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Central heating upgrade?

My house is currently heated by an old oil boiler. I am wondering whether I should upgrade to a combi boiler because I think it might be more energy efficient, also since my house needs to be reroofed I would like to try to get rid of the chimney.

Am I right in thinking that a gas boiler will not need a chimney and an oil boiler will?

Is gas heating more efficient than oil?

Will gas ( mains ) be cheaper than oil?

I need some good advice because I don't have a clue on these things.


3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A combi boiler will save you money in operating costs. Gas is typically cheaper than oil to operate. You will not need a chimney for either unit if you get a high efficiency unit. You may also be able to get a CHP system and produce electricity at the same time. For more info, check out my source.

  • 1 decade ago

    weather your heat is hot water or steam--a gas boiler is much more efficient than an oil fired boiler. In either case you will still need the chimeny. Keep in mind also the oil boiler will require more maintenance too. Altho natural gas is expensive--with all the turmoil and pricing of oil--the oil could wind up being way more expensive than the gas boiler to operate. It is already more expensive and will probably continue to rise faster than the price of natural gas.

  • 4 years ago

    relies upon what area of the united kingdom you reside in as fees variety. The boiler would be approximately £670 - programmer and so on no extra desirable than £a hundred and fifty - good output double panel rad say £eighty max - thermostatic rad valves say £15 max each and each - copper tube max £a hundred and twenty. multiple fittings say £seventy 5.....there you pass, say £1300 for each and all the bits 'n products. You gotta ask your self how long are those men going to be there to earn the extra desirable £1900 ? From what you have decribed that is all floor artwork and no removing of floorboards then there will be unable to be extra desirable than 5 days artwork there for a lone operator. Ask how plenty they might do the job for on a labour purely foundation - i.e. you grant the climate, which could be exciting

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