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McCain singing "Bomb, bomb, Iran" - Funny or sick?

Here is the video where he sing the answer to a question about Iran

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is disgusting. Thank you for calling it to my attention. God help the U S

  • 1 decade ago

    That video is misleading for the simple fact that he says bomb Iran but after the saying what did he say. It cut off instead of giving the whole story. Garbage like that which is leading but undecised is one of the reasons why we are in the condition we are in right now. If he said after that he thinks that would be a bad idea I would agree with him. but I he said that's what we need to do then he's a fool. We have the power to make a glass factory out of Iran in about 2 hours but then we would have to deal with the countries we pissed off by doing that. USA is a powerful country a could woop any country's butt. saying that though we might have a little difficulty fighting 2 countries or 3 or 4 or 5 at the same time so that might not be a good idea. Like Ron White said "I don't know how many it would take to woop my butt but I do know how many they was gonna use and that's a good number to know in a situation like that"

  • 1 decade ago

    I was more surprised than upset. He seems to have a cold maybe he was just being cute, But these days we are looking for a President. And with two Democrats trying to kill each with slander ,Guess we have a mess huh? If somebody don't soon get serious, We may end up with anything for President.then we can all kiss our rears good by. Time for Democrats and Republicans to stand up and tell them all get serious or get out of the race. Bottom line.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    He lost my vote after I stated it. Now who the hell am I meant to vote for? No not all vets discover it humorus, if he became making a music it about Viet Nam possibly i'd reduce him some slack. I truly have a life, i wish he loses now and he can get a sparkling life contained in the personal sector. i imagine all that think about captivity fried his mind. 2 months of solitary confinement can do irreparable damage, what did 2 years do to him?

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  • Beanie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What I like about McCain is lack of political correctness. This is the candidate who has the cajones to begin a campaign speech for the presidency with a joke about 2 drunk Irishmen. He's like your Grandpa telling slightly dirty jokes. You know it's wrong but it's still funny.

    I think our next leader has to have the ability to take life less seriously sometimes, however possible war is not one of those times. I'm definitely not a McCain supporter and disagree with him on most of the issues, but I will defend him and say that I think his song was an attempt to lighten the room after a very tense question. But he is wrong to turn the possible death of thousands into a 'cute little ditty.'

  • 1 decade ago

    This was the first I have heard of it but I have to tell you, I think it is being taken way out of context. It was a joke.... obviously.

    If you think Iran isn't a serious threat to the USA you are sadly mistaken. Geez, it is amazing how quickly people forget!

    Look they are trying to provoke out war ships to fight! This is the SECOND time, we just didnt hear much about ther 1st one.

    I say we should have bombed them years ago!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thinks it's definately a bad move on his part, even if he's joking. Someone who has been in politics as long as he has should know that this video can come back to bite him in the rear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Purple
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Last time I checked bombing and wars weren't funny.

    What's scary is he wants to be our president!

  • 1 decade ago

    not funny, and he should not be president. we will be in another war within 1 year of him taking office. how can he deal with foreign leaders to secure peace treaties and hes joking about bombing them before he even gets elected. we do not need another bush. and mccain is x military, how can he joke about starting another war. sick.

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