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Why do people still think that soldiers in Iraq are protecting us?

Iraq had nothing to do with our security. There were no WMDs and staying in Iraq at this point is just occupying a country and killing more people in 5 yrs than Sadaam did in 30. Bush has committed war crimes. It's very sad that the world court doesn't execute and try war criminals anymore...


So you think it's just the media that's saying there are no WMDs? I pity you then.

Update 2:

Yes, I realize we will be occupying the country for years, but that's sad. We shouldn't have been there in the first place, but now that we are...we need to make a swift exit.

Update 3:

I agree that it is MOSTLY muslim v muslims, but that whole thing was set off by the illegal US invasion. Yes, they have differing views (Shiite and Sunni) but they worked together much better before we moved in. Now, it's approaching genocide. Someone tell me why Bush chose to remove Sadaam instead of spending the billions to improve healthcare and education or aid developing countries instead?

Update 4:

I don't doubt that soldiers died in real wars like WWII for my freedom here, but I have a friend who died in Iraq and I don't try and fool myself about it: I know that he died for nothing. People say we are helping the Iraqis, but as I said, many more have died as a result of our occupation than under Sadaam.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because Americans are so politically ignorant and functionally illiterate they will believe the most preposterous bullsh--t that the government wishes them to believe.

    The VETS posting here are the WORST suckers for these lies. I can't believe they are still lapping this crap up. You'd think some of them would know better by now the difference between a just war and a useless one. I sure learned.

    The very concept that our "freedoms" are being defended in Iraq sad, too, considering that people have to die for this cruel joke.

    Countries are destroyed from within, not without.

    Damn Bush to hell for killing these fine troops.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Is a firefigher a hero for working right into a burning construction to shop a toddler? of direction. the adaptation is the "burning construction" is around the globe, the place we'd desire to maintain it. as long as there is scuffling with or rigidity positioned on the extremists of their very own territory, the probabilities of a sizeable terrorist attack on residing house soil is lessoned. that's how they're heroes and the way they shield the yank way of lifestyles. we've freedoms that could slowly circulate away if we had to improve anti-terrorism rules to guard the individuals. The police can not do it themselves, so ferderal brokers/troops could could be interior the cities and counties taking strikes. This lowering the organic rights and privileges we get exhilaration from in the present day. to declare the are accurately compensated is the overstatement of the 300 and sixty 5 days. those adult adult males and gals are paid slightly above poverty to probability their lives able that's mentally, bodily, and ven spiritually antagonistic each waking 2nd. i could analyze it to a black guy in Alabama or Viriginia for the period of the top of the racial tensions. not wanted, or wanted lifeless. those adult adult males, women and young babies had to stay like that. have been they paid. they did not actually have a call yet not often are they spoke of as heores. a minimum of those squaddies are given some money. yet make no mistake the money isn't why they do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Iraq has a lot to do with our security situation. We have not had another 911 attack because we are fighting terrorists on there own lands and not in out back yards. There were WMD's, but of course the U.N. and Democrats want to delay the invasion to give Sadaam plenty of time to step down and avoid the invasion. On paper that sounds great but in reality it gave him all the time he need to ship them to Syria as he did before the invasion. Its not President Bush's fault the U.N. and Democratic senators wanted him to delay the invasion. We have not killed more people in Iraq then Sadaam. Keep in mind there are far more murders he committed then know, the ones was able to cover up. American Soldiers do not kill innocent civilians. The large numbers of deaths that are reported on news broadcasts are from insurgent forces and Iraqi on Iraqi fighting. Most of the fighting that is Iraqi on Iraqi is over the different Muslim religion denominations, Sunni's and Shiite’s. The fact of the matter is media news is only going to broadcast the bad things that happen and over look all the good progress over there because violence sells. Bush has not committed any war crimes! The World Court does still try war criminals but there have not been many committed by American Service Members. There have been a few but those were handled appropriately by the military in the World Courts view so there was no need to intervene. As a U.S. Army Soldier I’m proud of what we have done over in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is so many more accomplishment then you will ever know because you have not been there and seen the things I have seen. If you were there it would in lighten you and change you views on this issue because you get the entire story and not just the parts the media shows.

