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why are femme gay guys unpopular in the gay world?

I was just wondering, why are femme gay guys so unpopular in the gay world. It feels like the subgroup, that led the movement, in the first place, and was most comfortable to be out in the first place, has been marginalized in the gay community? They are often ridiculed, for hurting the gay cause, even by other gay, most of all who are masculine, and are seen as a pariah. Thats why you never really see feminine gay men as politicians, or leaders of gay organizations, just masculine gay men. I kinda feel sad, cuz as a feminine gay men, I feel that other gay guys are discriminating against us, and that masculine gay guys are just as mean and vindictive as straight guys.


Of course travelin pete, ppl are attracted to who they are. Some gay men are femme, some aren't, thats how they r. I don't expect them to change who they are. But i am pointing out the social hierarchy and ultimately the political hierarchy. I mean femme gay men, started this movement of empowerment, and now i feel masculine gay are coming in, and taking all the credit, while at the same time belittling us !

Update 2:

well when i mean unpopular, I mean disliked, srry bout that, but i hope that clears it out 4 u.

Update 3:

to be honest. I would date a feminine guy. I mean im feminine myself, but I find feminine guys cute, like danny noriega from american idol. Maybe its just that the experiences in my life, have told me to resent masculine guys, because they have bullied me in my life, and i find them really fake, and not genuine. I know im weird, everybody at my skool thinks so, but its who i am.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that a lot of masculine gays view the femme gays as "making gay people look bad". Of course, that's just insecurity (and ignorance) on the part of the masculine gays. The irony is that a lot of so-called "masculine" gays are actually more effeminate than they'd like to admit to their own selves.

    And you said it best: "It feels like the subgroup, that led the movement, in the first place, and was most comfortable to be out in the first place, has been marginalized in the gay community"

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    why are femme gay guys unpopular in the gay world?

    I was just wondering, why are femme gay guys so unpopular in the gay world. It feels like the subgroup, that led the movement, in the first place, and was most comfortable to be out in the first place, has been marginalized in the gay community? They are often ridiculed, for hurting the gay cause,...

    Source(s): femme gay guys unpopular gay world:
  • 7 years ago

    OK,let me also address the commenters as well as the question. First off,for those that say Fem guys cause more drama and attention,its an excuse that many Gay/Str8 men use to judge many by the few,but when the tables are turned back on them those kinds of men are the first ones to scream.."Don't stereotype me!"At the same time its ok for them to do so. Men in general can be drama queens,its unfair to think that only a fem gay man posses those traits. If you gather 100 men together on a construction site all of them are presumed as str8,20 of them will be the drama queens of the crew,30 of them will be the gossip queens of the crew. People in general tend to focus negative behavior more towards women and fem gays and almost always over look the general population as a whole. Its like a black person that walks into a room of white people,the 99% that are looking at that black person as a thief and trouble maker will never remember that the person that was the real thief and trouble maker was the very person that looked like them that they never acknowledged because they were too busy focusing on on the one black person. Memory tends to be stronger with groups that you are indifferent to. This is really all about image and perception from people who will in any event hate you no mater how good you are because they will only want to see or acknowledge that bad things. For those who pin point on other groups that they don't relate to typically over exaggerate that groups faults to reinforce their own hatred.... This attitude was very popular towards blacks and women in the early part of the century,but eventually those views and beliefs became the few and not the many. My advice,there will always be hatred and in some cases it can be very concentrated by other groups. You job should be to void out those negative people who will never see you as a human being, but only as a negative experience that was few and far between for them all the while they like to over inflame their personal experiences to make a point. Don;t let them influence how you feel about yourself! Look at other people around you who are loud or dramatic in public who aren't gay! They do exist!

  • Lon E
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't think its a matter of being "unpopular". And who cares about that anyway.

    There are many preferences among human beings as to what they like and don't like. Thank goodness for diversity!!

    I am very masculine, and like masculine or "somewhere in the middle" myself. I don't DISlike the more femme guys... in fact have many great friends who are femme.... I just like to date masculine types.... its what i like... simple as that.

    Now, there COULD be some 'disharmony' (for lack of a better term) between the two I suppose. I really don't know why that is. My only guess (keyword GUESS) is that maybe when masculine guys come out, sometimes others expect them to become femme or something. Maybe they see it as a stereotype that they have to endure or overcome with the people they meet. Or maybe they have issue with possibly being considered "queeney" or something less than "manly" because of the stereotypes people form about gay men based solely on the "femme" of the species.

    Source(s): Total guess there man.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    That's exactly how it is in the lesbian world too. The femmes love bashing the butches and the queer snobs love bashing the femmes. It's so silly...silly people. Why don't people understand? Vag is vag. Dick is dick.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a gay man, I am masculine, and attracted to masculine men.

    I know men who are feminine, and I am friends with several. I think fem men are great friends, but have a tendency to be more dramatic, and like to attract attention. Sometimes this is great fun, but when I am at home, I want a calm, masculine man around.

    Don't worry about who you are. You can not change that, and many men will enjoy having you as a friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because even the most level headed gay guys have issues with gender roles. And some get a bit scared of really femmy guys, feel threatened bu them. I have a few femmy friends, and I think they are great fun. But I have also been embarrassed to be seen with them in some situations. But those are my issues to work through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unpopular, I have not heard that word since high school. I just don't see the need to be popular.

    Edit Note:

    Just like yourself and never mind what someone else thinks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I know that fem gays can't help it. It's the way they are made. BUt I'm gay because I like men, and am not attracted to fems. Sorry but I can't help it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Would you date a fem gay guy?

    If your answer was yes, you are most likely lying.

    It's a sociological issue.

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