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cracked memory stick pro with holiday photos lost!!!?
hey, i just came bak from a once in a lifetime holiday, and i took heaps of life long remembering photos on a memory stick pro duo. we were running out of mem cards, so we decided to bring it to a shop in hong kong to burn it onto a dvd/cd. they said it would be 20 mins, so we walked around, and wen we arrived, they said they didnt have to correct software to burn, so i said ok its fine, but then i opened up my mem card case, and it was cracked!! i tried to put it in, and the digital camera did not recognise the stick!!! i am so upset and angry rite now! all my photos are all gone, i went on a happy holiday and i was thinking about how cool it would be to show friends and family and keep them forever, now there gone!! is there any way to fix it or recover the photos from the card!!!! PLEASE im so desperate!!
the crack it (if u place it right way up,), about 1 third into the stick. it isnt really big, but u can see a bend in it. does anyone know if it is recoverable?? thnx!!!
1 Answer
- mazdamanLv 41 decade agoFavorite Answer
have you tried it in your PC. They're pretty robust I've had one trodden on and smashed and it worked, one went through the washing machine and still works. Depends where the crack is and if it's damaged the circuit board or the chip - I may just have been lucky. Maybe the muppets in the shop used the wrong software alright and ended up formatting it, then smashed it to hide their incompetance hoping you'd blame it on the next place you tried.
I know just how you feel. Got a camera stolen in New Zealand, irreplaceable pictures of dolphins alongside our diveboat, volcanoes. And a phone stolen with video of my 3 year old singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to cheer me up on the day my wife asked for a divorce. Keep the gear, gimme the memory card.