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good book for high school sinors?

i want something that can hold their attention, and has something to do with adventure, sports, challenges or overcoming obsticals. it can be slighty risky. perferably british in orgin, epics are exceptable.

3 Answers

  • Mike
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i read living on the edge of the world, its a book about a homeless girl who struggles with her drug addiction. I hate reading but i actually read this book cover to cover, its a true story too.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Belgariad (2 volumes) by David Eddings

    Storms of Vengeance by John Beachem

    Pyramid by Terry Pratchett

    Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott


  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Vision Quest by Terry Davis

    “The truest novel about growing up since THE CATCHER IN THE RYE.”–John Irving

    “Honest and funny and altogether true to life . . . about people so thoroughly decent and attractive that one wants to reach out and embrace them all.”–Jonathan Yardley, Sports Illustrated

    “Move over, Rocky. Here’s Louden–in a sunny and deft novel for lovers of wrestling, wit, and hang-loose talent.”–Kirkus Reviews

    “The novel is most memorable for clearly evoking, much as Judy Blume does, a certain stage of growing up.”–Publishers Weekly

    Source(s): P.S. Not British - sorry.
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