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Ron Paul, muffled by Fox, wows Jay Leno? Politics Again?

It's not easy for a 72-year-old, 10-term congressman from Texas, who once before ran for president on the Libertarian ticket, to get much media attention. He's been polling a long time in single digits. But then a couple of things happened. Paul's thousands of outspoken, fervent followers set a new one-day fundraising record and reaped almost $20 million for him in the fourth quarter, likely more than any other GOP candidate. I believe this guy speaks for most of Americans (main categories anyway). He's on the Republin card, but is an actual Libertarian. Any thoughts on him?

Here is the interview in case you missed it

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think people should educate themselves about the issues of today, inflation, recession, foreign policy, and other issues of importance.

    They should also look into why things are the way they are. Why is the dollar losing value? What events in the past several decades have led up to the current state or our relations with other countries, particularly the countries of the middle east? What are our rights and liberties and how has our government managed to strip, little by little, some of these from us and why???

    Then look at the records of all candidates, their platforms, and their plans for dealing with the current issues.

    If the American people continue to keep picking candidates to vote for simply because they cry, or they have polished speech-giving skills, or they come off as "someone I'd like to have a beer with", its going to be no surprise if we get another unscrupulous self-serving moron into the White House.

    Ron Paul in '08!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If media excludes from the debate a legitimate candidate who raises $20M , you can bet they have an agenda. Their recent attempts to smear him with allegations of racism are just one of their little tricks. Dr. Ron Paul is neither a kook nor a racist. He has a solid background in economy and international affairs and best of all, he did not lose his common sense. With him, we may go through a recession, without him we may be heading for a depression.

    Think about this: why do all the personal financial gurus recommend that you pay your debt, and yet our government borrows and spends like there is no tomorrow? Are your tax dollars spent well? Think really hard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In one town, 31 people voted for him, but the official report said that 0 people did. He is not only being muffled, votes for him are not being counted. If he got the sanr coverage as hillery or the others, he would win by the biggest landslide in history.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree. If Ron Paul supposedly dosen't pose a threat, why do they keep censoring him?

    Take a look at this cartoon.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree on most of the issues. hes consistent to the constitution. fox hates him because hes against the war. hes my favorite candidate in the whole election.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he spoke for most Americans, he would not be polling in single digits.Granted, his followers raised alot of money but that won't buy an election. I do not agree at all with his politics and will not be voting for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jay didn't know it was Ron Paul. He thought one of his comedy writers crossed the picket line.

  • 1 decade ago

    Weird little man with no chance of winning the Republican nod.

  • 1 decade ago

    There was always something about him that seemed strange to me, and I wasn't surprised to find out about the "Ron Paul Report," and his racist rants about Black people and Jewish people.

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