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Lv 6
Q-mama asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

Chocolate Chip Cookie Lovers?

This isn't a question, but I've answered enough cookie recipes on here so I know there are cookie people out there and wanted to share this recipe.

My husband loves my choc chip cookies but I wanted to make something a bit different tonight. I found this recipe online:

I didn't have enough brown sugar though so I used about 1/3C of brown, 2/3 of white, and added a tablespoon and a half of dark molasses.

They just came out of the oven and are AMAZING! Can't wait for the boys to get home. Hope you like them too.

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    great recipe, thank you, coming from an upcoming baking and pastry chef, keep up the good work and keep sharing, and ignore peoples ignorant responses, you can say whatever you like on here.

    By the way, I've gotten some awesome recipes off that web site myself, if you like cheesecake, they have an excellent recipe on there from new york style cheesecake to strawberry cheesecake, enjoy, and happy baking to ya!!

  • 1 decade ago

    How funny is that!!

    I am baking some tonight for my husby too, they are in the oven right now...

    Well I always make as the recipe tells me to, because he says "chocolate chip cook is good as pure they are..."

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    have not tried that. I purely shop them to the tip and revel in purely the cookie dough.....yet i admire cookie dough or bread dough! whilst i circulate right into a Subway and that they've the dough elevating I purely prefer to ask for slightly to consume appropriate then. shop the sandwich!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok dont get on here if ur not gonna solve or ask questiond

    Source(s): my brain duh
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