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house rental?

i have split from girlfriend and we are both mortgage holders she says she will rent house at market value and i make up shortfall on mortgage is this a good idea and would it restrict me from gaining a mortgage on my own at another property

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You may be forgetting that the mortgage lender will not allow you to let the property.

    As such you may need to change it to a buy to let mortgage.

    If you have a buy to let, then you can still get a personal mortgage elsewhere!

    I rent out my house, and the rental far exceeds the mortgage. So your Ex might be trying to pull a fast one. Insist on the use of an agent. This will prevent her fiddleing it, as you both will need to sign the agency agreement. (As you are both owners)

    Tread carefully here!!

    I'd be tempted to sell it, and split the profits, or if either of you love it, buy the other one out.

    If it's big enough, and you can afford it, move in, get a lodger. You pay the mortgatge and the lodgers money can be the repayments to the ex.

    The law would state that if you both own it, you have to agree on the outcome, and as such selling up is often the easiest way. Especially as you will avoid CAPITAL GAINS TAX as you have resided in it. Once you let it out for over 3 months, you will have to pay this upon selling.

    Where is the house? Some local authorities will rent a house in 5 year blocks, and pay you in advance! This might be worht explorting as then the ex is also tied in for that period!!

    Hop that helps!!

  • Nev
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not sure how this works out in £'s It would work out that your ex is paying more in rent than you are in Mortgage depending on what part of the country you are in and of course the mortgage repayment costs. Either way what is the deal when you both decide to sell, how will you calculate who gets how much? In terms of being able to raise a new mortgage, I doubt that this will be possible. You may be able to work out a deal where you convert the existing mortgage to a 'buy to let' and possibly raise some funds on any equity for a deposit for another property for yourself. How ever it pans out it would seem a large commitment for you and bearing in mind that your ex would continue to have a financial interest, it may be a risk that a lender may not want to take especially considering the current money market.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right now depending on where you live it might not be the best time to sell. Talk to local real estate agents and see how much you would be able to get for the house and too find out how much all the fees with selling the house would be.

    If now isn't a good time to sell the only thing you can do is to rent it out. You might not be able to get another mortgage because your debt/income ratio might not qualify with you owing money on the other mortgage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agree with Bristol, but check whether the terms of the mortgage allow you to rent the property.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Only advice I can give is to contact the mortgage lender or even an independant financial adviser.

    Good luck

  • 4 years ago

    I surely have dealt with faked dated pictures in court. it somewhat is extra useful to apply the every day paper, showing the date on it. BTW, i became into gained each thing, case became into completed as quickly as I pointed to the choose a thank you to tell they faked the pictures.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Procession is 9/10s of the law ??????

  • 1 decade ago

    make sure you don't get stiched buddy cause they can be real sneaky i tell theee!

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