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Lv 6
alvarz asked in Home & GardenDo It Yourself (DIY) · 1 decade ago

Does acrylic paint stick to plastic??

I want to paint some plastic shutters for a neighbor. They are red now and I want to paint them green. Whats the best way to prime them and then paint them.


thanks for all the advice and suggestions.I don't know what kind of plastic that the shutters are made of but these responses get me off to a good start.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wipe the shutters with either alcohol or an ammonia cleaner. Let them dry then Paint them with an acrylic paint. Hopefully Glidden exterior semi-gloss

  • 5 years ago

    Acrylic paint will stick to plastic, but it can come off so it depends on what you are using the water bottles for. In my stage-works class we used it on Milk Gallons and it worked fine but if you are using water or the kids mess with them, the paint may come off. To make paint a little more permanent, I usually mix acrylic with Elmer's glue (any glue will probably work but this is relatively cheap and washable) and it works for me but I don't know about using that method with young kids. It is a bit messy. If you premix it for them it shouldn't be too bad. LOL I make messes all the time just may be me.

  • Mark C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Use paint made special for vinyl siding. Clean them first and remove any dust that is on the surface with an approved prep material for the paint you find. Some vinyl paint does not recommend prime for PVC.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe the paint is called Fusion, available in most craft stores too if you are not close to a Home Depot or Lowes. I would read the label before I would do anything. Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    They make spray paint for plastic, it really works. It's made by rustoleum. You probably want to prime frst dince red is hard to cover

  • 1 decade ago

    you need liquid deglosser to take the gloss off of it, then use real fine sandpaper to buff it. You can then use acrylic primer.

    Source(s): used to be a assistant department manager in paint department at lowes
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