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Is it illegal to pretend a baby you are babysitting for is yours?

My 23 year old niece has always had mental problems but never enough to really warrant therapy (which she refused to do anyway) or committment. SHe has faked 6 pregnancies and is now parading a baby around as if it were her own. We have no doubt she has never been preg, and there are a hundred inconsistencies in her story. The problem is, is it really illegal for her to pretend this baby is hers as long as she returns it to her rightful parents? Its' a baby she babysits for and we dont know who the parents are (she locks us out of her life alot)_and we're sure the parents do not know she's doing this. She's told her father and ex boyfriend that the baby is hers (and his) even tho it doesnt look ANYthing like either of them. (They're white, baby has asian in her.) Can we involve the police, mental health, what? We want to get her help but don't know where to go.


Oh yes I am a mother myself of one and about to deliver number two. (which is a factor in my relationship with my niece because I do not want her around. I seriously am concerned she'd try to do somethign to me or my baby to be.)

We don't know who the parents are and she shelters herself from all her family. All we get are bits and pieces of info from her and she lies CONSTANTLY. All we know for sure if no one has EVER seen proof that she really was preg and this baby cannot physically be hers. Trust me, if I knew who the parents were I'd find them and tell them what's she's doing. But we can't even get her close enough to listen to reason. She has asked for money but not from the ex boyfriend. I didn't think about the fraud issue, I will definitely speak with her mother about that. We're tryign to decide if its safe to try and do an intervention or not.

Update 2:


Trust me we've known for years she needed mental help. But we live in a post-Katrina world in Southern Louisiana. THe mental health system here is SHOT and horrible. She has no insurance, and to my knowledge you cannot committ someone unless you can prove she is a danger to herself and others. She was in therapy as a teen (paid for by her parents) but refused to open up to the doc and address all the real issues at heart.

I think we do have the Good Samaritan law here but our main concern is scaring her further away from us and then she wont' even speak to us at all--then how can we help her?

There is no mental health system to get her into here so that is a huge part of the problem.

Update 3:

Hi. Just ti clarify the 'really warrant' statement. I mean she was always kinda of kid in trouble. Stealing, small lies, major trust issues. Stuff that needed therapy but not committment to a hospital. She did receive therapy as a teen for a 'attempted suicide' (not really an attempt, more a cry for help.) but she would only tell the docs what they wanted to hear enough for her to get out. She's progressed worse and worse and sometimes it has been subtle. As she grew into an adult, she pushed most of her family aside so we find out information after it happens or from others--too late for us to do anything. That is the problem we face, by law I don think we can prove she is a danger to herself or others so we cant have her committed and we cant find out who these parents are (she wont even tell us where she lives, just talks online sometimes to us). So we're still kinda stuck but I appreciate everyones answers! :)

Especially teh fraud angle with money, didnt think of that!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If she is making false statements in order to get someone to act those statements, it can be fraud. For example, claiming the baby is hers on tax return, or applying for benefits, or suing for child support, etc.

    Otherwise, probably not a legal issue.

    If you can't speak to the parents and choose to report her to the police or CPS based on just what you have said here, that could be legally dangerous for you. Calling the baby her own is not dangerous to the baby and is not a matter for CPS or the police. If you make a report and get the ball rolling on what turns out to be a baseless investigation, your niece and the parents could turn the legal tables around and sue you.

    On the other hand, if you have first hand information that this child is in real danger of physical harm or kidnapping, report it.

    EDIT for Barry C - I am not trying to discourage anyone from taking legitimate action, but just identifying potential issues. As we see here on YA, people want to sue other people all the time for slander and defamation. There is a risk, even in California, that someone may sue after a closed investigation. Whether they win or not is another thing altogether. And state laws will vary as to protection afforded to "good Samaritans".

    I'm also a little confused here about the mental state of this girl. Her problems did not even "really warrant" therapy before, but now that she is proudly, sadly, showing off a baby as her own, she is dangerous?

    The additional details also now state that mental health resources are limited. Hmm. What to do. I guess I would follow her and find out where this baby actually lives. Then I would talk to the parents.

    But beyond that, I really cannot see any grounds for CPS, police involvement or any involuntary mental health intervention.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sheesh, how much evidence do you guys need before trying to get her mental health care?

    Call social services and get her in the system for a full evaluation, and then go from there.


    Raicha, whose opinions I usually find well founded, wrote:

    > If you can't speak to the parents and choose to report her to the police or CPS based on just what you have said here, that could be legally dangerous for you. Calling the baby her own is not dangerous to the baby and is not a matter for CPS or the police. If you make a report and get the ball rolling on what turns out to be a baseless investigation, your niece and the parents could turn the legal tables around and sue you.

    That is simply not true, at least not here in California. You are protected by good Samaritan laws for placing the calls, and you may do so anonymously. Unlikely to be significantly different in other states, but YMMV.

    Her health care providers or others she comes into contact with regularly may also be mandated reporters - you can bring the issue to their attention.

    Source(s): My gf is a psychologist handing similar cases.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a very dangerous situation for that baby. If your neice is unstable she should not be babysitting anyone's child. Try to find out if she picks up the baby in the morning or if it is dropped off, it is important enough for someone in the family to do this, for the baby's sake. If the parents are seen by doing this, let them know she has had mental problems and is telling people the baby is hers. I'm sure they will no longer let her take care of their child. The boyfriend should ask for a dna test to prove the child is not his and if she doesn't allow it he should tell her he is going to get it done legally. This might make her tell the truth. Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummmm, are you a mom yourself? If a mentally ill person was even watching your child while you ran to get the mail, wouldn't you want to know?

    This could turn into a MAJOR issue and the parents of that baby should be alerted to her history right away!

    Holy cow! This is exactly why I do not hire in babysitters for my children. My mom or mother in law only watch my children and I get nervous about that!

    You can not trust anyone these days!!!!

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  • sailor
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hi, You are in a sticky situation in many respects. I hope she is really babysitting for someone and hasn't made off with a baby from somewhere. That would be my first concern since you don't know whose baby it is and why she is posing as its mother. The Louisianna version of Child Protective Services might be the place to start even if the child is hers and you question her mental stability.

    I doubt it is illegal for her to pretend she is the mother or if it is illegal, not going to be pursued by anyone unless she threatens to harm the baby or take off with the baby.

    Maybe you or her mother(or both) can drop in on her one evening and see if the baby is with her at night. Her mother might be better suited to it if she is willing to possibly confront her daughter.

    Good luck- M

  • 1 decade ago

    HOLY CRAP! if this was my child I would be fuming! You should notify the parents of the baby or the police ASAP before something happens to the child while in her care. It sounds like she needs medical attention right away. It may not be illegal but it is definitely no normal or right!

  • 1 decade ago

    She is 23 theres not much you can do unless shes hurting the baby or herself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lying is not illegal unless it is done for the purposes of defrauding someone. If she is saying "please give me money to help support my new baby" she could be arrested for fraud.

    if she is just running around saying "isn't my baby cute?" then no law is being broken.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get her to a dr to see if she is ,sorry, 'all there' cause if she is doing this now, she might even steal a baby one day.You never know.Get help asap.hope this helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that can be dangerous for her and the child.

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