    In responce to you additional details:

    I was in Kuwait waiting to get the word to go home or invade. I remember getting Intel updates stating that Sadaam was using the time line as an opportunity to ship the WMD out on rail car into to Syria.

    The whole thing was not set of by an Illegal war there was true inelegance stating he had them. Like I said in previously he shipped them out before the deadline. The only reason the Sunnis and shiites got along under the Sadaam rein is because he ruled with an iron fist and killed anyone who opposed his views and beliefs much the same as the Nazis of World War II. Bush chose to remove Sadaam because he was developing WMD’s that he would eventually us on U.S. military and U.S. civilians oversees. The U.S. has spent millions of dollars on rebuilding Iraq’s infrastructure. Things such as schools, universities, hospitals, health clinics, medical aid, Doctor training programs, police stations, power plants, water plants, sewage plants, road improvements, market improvements, and countless other projects to improve there way of life.

    I had friends who died in Iraq to. They died bravely and honorably defending American citizens. By there actions in Iraq and Afghanistan they have prevented the next generation of would be 911 type attackers.

    Source(s): U.S. Army Combat Engineer 13 years and counting!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You leftists liberals are pieces of dog turds. Oh I hope I did not offend you. I used my constitutional right of free speech to call you that. Hmmmm, I believe that I served to give myself and every other American that right.

    Well guess what? You offend me when you spout off crap such as saying we have killed more people in 5 years than Saddam did in 30. Get your head out of your @ss, and actually learn about his reign.

    If you think President Bush has committed war crimes, start a petition to put it on the House floor to put him on trial. You wont, because you are a lazy bum, who just likes to just sit his fat @ss at his computer and spout off crap. Oh, did I offend you? Well, I am just using my freedom of speech.


    USN ret.

    Uh oh, the anti-Bushies giving thumbs down, tell me why you disagree with what I said.

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  • Why do you believe the NEWS MEDIA that's only purpose is to make money for their company's medium?? You are not told everything by the military because the world can not handle the whole truth.


    @dded : Lack of the Military verifying or denying the retrieval of WMDs to the world does not mean none were found. The world had proof ( WMDs are NOT JUST Nuclear in nature They include Biological, chemical, conventional explosives), Saddams gasing of the Kurds was proof of WMDs!Please give proof of any countable war crimes committed by Pres.Bush

  • 1 decade ago

    You sound like a bumper sticker writer. There WERE WMDS found and if we pull out now the country will collapse just like Somalia, only thing is Somalia doesn't have Iraq next door waiting to come in and take over MOST of the world's supply of oil.

  • 1 decade ago

    List major attacks against American civilians by Islamic extremists since 9/11... You know why you can't? Because we're over there taking the bullet for you. They're so preoccupied with pushing "the infidels" out that they haven't been able to carry out that sort of planning and coordination.

    You're welcome...

    Source(s): 2 yrs and counting - US Army Intelligence
  • 1 decade ago

    Face facts. We are going to be there until Iraq is a stable country. It may take 10-15 years, but we will not abandon the task at hand. And Iraq has everything to do with our security. This was a hotbed for terrorist training. As is Iran now. We should and will take any measures needed to ensure our survival.

  • Shan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Let me be the first to invite you, to leave. It is apparent that you are dissatisfied with this country and it's government. You seem to forget that had you lived in Iraq, and questioned the government, you would have been deceased by nightfall. This is a free country for a reason. Freedom isn't free, it is paid for, by the blood of each generation of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, men and women, willing to answer the call, to do what it takes to ensure the continued freedom of this great nation.

    As you are willing to reap the benefits of their sacrifice, while complaining about it, please, feel free to move to another country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know as well as I do fighting in Iraq has nothing to do with our security. But war supporters will never admit that. the troops have died for nothing. and you know what? No one really cares about the poor troops. Look around you. No one is thinking about the troops and everyone is going about their business. troops are dead. Out of sight and out of mind.

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