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Lv 4
<3 asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 1 decade ago

HELP im so SCARED! answer!?

I am 13 years old.....and today i was in the shower (but i noticed it earlyer that day) and while i was washing my body i noticed a bump like near my nipple on my right boob and it hurt when i touched it and after . u cant tell if u just look at it you have to touch it and IM SCARED! IS IT CANCER OR WHAT ? PLEASE HELP! ANSWER!

what are symptoms of breast cancer ? and is it supposed to hurt!

Right now and scince this morning its been hurting at that spot !!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's more likely to be a cyst. Cysts are harmless fluid filled sacks. If a cysts is infected in can cause pain and could eventually erupt that is why you need to see a doctor to make sure of what it really is. Cysts are simply removed by using a needle that is stuck into the cyst and the fluied is drained out there are also pills you can take. I HIGHLY DOUBT it is breast cancer because it is nearly impossible to get breast cancer at the age of 13 or even under the age of 18. You should visit a doctor anyways because it could be somthing completely different.

  • 1 decade ago

    No need to be scared yet, or ever for that matter. I got over cancer (Leukemia) myself, and am doing great now. But, it is something to be concerned with and have looked at. Might be nothing, or it might be something, but let a doctor decide. Talk with your mom, and schedule a doctor appointment as soon as possible to have it looked at.

    I have to make this comment here though - Garden By M (who answered you) is a complete idiot for telling you that "little girls don't get cancer." That is a complete lie. I hope everyone pays attention to that. (And for that matter, men can get it too.)

    From one cancer website -

    While breast cancer is less common at a young age (i.e., in their thirties), younger women tend to have more aggressive breast cancers than older women, which may explain why survival rates are lower among younger women.

    Also, breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women between 15 and 54. I am not saying that to scare you, but to be factual and upfront. This does NOT mean that you have a reason to be scared. The most important thing to remember is that - IF you happen to ever have it, the faster you have it treated, the better your chances. Understand? That means don't wait to check it out.

    On a better note -

    96% of women who find and treat breast cancer early will be cancer-free after five years. AND

    Over 80% of breast lumps are not cancerous, but benign such as fibrocystic breast disease.

    I'm including some links below for you to check out about breast cancer. This should give you plenty of information to start with. Good luck with everything, and I hope for the best for you.

    Source(s): Breast Cancer Facts - Breast Cancer Risk Calculator - Risk of Breast Cancer by age - Wikipedia: Breast Cancer -
  • 1 decade ago

    My friend had breast cancer and she said that she had no pain where the lump was. I have heard that cancerous lumps usually do not hurt. I can understand you being afraid though. Tell your mom and to put your mind at ease, go to the doctor just to be sure everything is okay. It sounds more like the side effects of developing breasts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest you to visit a doctor.

    Lumps in the breast are one of the first signs of breast cancer.

    Don't freak though and pray to God.

    Always remember, he's with you through all things!

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  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Please don't be scared. It is extremely rare for teenagers to have breast cancer, and your body is developing and changing which can be alarming.

    Do as you've already been advised - talk to your mum, or your school nurse if you have one, or see your doctor. Then you can put your mind at rest.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I had the same thing when I was your age- at least it seems to be. It's the body developing. If you are really scared, don't be ashamed to ask mom. I know it's scary to talk about these things, but it's what's best. If you rather not ask her... whatever it is can be talked about with your school nurse. Trust me, they hear this stuff all the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are growing and your body is changing. Don't be scared. It sounds normal, however you need to see your doctor. It is almost unheard of fo someone your age to get breast cancer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    IM HAVING THE SAME PROB!! i talked to my sister about it..mine are like identicall little balls in the middle of my breast..on my inside NOT on the nipple, but like underit..and it hurts like hell..she said they were just your growing..but talk to your sis or your mom..its really not as awkward as you would think..look on the internet for where to feel for lumps and what they look like and stuff..youll find everying!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    probably a boil, little girls don't get breast cancer......

  • 1 decade ago

    relax and let your mom know

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