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My best friends boyfriend?

my best friend, we'll call her jill. her BF, we'll call him jack.

so jill started dating jack about two months ago. just recently he started cutting himself, but only once. he's almost did it again, but he stopped himself. i said that if he did it again she should break up with him. she agreed. so last night, he almost did again, but again, stopped himself. he's beginning to rub off on her, because now she pretends to cut herself.

should she break up with him? or should i try to talk to her about this? because honestly, he is perfect for her. in every way.

thx fer your help!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if she likes him , then breaking up wont seem the right way.

    it might make him ACTUALLY cut himself.

    Have her help him go see someone about this mental

    disorder . If someone cuts themselves or almost does it its a

    sign of depression and that can lead to suicide and etc.

    so pleasee have him get some help and if she really cared

    about him she would help him him, not abandon him

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Get Your Ex Back -
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    woah woah woah back up.

    think about this clearly for a second. he's cutting himself because there's obviously something that he's upset about. so if your friends breaks up with him, there's a very good chance he's going to seriously hurt himself, possibly kill himself.

    i went through this exact situation, except the girl was the cutter, and the boyfriend pretended to cut in order to get him to stop. this is possibly the worst thing that can happen, because it basically validates what the boyfriend is doing. it says to him "well, if she's cutting, then it's okay for me to do it too, because she's someone i care about."

    the boyfriend broke up with the girl. the girl ended up slashing up her wrists and almost killed herself. she's now in a special school for suicidal kids. the boyfriend feels horrible, and takes all the blame.

    on a lighter note, it's awesome that you friends bf is stopping himself from cutting. it shows a lot of self control, and shows that he can get better again. but whatever your friend does, **do not** have her break up with him. he's already emotionally unstable and this will just make him much much worse. your friend should try to comfort him, and work with him to get him to stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have got a suggestion " Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of h20 jack's gone psycho hope jill aint gonna gonna come tumblin after" Ask ur friend to take this quote from the castigator. She would do well in life.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He must be perfect for her.

    Think about it.

    She wasn't cutting before but now she is pretending too, and you're worried that he will start and that then she will start too.

    Perfect huh?

    Why is she pretending to cut?

    If she was with a guy who wasn't cutting, would she pretend to cut? Would she even be thinking about cutting?

    Don't sound very healthy to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should give d guy a break maybe he has a lot of things in his life & all this is probably just a test like to see if their love could survive it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should tell this jack fellow to think about what he is doing and that he is a total moron. She should def break up with him. Why you she go out with someone who cuts himself? What a moron!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES she should break up with him or get help for him and her as well! this is not good and you need to be honest with her

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