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Do you think there should be a return of spirituality to the class room?

General spirituality, not endorsing any particular religion


A moment of silence is just the right kind of idea ...

19 Answers

  • Doc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a practicing Christian. I make it a point to pray daily and study my Bible, attending study groups at least twice weekly -- more if time permits. Having said that (and I live in the deep south), I'd like to see prayer reinstated but not a singular course on religion. Here's my reasoning: if you find prayer offensive, that's your problem, not mine. But if you make it a point to offer the study of only one religion then you you short change the students when it comes to opening their eyes to the rest of the world. AND, if you should pick a religion I would not be willing to teach or practice at home, or teach a derivative of my chosen religion, I'd be inclined to challenge the teacher/school board. Teaching an all encompassing course is not realistic. I have my opinions and beliefs about other "religions" and I'd hate like hell to have some knucklehead filling my kid's brain full of mush.

    Source(s): I go to the rest room every morning at 10 religiously... There is a vast difference between being religious and being spiritual.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think encouraging students to find a niche in life, in something more since science has proven even if the 'big bang' theory was true, there would have to be another higher force that made that bang happen.

    Students should be informed of facts and all religion, like I am at my Catholic school where we study world religions, 3 or 4 a year so we are informed but this is Canada. Im not sure where you live.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, that belongs at home not at school. Spirituality is an intensely personal thing and I don't believe it can really be taught, it comes from within and not from without.

    If anything, I would say a class emphasizing compassion for all living beings, other humans and animals should be included.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is the familys job to teach there own children what they beleave when it comes to spirituality, these days there are so many different opinons on spirtuality, That you may have different beliefs being taught to your children. Maybe learning good morals as far as treating each other nicly and repecting there fellow student so that we dont end up with bullys and then victoms of them that go crazy.

    But it is kind of hard to teach spirituality without input on your own religion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think so. However, society these days would never go for it..

    People are all for equal rights but it is the rights that "they" care about.

    It doesn't matter if the majority agrees with spirituality.. the few that would oppose it are the ones that would "win".

    I am a Christian and homeschool my children... I found public school in our district to be disgusting and a place that I would NEVER send my children back to.

    I also have to say that I would just like to see all the children able to speak English... (it would help if the parents did also).

    Source(s): Mom...
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds good in theory, but there are just too many religions and belief systems to define spirituality in a lesson.

    I think we should have theology classes in high school. 1 semester...give every student a good background on all religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, absolutely not. Instead, make students take a history of world religions so that they can better grasp the role that religion and spirituality has played in shaping ancient and modern societies.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Classes based on religious analysis could be elective courses that are optional, but I don't feel spirituality should be present in the classroom because it fosters descrimination.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only if it could be proven to me that a return to spirituality would make kids better at math and science. If not, it seems like a waste of time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well being that we have taken religion out of schools, we have also taken some history out of our schools. Kids don't learn about it now until they go off to college, and then they wonder why they never learned about it sooner. I think that kids should be allowed to express themselves, and when they can't even talk about religion with someone else at school isn't right.

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