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oy vey
Lv 6
oy vey asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Anyone else Not excited to be pregnant?

I'm in a very stable wonderful relationship with my husband and we have two very lovely children that are almost 8 & 9 and I took a home test and sure as heck, it looks like I'm pregnant. I just can't get excited about it! I'm in a career I love, my kids are at great ages and I just can't imagine starting over again with a baby. Anyone else feel this way? Being pregnant at almost 36 was not what I was looking to do.


Extra details: I just had to take out my iud because of bleeding issues and it was seriously the "one" time that we didn't use another method. True oops on our part.

I'm sure I'll get excited, but I'm just not now. My sister and I are 12 years apart and I know what the age gap is like first hand. Both of my sister in laws are pregnant right now too, talk about a baby boom! When my kids found out that my second sister in law was pregnant they both wanted another brother/sister too, so I don't think that's an issue.

13 Answers

  • hmm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello, I'm sort of in the same boat as you, but this is my first baby. I'm not excited either. :) I mean I think it's great that we'll have a baby, but it's still so far away (7 months to go) and my MIL is driving me f*cking insane, asking questions about my baby bump (that I don't have at this point, she is out of state.) and questions about how i'm "feeling." Ugh, I feel fine, I just feel a little bit intruded upon somehow, and it has definitely nullified my excitement. I haven't told anyone else because honestly when I see other people excited about the baby it kind of makes me sick! Lol. I'm like god if you guys are going to act so nutzo why don't you just have another baby, or adopt lol. Anyway more to your situation, I'm the oldest and then there's one brother two years younger and another brother two years younger than him. Well there's fourteen years between myself and my baby sister, who yes was an accident (and my mom was stressed indeed) but she is so hilarious, it's like we're all just about adults now and here's this ten year old who is asking us funny questions and giving us her input. Not to mention she has wild kinky hair and an eccentric taste in clothing to match her personality. Anywho whenever my parents go out they can just leave her with my brothers, and honestly we have all just chipped in, so it won't be nearly as much work as she gets older and your boys are teenagers. Little Katie always played with herself but was perfectly content. :) I think you will be happy with the baby once he or she arrives. No need to worry about not being excited at this point. Incidentally my mom was 35 when she had Katie, and it all worked out. The only real difference was she was already a stay at home mom, so she didn't have to leave work (but she did have three of us). My best wishes to you.

    Source(s): P.S.~ I think adoption is kind of a ridiculous "option" for a normal human being, but ditto on the abortion option, I wouldn't do it myself but if you really don't want the baby and don't think you'll get over these feelings (I think you will, I think I will too, but I'm not you) I'd think about it before raising a baby you don't want to take care of. My cousin's mom didn't want him and his life is basically ruined now as an adult (she's pretty nutty I'm not saying this would happen to your son/daughter).
  • xajide
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well.. I come from a very open-minded family and I have to tell you -

    if you're happy with the kids you have, don't want to start over with a new baby and just want to continue with your life....

    There are plenty of options.

    I know many people don't want to hear this and think it's wrong, but I don't think so.

    What you have at the moment is a fertilized egg - not a full human yet. In fact, it's not a heck of a lot different than what gets flushed out of your system when you're on the pill.

    I had the talk about this with my mom once and she openly told me that if she got pregnant again she'd have an abortion. If you can put it into perspective for yourself emotionally, I would say think about it.

    I'm 28, in a great relationship and I'm finally moving towards a point in my life where I'm thinking about having children.

    But until about a year ago, had I become pregnant - I would have had an abortion because I wasn't ready yet.

    Whatever your decision - do what will make you happy and content. This is about your life and your families life.

    And if you decide that you don't want to abort and don't want to give the baby for adoption, I'm sure you'll find a place in your heart to fall in love with your new baby just as much.

    ( Might also be a good idea to get one of the implanted contraceptives - just to avoid this problem for the future)

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm 34 and have an 11 year old and a 9 year old. It was very difficult to wrap my mind around starting over again. But once I got it all sorted it felt better. I secured a daycare spot so I can continue to work after a three month maternity leave. I figured out my finances and once I actually started baby shopping I got excited. Don't worry, you'll fell better soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel for you. I thought I was pregnant a few years ago, when I wwas 35, and I completely freaked out. I'm married, too, with two boys and a house that cannot accomatade another person. The idea of another baby pitched me into a total depression. Thankfully, I was not pregnant after all. If I had been, though, I would have made it work and I'm sure you will too. Good luck!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know that my mother was not excited when she found out she was pregnant with me. I think that she resented having me. She kept me and made sure I knew that I was a "mistake". If you find that you are resenting having a baby, set it up for adoption...Please! With years and years of counseling, I can finally be happy with my life. Just save the child the torment. It might just be nerves. If not, do both you and baby a favor.

  • Bob
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    everything happens for a reason. i'm sure this baby will be a blessing for all of you and that you'll come to accept the situation and love him/her as you do your other children. just be sure not to convey your disappointment to the 8 and 9 year old. they'll use it one day when they're 16 and this one is 8 and tell him/her that mom didn't even want you!

    Talk about Oy Vey! Oy Gevalt!

  • 1 decade ago

    my mom had me when she was 19.. then she had a baby again when she was 27. and then lo and behold, found out she was pregnant at 39. she freaked out. she didn't want it to happen at all.. and now that he's here.. she literally can't imagine living without him. and he's adorable. you'll get used to it.. dont give up your career.. and your kids will be great help at those ages.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup, and we even were planning on more kids, this baby is just 6 months sooner than we thought.

    SO I was bummed out at first, but once you get closer to the day you'll get more excited.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope i am very excited to be pregnant! i havent had any symptoms and feel great. this is my first though so maybe that is y.

    Source(s): 19wks 1dy with baby #1!
  • 1 decade ago

    then why didnt you do something to stop you from getting pregnant? you should be happy that you are pregnant cuz there are some people who would love to have a baby and cant and here you are with two kids already and pregnant again and not happy. hope that makes you happy. im 7 months pregnant and im happy about it and i have a 3 yr old

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