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When you setup your email to automatically deliver spam to another folder?

How does the email server know it's spam?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on what email you are using, mostly whatever the host is (gmail, AOL, yahoo, etc) "train" it to look for certain code words like Cialis or Viagra or any other approrpriate stuff... they also have "known" spammer email addresses that they will block automatically. Every time you click the "report spam" or "report junk" button, their program gets a bit smarter about what is and isn't spam. Just remember if you do that, to check that folder relatively often, as sometimes good emails that aren't spam get erroneously filtered there...

    For example at my last job I worked with a woman who was a "training specialist" as her job title, which was included at the bottom of all of her emails. Well specialist has the word Cialis in it, so all of her emails would get kicked to the junk folder.

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