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School making my son use his right hand, even though he's left-handed? Has this happened to anyone else?

My son, who is 11, has just informed me that his teachers always make him use his right hand for everything (writing, games, etc.). He was allowed to use his left hand throughout elementary school, but since he started MS in September, he's apparently been made to use his right, even though he finds it very difficult.

I thought they did away with this attitude in the 1960s! Has anyone else been in this position? The school has told me that it's "Better for him", but I can't see how!

Please help. What should I say to them? Or is it really better for him?

BTW, we live in Vermont.

57 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thankfully I'm abidextrous, so I can use both hands with equal efficiency, however, what they are doing could be construed as a form of discrimination, heck, I seriously doubt that they demand all black students sit at the back of the class, or that the female students have to attend to the male students, and this is political uncorrectness in a very abstract form.

    If anything, it's worst for him, and it has been shown that people who use their incorrect posture alignment, (such as hand-writing), actually reduces the effectivness of motor-neural skills, right down to basics such as catching a ball.

    I'd ask them to show you some proof that they are not discriminating him, and that it is better than him, that has been confirmed by a relevant leading scientist, or give them the options to bow-down, kiss your feet, and let your son go through life how he feels is best.

    The only drawback to being left-handed, is that on average left-handers live 9 years less than right-handers, but when left-handed people like Shigeru Miyamoto, (Nintendo: The Legend Of Zelda), can being such global successes, this further prooves that these teachers ain't as smart as they think they are, it's not like all left-handed people become members of Al Qaeda or something.

    To be honest, I'd pull him out of his current school, and put him into a better school that actuall knows something, and has fully educated teachers who went to real colleges, and didn't buy their degree's online, I mean, if they're acting this way over something irrelevant and trivial, think how much mis-information they could be teaching him in the classroom....

  • 1 decade ago

    Its mind boggling to think that educators would be so narrow minded in the 21st century. I would suggest speaking with the school board, local newspapers and TV stations. This isn't fair to your child who was born to stand out from the norm. I am left handed. I went to elementary and ms in the 1970's and 1980's. My school was very understanding of my hand preference. They knew how to teach me to correctly hold my pencil. This was all in the state of Oklahoma. I can't believe that a state such as Vermont would be so backwards as where I grew up. They are making your son to believe that being a lefty is somehow a bad thing. They need to realize that some of the most creative, and brilliant individuals out there are left handed. Maybe they need to go back to school. At least have them check out some of the materials available to teachers on this website.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am left-handed, and while my school desks were made for right-handed people, my teachers, to their credit, never made me use my right hand for anything -- including writing.

    Only about 10% of people are left-handed, so the world is mainly made for right-handers (e.g., scissors, handguns, irons), so growing up left-handed is definitely an inconvenience, but no more than that.

    His school is way out of line. See your general practitioner for his professional opinion, and then see your principal and school board, if need be.

    If my high school, in Thailand in the 1960's, was well-informed enough to let me use whatever hand I wanted, certainly Vermont has no excuse for being ill-informed 50 years later.

    BTW, you might check if your son's left-eyed also; I am. When a person looks at something w/ both eyes, one eye will dominate. So, when I hold my finger in front of my eyes, w/ both open, then shut my right (i.e., using my left eye only), my finger will seem to stay still; but when I shut my left, it will seem to jump to the left. If he's left-eyed, when he shoots, he should hold the sights in front of his left eye.

    Source(s): I'm left-handed, and have been using it rather than my right for the past 64 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I live in Texas and I have daughter that can write with both hands. Her teachers always try to coax her into using just her right hand. And when she uses her left her she looses (or has lost) part of her recess. Then I went to the school and gave them a piece of my mind and now she is free to use whatever hand she wants. I do nt care what they think is "good for her" just as long as she learns her school work and gets her homework done. You should tell them the same. Besides studies have shown that left handed people are supposed to be smarter than right handed people (those test were probably taken by left handed people but we will never know...will we?)

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  • 1 decade ago

    My nephew was left handed, but his mom made him start using his right hand to write as soon as he started school. It wasn't because she thought it would be better for him, but because it was easier for her to teach him at home. So now, he writes with his right hand, and kicks with his left foot! Other than that, it hasn't affected him mentally, emotionally or physically... I don't understand how they say that "it is better for him" though, especially since he's already been used to writing with his left for years now! Have you asked the reasoning behind that? Are there any studdies to show you proof? If there really isn't and both you & your son don't feel it's right, I would take it to the next level. School board all they way up to getting a lawyer involved... do some research of your own first though... Good Luck!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    once you're saying, "the college has informed me", do you mean the instructor or the proper? If it become the instructor, flow to the proper, and if it become the proper, flow over his head to the college board good away. If there is yet another close by middle college, look into their rules with an eye fixed to achievable flow. the situation is, that in spite of if the college forces the instructor to conform, s/he will resent it, and can take it out on your son in subtle or no longer-so-subtle tactics, probable handling to tutor the different young ones against him. there is not any way that's greater advantageous for him, via fact it ought to reason loss of self-well worth, falling grades, neurological problems, and achievable ongoing psychological issues. how many different little ones are being tormented via this benighted physique of concepts, i ask your self? that's surprising that a school continues to be practising, no longer to point protecting, this mistaken concept interior the twenty-first century.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It must be part of the NCLBA (No Child LEFT Behind Act)

    Ask for a conference with the teachers.

    If that doesn't work, tell your son not to listen to the teachers.

    Let him get in trouble for it and call your local news cast and make a big stink.

    My son 12 and a lefty, just got papers describing the need to do a good job on state testing for the NCLBA.

    I signed it and wrote 'my child is more than just a good test score'

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago


    Do you honestly beleive which hand that your son writes with will affect his grades,friends and school...I bet not! This is very rediculous and contact the school and specifically tell them which teachers are doing this and make sure something is done about it,if it happens again,go back persistant! Tell the school that there is going to be hell if they don't stop forcing your son to do something he doesn't want to do,he's 11 he can surely choose which hand he wants to use,They have never done this to us before...This is rediculous and this did stop in the 1960's.Tell your son if they won't let him write with his left hand and he doesn't like it,don't write at all,they can't put him in detention for something like that and if they try your son should go and then come home and tell you that way you can have something to back up your fight about this rediculous matter! I hope that your sons teachers come to reality soon...Even our teachers have never done this and they are completely dumb,no offense! Basically this is a insult,it's like they are trying to take away your son's individuality.I hope this gets sorted out soon and have a nice day. :)

    Source(s): If nothing is accomplished,you should either sue or contact the school board...or both for a double whammy to the messed up school staff!
  • 1 decade ago

    You live in Vermont?!? When I first read the question I thought you must live in some backward, prehistoric country where things like that can happen!

    They used to force people to use their right-hand, but that was back in the day (yeah, like in the 50's or 60's). I'm very surprised to hear it's happening this day and age, and in the United States. Definitely talk to the school and tell them you do not agree with it. If they give you any trouble, then talk to the school board for your region.

  • 1 decade ago


    my twin brother was forced to do this early on while we were in elementary school in the mid-70's. The school put a stop to this practice soon after. I think it's so pointless and possibly harmful. I'm surprised that you're going through this in Vermont (I thought the state was very progressive). Is there a PTA? Can you bring it up during their next meeting? Maybe others aren't even aware.

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