions and answers. We are all kind of a fun, quirky virtual family here and it's nice how we can all get along so well.

    Also, I think anyone who chooses to participate in Y!A should be moderately resilient since there will always be someone at some point who does not agree with your opinion. This is all just for fun and shouldn't be taken too overly serious.

    I have to comment on the feet thing. I don't remember who the guy was, but I do remember someone constantly asking feet related questions. I sent him a message asking if he had a foot fetish and he told he did and couldn't get enough of feet, then he ended off asking me how big my feet were. I wouldn't say I was offended by that, but creeped out... MOST DEFINITELY! lol

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get offended by much. Personal attacks kinda tick me off, but for the most part, I'm thick skinned. Most of this is due to the fact that I have a very morbid sense of humor. I have, however, offended many people in the past with some of my questions, and got reported. I can only think of a few times in my life that I have let something on the interwebz, tv or radio offend me. This may have something to do with the theory that was handed down to me by my mom- never give someone else the power to offend you, why should what they say matter. Gotta love the mommy, lol.

  • sylvia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In R&P? No. I've never been offended by a question in R&P.

    I've been annoyed, often beyond words at some of the questions here, but there's a very, very distict difference between finding someone to be pesky or annoying and flat-out offensive.

    Now in some OTHER categories, I've been offended. I've seen some questions that were truly asked for no other reason than to incite controversy. Not to be funny, or provocative or even a little off-color. Just flat-out incindiary.

    And before anyone who posts in another category gets concerned I mean offensive, I'm talking using vulgar racial slurs, etc.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, i can't say that i have. It's very difficult to offend me in the music sense, maybe impossible. Because i listen to rock and heavy metal, i've had to put up with a lot of crap over the years but i just shrug it off. I would NEVER report someone over what music they listen to, not even the MCR and FOB fans. If, however, i felt that there was a personal attack made against me or my family, that i would definitely consider reporting because there is no need for that sort of thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I went to lunch and must have missed the "Get Low" question. But to answer yours , its hard for someone to offend me but I am with Jake on the rap people coming on here and bashing rock. there should not even be any comparison of the Rap verses Rock. lol Thats just wrong on so many levels.

    I hate spamming of boards, I think thats the only time I would report. Other then that I try to over look the trash, which I hardley see on here.

  • GK Dub
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not offended by much either. As most people have said, personal attacks are uncalled for. One time, I answered a question honestly and maturely, and even provided a source to back up my answer. But some other answerer didn't agree with me and totally ripped into me calling me "gay" and an "idiot". I couldn't see how providing a truthful answer compromised my intelligence or sexuality....oh well, teenagers.

    I wasn't offended by the "get low" question, in fact I even answered it. I did think it was kind of dumb though...especially the term "get low."

  • I dont see why anything here should offend anyone. It's the internet. After having lived through the Jerry Springer era, the Marilyn Manson era, the President Bush era, why would a silly question from someone you dont know who lives on the other side of the world offend anyone? It doesn't offend me anyway. But i'm not easily shocked. I'd LIKE to be shocked.

    The presence of certain contributors offends me, however. Not naming any names, but a certain Prada wearer offends me. And a certain person who hoped that we choke offended me before that, until i warmed to her.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I haven't been offended by any questions or answers. I've taken little things to heart, but that's because I'm silly and have an emo inside me waiting to come out.

    I don't know what it would take to make me report someone to be honest, probably racist or homophobic comments - but even then, I'd feel bad. I don't agree with what someone says but does that mean that I should attempt to censor them? Someone may take equal offence to me criticising a particular music genre, and their reasons for reporting would be perfectly justified if we went by what /we/ as individuals find offensive, if that makes sense..

    I don't know, I'm just a wally.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's that Sookie? Foot sniffing doesn't do it for you?

    There's really only one thing that offends me, and that is to be stereotyped. If you live in the south long enough, it's bound to happen; but it just p*sses me off.

    In other news today, Mike has got a stalker.

    Follow the thumbs down trail and see who it leads to.

    I've either tinkled in somebody's Wheaties or there are some Mother Love Bone haters out there today.

    NP: "Capricorn Sister" - Mother Love Bone

    Edit: Amen James.... A-MEN!

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