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house sale?

me and my pattner are splitting up and she wants to buy me out. how much can i expect?


we bought house 4 £86000 and is valued at £105000 both our names are on mortgage and we have no children

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    depends on the price of the house. if she has your kids she may may be entitled to more than half. if its a joint mortgage would imagine its half and half. just get the house valued and sell her your half. you would be best to speak to a solicitor i reckon. its a shame that it has come to this. best of luck with everything.

  • For it to be fair on both people then you should get half of the equity of the home. If you feel like taking less than do so. But If I were making the payments also I would want half. If this isn't acceptable to both parties then sell and split the proceeds.

  • :-)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    it depends on what % you agree upon (I'd suggest getting this all in writing..preferably by a lawyer). USUALLY..though..its a 50/50 split of whatever the sale price is (minus Realtor fees, etc)


    You didn't mention whether or not BOTH of your names were on the title to the house. If YOU'RE the only on on it, and you're not married to your partnet..chances are that you can fight him/her for the whole amount. Likewise if he/she is the one listed on the title, and not you.

  • Rana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


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  • half of the equity that is in your home

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