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Anonymous asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

How would you change baseball?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First and Foremost...speed it up.

    Baseball now sits at a crossroads...what's best for the success of teams and players, is bad for baseball.

    Specifically..the game is now for all intents and purposes a Walk, strikeout and homer game. While this is an incredibly effective way to play the is not a fun way to watch it.

    Baseball is hitting, running, fielding...stealing...excitement.

    Watching pitch after pitch go by...fouling them off...3-2 to every damn batter...waiting for the perfect pitch is not exciting.

    Less walks, less K's, less jogs around the bases...more hit balls..more fielding, more running. You look at some of the stats of the hitters pre-1955...very few walks and strikeouts.

    Joe DiMaggio's career high in K's was 39, as a rookie...and walks was 80. Miniscule numbers by todays standards. Was Joe D that hard to he was, was a hitter...the pitcher threw the ball, and Joe D. hit it. Before a pitcher could even throw a 4th ball or a 3rd strike...Joe was already sitting on second. He rarely saw enough pitches to BB or K. He hit the 1st good one he saw.

    Watching a pitcher throwing to first 5-6-7 times in a row is not exciting. Stealing bases is more exciting. What would happen with a few less throws to first? More attempted steals of course. What you rather see..more steals, or more throws to first?

    Keep batters in the box...if they are not ready to hit..have the pitcher throw it anyway...watching Nomar hit against Trachsel is downright painful.

    A guy breaks a bat...he better have a new ready. Draws a walk..hustle to first.

    Baseball is a great game..the best has elements that no other sport can match. The game, as a game is perfect. Watching kids play it...beautiful.

    We can't imagine the game how it was once played. The pitchers job was not to strike you out...his job was to throw it over, the batters job was to hit it if it was close...the umps job was to call it a strike if it was close. The ump moved the game along...had was getting dark after all.

    So, that is what I would do..slightly enlarge the strike zone. If the batter wants to work the count...he does so at his own peril.

    Pitcher dawdles...ball 1, still dawdling...ball 2

    Batter fidgets with his glove, steps out...goofs around..strike 1

    Limit the throws to hold a runner....have a batboy waiting with a bat in case one breaks. Keep the action going.

    The other things are details...DH or no..inter-league or no...don't care much either way. I want the action of the game.

    As an Angels fan, I hate Vladimir Guerrero. He is probably the dumbest player I ever saw...a cannon arm..but overthrows the cutoff man every game...very good speed on the bases..the worst judgment I ever saw...swings at everything. A very poor percentage player...what he an exciting player. We need more Guerreros and less Youkilis's, more Ichiro's and less Giambi's, more Reyes's and less Papi's..

    Anyway, that is what I would do...keep the excitement going.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would get rid of interleague, there is something special about only being able to see certain matchups in the World Series. My team saw their WS matchup multiple times in Interleague earlier, something felt off, would've been cooler for history if this wasn't the case, in my opinion

    I would get rid of the unbalanced schedule. Everyone plays every other team in their league the same number times.

    I would probably move some teams around too though. I'd like the Milwaukee Brewers back in the AL

    -To everyone saying salary cap for competitiveness, look at some of the moves Pittsburgh has made in the past. Giving away young talent to the Cubs for nothing? Trade for Matt Morris? Why?

    The lower clubs already get the money from the luxury tax, their owners are just cheap and management makes horrible decisions (look at last playoffs to see how teams take advantage of draft picks), the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    Set a Salary Cap! then it would be fun to be a fan of a small market team once again... baseball is slowly killing itself. No young kids want to be royals or a's fans its all yankees and red sox, because they have all the money and get all the players... And statistically people pick their favorite teams before the age of 10.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would chancge baseball by first adding an instant replay the Rockies didnt win that game and the Padres deserved extra innings. Second, I would make interleague games less common. Yes, I know it sounds crazy but think about it. One series a year the Mets play the Yankees and the Cubs play the Whitesox

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  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to the Marlins into moving central area....

    Maybe a third team in Texas Or Indianapolis.

    Move the Pirates to the East, so they can draw gates from phillies, Braves, and Mets fans and be a little more successful.

    I am not a pirates fan by the way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Add a salary cap so that teams like New York and Boston don't scoop up all the good players and underachieving teams like Pittsburgh and Kansas City get an opportunity to sign some big names.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    send all of the fans that boo the pitcher if he steps off the rubber one too many times to a deserted island. And on that island, on the perimeter of it is a 500 foot tall electrical fence. oh and no food or running water either.

    and tune1021... i love mid majors. that's why i'm a diamondbacks fan, and a western michigan broncos fan. And a Cal State Fullerton fan only because i hope to go there. Emphasis on hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    salary cap, instant replay on homers,trapped catches and hit batsmen in question with 90 sec time limit like in the NFL,not allowed to throw over to 1st or 3rd to pick off runners more than twice in a row before having to pitch to a batter,change the balk rule,esp. regarding moistening fingers on the rubber

  • 1 decade ago

    I would oust a-rod from the league. he is overpaid and the yankees still arent world series champions. plus he is a pompus arrogant jerk and riles the crowds and his other teammates. Oh yea and remove the DH position. It gives the AL a ridiculous offensive advantage and makes their team numbers inflated.

  • 1 decade ago

    There should be a salary cap and instant replay but only during the playoffs.

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