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If Obama, an apostate Muslim, is elected, will our relations with Muslim nations be wrecked?

Barak Hussein Obama was apparently a practicing Muslim in his youth, attending Mosque with father. A common requirement in Islam is that those leaving the faith must be killed. Obama now asserts he is Christian. As our President, would he obligate our currently allied Muslim nations to turn against us?

Confirmed: Barack Obama Practiced Islam

by Daniel Pipes


I see a lot of diverging opinions on this issue. What REALLY counts is - what do the Muslims think, regardless of truth? If he attended Mosque with his father, how will they view that and what decisions will they make based on it? In that light, our own opinions do not matter. We must consider how he will be seen and reacted to as our President.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was born of a Muslim father and an atheist mother, who in his own words was "a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, and position paper liberalism." She divorced when he was two years old and remarried another Muslim living in Indonesia, where the young man was educated in Catholic and Muslim schools in one of the most radical Islamic countries in the world. Though his father and stepfather were both Muslim, he tries to mitigate their religion by saying that by the time his mother married them, they had become atheists. After he was ten years old, he mostly was raised by his atheist grandparents.

    The New York Daily News reports that he changed his life in his junior year of college at Columbia: he said he stopped doing drugs, ran three miles a day, and "He went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives..." After graduating Columbia and then Harvard, he began working in Chicago supporting social programs. He recruited a local United Church of Christ Church on a government-sponsored community outreach. Around 1988, he joined the church because, he says, "that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved."

    The United Church of Christ is not to be confused with the "Church of Christ." The United Church of Christ, however, supports homosexual marriage, abortion, environmental justice, globalism, the International Criminal Court, the Palestinian movement and believes that Israel is illegally occupying the covenant land. The UCC seems to conveniently justify and legitimize his beliefs that social progressivism is equal to Christ and he writes in his memoirs that his own salvation was not an "epiphany." He reasoned after his daughter asked about life after death, "I wasn't sure what happens when we die, any more than I was sure where the soul resides or what existed before the Big Bang."

    His name is Barak Hussein Obama. And he is running for President. He is courting evangelical Christians from the pulpit at Rick Warren's Saddleback church and by using public proclamations reported in the news media. Some Christians are saying he is a Democrat that evangelical Christians can support. Many have suggested that his Islamic and atheist upbringing combined with his social progressive membership in the United Church of Christ make him an outstanding presidential candidate. Others believe he may be a threat to the national security. Will the real Obama please stand up? Jesus said in Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. All the article "proved" was that Obama went with his stepfather (Who wasn't a devout Muslim.) to the local Mosque a couple of times. No proof he prayed there, unlike what the article suggests.

    Also the article contends that because he studied Islam as a child for a couple of years he must have been a Muslim; however, it was only because his step-father put down "Muslim" as Barack's religion. I could study Buddhism, but that doesn't make me a Buddhist? My parents registered me as a Catholic when I attended Sunday School, but that doesn't make a mean a mature, devout Catholic right then and there.

    Even if this article is factually accurate, there's still no proof that he was ever a Muslim.

    EDIT: Ok, you wanna know how Muslims feel. Tell me, how many Muslims have called for the death of Barack Obama because of his supposed "apostasy"?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, you posted an article from an obviously biased right-wing site. Thanks, but next time some credible non-biased sources would be appreciated.

    Secondly, you assert that it's a "common requirement" in Islam. Could you please show me where you found that in the Koran? I won't even argue with you about whether it's there or not, all you have to do is show me the passage.

    Thirdly, Obama is a citizen of the U.S. Just as the practice of Christianity varies many places in the world, so does the practice of Islam. American Muslims are very different that Saudi Muslims who are different than Central Asian Muslims, etc. Exactly who practices this doctrine of killing, and why would they presume to assert it over an American citizen?

    (Remember, it's a small sect of crazies, not the entire religion. Keep repeating that to yourself. If Osama bin Laden wants to assert some law like that and turn against us because we elect Obama, what exactly would have changed? You think he wouldn't love the opportunity to take out Bush? ).

    Oh yeah, and all of the above points don't even matter, since he's not Muslim! Lol!

    Source(s): EDIT: I agree with your additional details, but how are we going to know how they think? Are you going to go talk to a Muslim, or are you going to read propaganda like from the site you posted and believe everything you hear? I highly recommend you talk to a Muslim person. I'll admit that I don't know much about the religion, but everytime I have a question I go to the source. It's very enlightening. If you think that Muslims all think like bin Laden, you really need to open your eyes.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm impressed. Every phrase in your question contains a either an outright falsehood or a gross distortion. Obama's father, who was not a practicing Muslim, left the family when Barack was two years old. When Barack lived in Indonesia from ages 6 to 10, he attended Catholic school for 2 years, and a co-educational public school for 2 years. He was never a Muslim. And how could our "relations" with Muslim nations get any worse than they are now? Never mind, I know, the next line about how well the war on Iraq is going.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A common requirement in Islam is that those leaving the faith must be killed? That's funny.

    I'm still not scared.

    You chick, chick chicken...

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, according to Islam, any Muslim who leaves the religion of Islam, should get the death penalty.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's actually a very good question.

    I think some of them might.

    except Saudi Arabia, their government depends on us too much.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question! I don't see how they could be worse, but security would be a real problem if he were to visit a Muslim country...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can you imagine any better candidate for the post? A person willing to give up its religion (for any reason) will be ready to give up anything else, if so convenient, for whatever PRAGMATIC reason.

    What we all tend to push back is that one day, sooner or later, we shall have to face our creator! What are we going to tell him and how are we going to justify all the terrible thing we have done in our lives?

    God Help us All

  • 1 decade ago

    HE'S NOT MUSLIM!!! Of course he went to Mosque with his father, didn't you go to church with your parents? He was never Muslim. Muslims tippically support peace. Muhammed said murder was a lesser form of Jihad. HE WAS NEVER MUSLIM!!!

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