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My husband and my son from a previous marriage are at war. My husband has been cold to my son for years?
My son and husband have had a hot/cold relationship for as long as I can remember but it has now become extreme. My husband was arrested about 3 weeks ago for physically grabbing my son and wrestling around the kitchen for about 5 minutes. My son had just had it because this is not the 1st time he grabbed him. My husband seems to think its no big deal and says he was wrong for calling the police. He refuses to admit that he is the cause of his situation. He has told me that he is done with my son and that he is dead to him. He has called him a lazy f***er and is going to be out of the house soon anyhow. He does not grasp the fact that this situation is devastating to me and has done nothing to try to help it. He has done little irritating things that he knows are going to make my son angry. He cut his cable wire going up to his bedroom but won't admit it for example. I don't think I can be w/someone who hates a child of mine no matter what his age
A little addl info. My son is 17 and I also have a 12 yr old from this marriage. I have two children w/my current husband. At the beginning things were good but as my son got older and more of a mind of his own, my husband's attitude worsened. He seemed almost jealous of any time I spend with my son. He always throws in the comment that I am going to ruin the lives of the other children for the sake of one. I know what I need to do but at this time I need some objective opinions and I do appreciate your help.
25 Answers
- OzzLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
Your husband does not respect and love your son from a previous marriage. He is also a violent bully who chooses to pick on people smaller than himself. It's time to make him your ex-husband and end the problem.
- Anonymous6 years ago
My husband and my son from a previous marriage are at war. My husband has been cold to my son for years?
- 1 decade ago
Your husband needs to GROW UP. I don't know how old your son is, but there is NEVER a justification for putting your hands on someone. I am surprised they allowed him back in the house after the arrest.
Abuse is a cycle. This cycle has already begun. If your husband thinks it is okay to put hands on your son, it will not be long before he does it to you. He either needs to admit the problem and get anger counselling, or you need to end it now, before someone gets killed.
Your son will be your son forever, this man started with a 60% chance of leaving (divorce rate) and sounds like he is not the man of your dreams. The man of your dreams would understand your son is a child who needs guidance and love, not a wrestling match to the death. He would have respect for others, and protect his family from harm, not harm them.
There are so many good men out there that will treat you and your son the way you deserve. Don't stay with someone you know is not right.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
First, I want to say I am so sorry you have to go through this. I feel that if your husband loved you, he would treat your son a lot better. This is going to effect your son as an adult. Your son might not think you love him that much if you stay with a man that treats him like that. You might want to write to Dr. Phil.
I hope things get better. I will pray for your family.
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- 1 decade ago
my mom had two boys before she met my dad and they say that it was rough because one of my brothers was very mean. they had their moments where they got physical. now its fine.
i think you need to have a talk with your husband. he should not treat your son like crap and be cold to him for years. and then to physically grab and wrestle your son on numerous occasions is not good. a serious conversation is what is needed. if he refuses to shape up i would say leave him. do you want to live this way for the rest of your life? after your son leaves the house he may never come back because of him. so you will lose your son.
Source(s): family experience. - redcurleyzLv 61 decade ago
As parents its our jobs to protect our children. If it has been going on for years get the heck out of the relationship. Its your job to protect yourself and your son. The longer you stay with your husband the worst I think it will be and most likely cause your son to become angry, and be left with some harsh things he will have to deal with as adult. Leave your husband, seeking counseling for yourself and your son. You BOTH deserve a lot better then a husband who thinks its ok to go after your son.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I wonder what your son is thinking about you since you allow this. For me, if my man doesn´t respect and treat my kids from another relationship, he has nothing to do with me either. It must be terrible for your son to realise that you´re letting him down because of an ignorant and bad behaving idiot! Sorry, but it pisses me of when children don´t get safety and support from their parents and especially when a new and a totally stranger comes in to the house. Whose side are you on?
- 1 decade ago
Good answer.
You can't be with someone who hates your child. Parents who choose a spouse over a child have serious problems. Especially if you see it as him causing the problems. I would leave him. My child comes first. End of subject.
If you do end up picking your spouse over your child you risk alienating that child forever. That is something hard for a child to forgive. I know many many of people who have cut their parents out of their lives for that very reason.
So you have to ask yourself. "Is my husband worth losing my child forever? Am I willing to take that chance?" If the answer is no. Then you must make the decision to leave.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Choose your son. You will never regret it.
My mother had a second husband like that....and now, even 14 years after I've moved out of her house our relationship has never been the same. She eventually divorced him (he really was a loser), and now is very lonely. Because our relationships are so broken, she really doesn't have me or my brother (or his children) in her life anymore.