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I have a 5 dollar bill that has had 25% of the bill torn off from the end. The tear ends right where the?

"F" of the word "FIVE" starts on the bottom. The right side serial number is still completely legible. Can it be used? The tear is vertical from "federal" on top to the "five" on the bottom.

3 Answers

  • Mr.B
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you take the bill to a bank, they will be happy to give you another five dollar bill, with no questions asked...

  • 1 decade ago

    Practical answer:

    Tape it together. Most places will accept it. Do not use it in a vending machine. The vending machine might jam.

    Less practical answer:

    If you mail at least 51% of a bill to the federal government, regardless of condition, they will send you a check for the entire amount. Paying $0.41 postage comes to almost 8.2% in this case. It is a good service for idiots who get thousands of dollars wet, try to dry the money in the microwave oven, and end up partially burning it instead...

  • 1 decade ago

    Take it to the bank for replacement

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