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Are you a hoarder/collector/clutterbug?

What do you think is the reason for this sort of behavior/dependency? Do you think creative people (artists, writers, etc.) are more prone to hoarding and collecting things? Judging by my own habits and those of artist friends of mine, we like to have our lives and homes/studios/offices filled with all sorts of neat “things”, for various reasons: purely aesthetic pleasure and/or decorative purposes, simple curiosity, the idea that some things “might come in handy” for art projects or inspiration, and who-knows-why-else.

Also, it seems to me that growing up with “trasher” parents (or, later on, spouses) who throw your stuff out (often without consulting or telling you) because they see it as “just useless junk” only makes things worse, and you may find yourself overcompensating and seeking to recover or replace former possessions – even toys from your childhood – that seem to “haunt” you, simply out of nostalgia and a lingering sense of loss.

What do you think?

7 Answers

  • Clare
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think having parents that hoard could send a person either way...becoming a hoarder themselves, or the opposite...almost a minimalist.

    I can understand why someone that had parents or spouses that throw your stuff out could turn someone into a hoarder out of self protection,.

    I hate piles of things for purely practical reasons; it's too hard to find something when you need it, and extremely hard to clean your place.

  • 1 decade ago

    My home is cramped with all sorts of craft supplies. LOL. My bf on the other hand is what I consider a pack rat. He holds onto things simply to have them. I on the other hand, keep things that would go great in a certain project. I may not use it for several years, but I have it. LOL. It can go to extremes however, so I am very cautious to keep everything nice and neatly organized rather than just laying around. I do have a craft basket in my bathroom, fro when I am stuck on the toilet LOL. I keep a small stash in my vehicle, a work in progress is always in my purse, or suitcase as my bf calls it. I make my own curtains, cushion covers, potholders, blankets, dishcloths, some clothing, and even my kitty toys. I know I have an addiction to crochet, but it's ok. I keep it organized. That is the difference between a clutter hoarder a packrat and a just crafty person. LOL.

    Source(s): Yarn Hoarder. I have over 200 skeins, rolls, and odds and ends of yarn, thread, plastic bag rolls, cut up clothes for rag rug crochet, and in excess of 10,000 patterns.
  • 1 decade ago

    My parents are/were hoarders. I like to collect and horde things. I have a habit of acquiring things that I love from my childhood, yarn, books, tea, books, magazines, video games, movies... books. I try to make an honest effort to go through or keep organised, but it doesn't always work that way. I have no real organisation skills.

    Also, I do believe that some of my hording comes from a need to fill an emotional void. I also have that mentality of "I may need it later..." I think a lot of people I know have the "I may need it later" mentality. I do believe that a lot of people who hoard random things or things they like are artists or generally creative people. I know that if I see a good deal on yarn, I am going to have a hard time pulling my self away from it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am artistic, creative and like to fix things. I think everything will be needed sooner or later. So I become frozen when it comes to throwing things away. I agree that if someone tries to throw your stuff away it only becomes more important to keep it. It is also hard for me to use new items. I like to keep them for the perfect opportunity to use them. It seems all of the behavior might have something to do with being a perfectionist and maybe ocd. My parents kept everything too but they attributed it to living through a depression and having very little. They kept everything neat and everything had a place. I wish I could say the same thing. I know where most everything is but it is pretty cluttered.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agee with you. I would rather have a few very nice things strategically place and pleasing to the eye than a bunch of odds and ends and crap. My mother was great for having piles of things on the dining room and kitchen table.

    To me everything has a purpose and place and if I don't need it , it gets thrown out,

  • 1 decade ago

    Hoarding of anything, whether it be food, clothing, money whatever is not normal. It is an attempt to fill a(usually emotional) void in that persons life.

    Having collections of things is normal.

    9999 tea cups is hoarding

    20 tea cups is a collection.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because people like that realize the value in things and don't want to let go of them. Maybe childhood things bring back memories or they don't want to grow up or let go of their childhood. Different people have different reasons I guess.

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