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1952 antique stove, thinking of selling it...?

its in VERY good condition, has original purchus receit and original manual. is there a market for this? how do i kno how much its worth? would you buy it?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is always a market for antiques. I suggest just browsing ebay to see what some others are going for that may be similar to yours. Also, most decent size cities have auction houses. You could call them and talk to someone there. You should definitely have it appraised by a professional first, that way you know if you should put a reserve, and if so, how high it should be.

  • 5 years ago

    It depends on the condition of the stove..... plus if it is 40 years old it's not that old considering the antiques that there are..... you shouldn't worry too much about it since you're going to replace it..... but believe you me I would have done it long time ago..... also try going to antique shops....=D

  • cltd
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Do a google search for vintage stove and you'll see that there is indeed a market for them.

    Would I buy it? if it's one like the one my grandmother had I sure would, I loved her stove and it was probably made around that time period.

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