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Can I really make money doing online surverys?

I'am interested in doing online surveys and I want to know how I can. I also want to know how they pay you. If this is true, can you please list some websites where I can do these free online surveys, they sound like a great way to make some cash.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. I would be very cautious - many of those so-called paid surveys are scams, they either force you to pay them a fee or they are 'phishing' for info to steal your money or identity.

    There are legitimate sites such as mypoints, harris poll, and nfo where you can earn points toward merchandise or gift certificates. You don't have to spend much time on it, but you don't get rewards super fast, either.

    BTW -- the people who are replying yes are spammers who post those links on any question about jobs or earning money.

  • 1 decade ago

    In my opinion, earning pennis and dimes clicking on ads, reading emails and taking surverys is definitely NOT worth the hassle, time or effort, let alone a good way of making money online!

    The money's in affiliate marketing. The simplest summary is: You find a niche market, find a relevant product with a good commission structure (which they will pay you) and market the product to that niche.

    There's MANY ways to do this, some being free methods like writing articles, and others not free, like PPC

    I'm a member at Wealthy Affiliate, which is an online internet marketing course / resource, and these guys are really awesome! They almost literally take you by the hand and teach you exactly what to do step-by-step to make money online, from beginner to advanced! They even have 1-on-1 mentoring, so they help you personally with your campaigns etc! I've learned a TON from them and they're really worth it if you're serious about making money online. They also have a whole lot of tools and stuff included in the membership, such as free hosting, keyword tools etc. which is really cool! It's worth WAY more than the investment, and they know it - in fact they say they're going to push the price up soon, so don't delay!

    You can check 'em out here:

    This is probably one of THE BEST way to jump-start your online career. There are thousands of success stories from members of Wealthy Affiliate to prove it. Just don't forget that making money online carries the same rule as making money anywhere else: NO WORK = NO PAY! But WealthyAffiliate will definitely give you the tools and the knowledge!

    Feel free to shop around, but be VERY careful of "gurus" promising the world and delivering very little! I'm done shopping - wasted too much time (and money) already!

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Fill Surveys Get Money -
  • 1 decade ago


    I just got this message in my mail box and it rather sounds fascinating.

    There is some site that wants visitors to promote them and they promise to give away something like 300$ and free access to the site against 7 sales.

    I am not sure whether this will work or not but still I am giving it a try. Because they are teaching you for free how to promote their product. And it is good allover.

    You can also have a look at this. But the best part was they were free to join. And you can start earning money without any start up cost or paying them.

    Go to

    and then type \affiliates.htm on the search panel after the site's name.

    Anyways, Have a nice day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remember those days when i almost get mad to find one free survey site that really pay us without charging a fee. The fact is that there are so many survey sites in internet who actually charges a registration fee. I tell you what, run as far as you can, if they ask you money to join their survey site. Any legimate survey site, will not ask you money to join them<!--They actually have to pay us if we join them. Some people do not understand this, and they pay and later they suffer and get frustrated. So is there really any Survey site that pays us? The Answer is, Yes. I am personally getting paid by a Survey site and please find the below website and register yourself for free,

    The best part is that, after you register and confirm the email sent, you will have a chance to win a car. The fun part is that they pay you money for playing games. And you get sometimes $50 for completing offers. Check out the offers area when you log in, you earn more. I personally get paid and you could trust them-->since they dont ask you any money, you could give a try, there is nothing to lose. I am sure you will be happy at the end of the week seeing money in your account. Have a great day ahead...!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The online survey site I am a part of does not have any fees and registration is fee.

    It in fact does really pay as other users have proven so.

    I have already made $20 and I just started two days ago. Payment is a check that comes to you in the mail. :)

    Check it out at this blog or my profile for more information:

    If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask me :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I took an online survey once for a $50 gift card. I didn't incur any hidden costs or anything. I took the survey and about 8 weeks later, I received the gift card (Visa Gift Card). I just wouldn't use your regular email address, just in case their harvesting email addresses for spam. I think as long as something is less than a certain amount (like $500), it does not have to be reported to the IRS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually there are some online surveys that do work and you do get paid.try Survey Scout they have a free trial offer but there is a modest fee.They also have a 100% money back guarantee.I found that this one is included in all the reviews of legit online surveys.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you can make some money taking surveys online, but you won't get rich. Some survey companies pay by paypal or check.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So you are looking to make money online. You have more month left at the end of your money. You just want to earn some extra cash but don’t know how. Yea, I’ve been there. I’ve been scammed a few times too where I’ve actually PAID to work. Now, the sales pitch on those things are great……quite frankly, I think I’ve read way too many of them because this is starting to sound like one of those, but it’s not. Now what kind of sense does it make to PAY someone to work? My solutions are free and I actually use them myself to earn money. What kind of sense does it make to listen to a guy who wants to sell you a product and make money, but doesn’t even use it himself? You don’t have to worry about that here. I have an answer for you. It’s two parts, so check it out.

    You can first go to this site and sign up . It’s called Yuwie. It’s like myspace…..a networking place, but better because you get paid to network. Look, money is useless without knowledge. This place pays you to network. It pays you to be social, hang out meet hot girls or guys… I said, just like my space, but get paid. Knowing people and getting questions answered from people that have been in your position will allow you to gain valuable knowledge and experience without having a lot of the pitfalls. It just makes common sense.

    Secondly, you can go to my website, (copy and paste it….if you need too….I’ve had issues getting the link to go.) and check out many other ways to earn extra cash on the internet without having to pay a dime for it. There are links to sites and info about them, so you know what you are getting into. You can email me from there with questions as well, I will try and help you out as much as I can. Be sure to check back often as I update my website as much as and as regularly as I can.

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