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BigJake418 asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

I have a very serious problem and am looking for some serious help. Don't know where to turn to for this.?

This is hard for me to ask, but not sure where to turn anymore. I'm a 44 yr old male who is tryin to kick an alcohol and substance abuse problem. Those who know me on here might be shocked to hear this. But I'm asking for help. I really don't know where to turn. My ugly demons keep rearing their ugly heads. Please, serious replies only.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drug addiction, like all addictions weather workaholic, or drug-abuser. Is a product of your mentality. Your hurting, your looking for a way to control that, hence DRUGS! There wonderful for this! The only problem, they don't satisfy the need, they just allow you to be in a frame of mind that you can look past it, or tolerate it, well until the effects ware off. But unless you find some sort of purpose in your life, what does it matter? Just enjoy the drugs, life sucks, it well be over soon, who are we to tell you any better? But if you can find a purpose in life worth living for, dieing for, well then your just screwing yourself out of a fulifilling life. It's up to you, but all the drugs give you, is a reason not to try and sell yourself short. Enjoy, self-lothing is a *****......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why didn't you ever tell me? It's sort of a shock, sort of not. I mean when you say you're going to bars to get wasted...all I can do is roll my eyes, but I had no hard reason to label you as an alcoholic. How is it affecting your life specifically? How do you handle that plus your hospital job? I can't see you having too much dependency on anything other then maybe to take the place of something else that, you might feel is missing. I'd think about what that possibly could be, as well as figure out another habit to replace this one.

  • 1 decade ago

    The hardest but best thing you can do for yourself in this situation is to move away from those people who trigger you to do these things....

    Apart from that though, get help from someone who can really help you instead of just typing to you... If you don't want to do this the rest is really up to you and your personal will power, if you move away to somewhere to get away from these people that doesn't always stop it completely, you can get these things from anywhere. Try starting a fresh group of friends if you can, join an art class, a gym, any extracurricular activities to take your mind off it and to meet new people who are clean and straight.

    Keep a strong mind and heart and try to surround yourself with people who love and care for you, and most of all support your decision.

    Good luck....


  • 1 decade ago

    I know it's cliche, but AA and NA really can help. They are free, they are everywhere, and you can't beat that. Substance abuse is a demon, its hard, but you can beat it. You sound like a strong person. If you have insurance, see a therapist, find what they suggest in your area.

    Short term, find ways around the things that lead to the drinks, drive a different route home, rearrange things in the house. Best wishes to you.

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    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well you are on your way down the Street of Helping Yourself...I am so-so close to your age, and have friends who have found themselves in this situation and they go to support groups. Personally I would have never thought, they, of all people would have recognized they even had a problem but with time comes obviously have the wisdom to see this in not doing you well. Go through the phone book throw a dart and pick a group to go and at least hear what kind of a program they offer in fact go to a few is just like some one looking for a church, go out and find one to suit you and your needs......Good Luck to you....Hope you find peace.

  • 1 decade ago

    So sorry you are suffering. I have an alcohol problem too. It just numbs the pain for a short while but we are only going to suffer great physical challenges with the booze. I am not male, and can drink up to 6 beers a day or up to 12oz. cheap vodka with alternate sips of water to prevent uncontrolable vomiting and all day dry heaving, so I know...

    You can email me at if you need a shoulder to cry on and just vent your frustrations.

    Good luck friend.

  • Mir
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    GigJake, I am a little shocked, but only because you seem to really have it together. And you have to be one of the nicest guys I've met in a long time.

    I wish that I had some advice for you, but I don't. Just know that I'm your friend no matter what, & if you need me, let me know & I'll be there for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Look around your area for meetings----there are meetings for AA and substance to some people there and be will be a very tough road--but you did the first step and admitted you had a problem to keep going and get help.....Hugs you tight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    umm seriously? I had no idea. Have you tried to contact a rehab facility? It might help if you talked to someone about this. You can call me anytime. I am here to give you all the support and love you need to get over this problem. You know me that I care for my friends and will do everything in my power to help you. Please feel free to contact me.

    Source(s): me
  • Dawn
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hazelden treatment center in Center City (northeast of Minneapolis-St Paul).

    I just finished reading Eric Clapton's autobiography and this is where he overcame his alcohol problem. It took him two stays at this facility.

    And no, I have no first hand knowledge of the place. Just saw your avatar and his struggles came to mind.

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