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Why does race & religion play a part in US politics??

As Canadian i am schocked at way highly educated people Are voting and expressing opinons about a perrsons race or sex We dont have that here

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When Bush was elected the first time they had debate and the undecided were asked about who they would vote for. This one woman was asked and her answer was "McCain can give the news media several pages of a story and Bush one paragraph. I'm going to vote for Bush." People vote for the person tells them what they want to hear. They also vote who they like the look of. I vote for the person who has the same ideas as I do. When I met people running for office and they told me they believed what the party did. I stopped them and said, "I'm not voting for the party, I'm voting for you. Tell me way."

  • 5 years ago

    religion is a breeding ground for fanatics. you will find that most religions have extensive histories of violence and through the ages that violence has taken on many different forms to suit the age. today we have greater understandings of how the human mind works therefore when somebody says that god is speaking to them we pop them a pill rather than burn them at a stake. but still there are some darkage ideals with modern twist in use today. religion has become more of an excuse or a scape goat for mass murders, bombings and wars. people become so involved in these movements and follow with misinterpritations of actual meanings. we are stupid beings, laying trust within parchments and the illusion of heaven and hell. if god forgives then at the end of it all, we still go to heaven no matter how bad we have been. look around you, look at the news, the people down the road, wear black and walk into a church. any answer you recieve will be an opinion not an answer. trust in what you think and let it be 'your truth'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're Canadian? Should we care?

    I mean, the President of Iran said they didn't have

    gay people in Iran either.

    It's a fact that the Canadians, kick the

    German/French Arcadians out of Nova Scotia.

    and shipped the men off away from the women and children and

    to places unknown, including America and they ended up

    in New Orleans and other places.

    Racism is everywhere. And if it's not and you don't know the

    difference. You are sprinkle with fairy dust.

    Like sticks with like.

    This doesn't mean it's right nor wrong.

    You go for what you know.

    Ducks like other Ducks. Birds with Birds etc.

    This doesn't mean there is a hate or hatred. It's a

    knowledge of being familiar with things in common.

    Because we are educated and a diverse people, we can

    discuss these issues. It's in our 1st Amendment right.

    Has nothing to do with education.

    Stick to Canadian stuff.

  • Jeff A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    American people are coming to grips with the racism in our past. Most of us want to see it completely erased, but we often differ on how to make that happen. There are some among us who make a living and a name for themselves by trying to reopen old wounds and act like nothing has improved. We've made tremendous strides so far and hope for a time when we are all one.

    To J Mouse....a lot of people, especially celebrities threaten to move if their candidate doesn't get elected. So far, I haven't seen anybody really do it. I'll bet money you won't move either.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It should not. Actually racism is alive and well, but during a hot political race, it's the candidates themselves that try to fuel the flames. The Canadians are way ahead of Americans on race relations... as you can see by some of the ignorant replies you get here. As an American, I offer my apology.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see it in the people I know personally. I live in a big city and work with people (or did before I had my baby...still home with her) from many different religious and ethnic/racial backgrounds. I also am a white person who lives in a predominately black neighborhood. There are still people who are bigots, but I don't think it is to the extreme. That is what sells...the media love to sensationalize everything. It sucks and I think perpetuates the stereotypes and hatred that some people have.

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Too much of our media and public demonstrate small, closed minds. How else can you explain the question of Doug Williams, "How long have you been a black quarterback?" Race and gender . . . and religion, make for easy flammable fodder for our media, and they are just in it for the money in the year 2008. There little press any more, just money hungry media.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    While I really don't believe that there are no racists in Canada, I have no way to prove it, so I will have to take your word for it. We, however much we deny it, are a racist people in one form or another. And that covers gender, race, and religion. It is just the way it is. I have no excuses.

  • 1 decade ago

    Which is why if Ron Paul doesn't win.... I really want to move!!! Seriously I've looked into it but ... other countries are smarter than here in America. They make it more difficult to move there and become a citizen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly it it that way around the world. Why couldn't Tony Blair become a catholic while in office? Why are there seperatists in quebec?

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