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Is President Bush off his rocker?

He insists that the country's economy is not heading into recession.

Note to Mr. Bush: Denial is in Egypt.


Joe W: If he is a cheerleader for this country, he's not very effective. Maybe if he were to put on one of those little cheerleading skirts, he would be more convincing.

Update 2:

I Need Money: my question has nothing to do with politcal parties, the upcoming elections, or our future leader. Read it again.

Update 3:

Neil S: LOL - you are so correct!

I still hear his words from the 2004 election campaign: "The economy is steady and strong". Well, maybe in Denial it is.

Update 4:

aCeRBic: you sound like you might have some money because you are not aware that most of us are experiencing a recession. Perhaps you could buy dinner for us all tonight.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When asked today by reporters,what do you think of analysts's saying that gas could reach $4.00 gal.He responded, I never heard that!! its pretty expensive now!! Duh!!!! moron, so the answer is yes,

  • 1 decade ago

    You have just discovered the secret ingredient of the Bush Administration!

    Denial with a dash "God Bless America" set to simmer over the flame of middle-eastern oil served hot to mindless right wing religious nuts.

    Now as an explination that does not mean I hate republicans.... I'm a moderate... I like crap that both parties stand for.... I just don't like Bush. He has the mind of a child. And no child should have that sort of power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unlike most Liberals Mr Bush knows that Recession is emotion driven. He has to be the cheerleader for our economy if we are to avoid recession.

    It's sorta like Pelosi saying we've already lost in Iraq. She's hoping if she says it often enough it'll happen.

    GWB is trying to point out and convince people that the fundamentals of our economy care soiund and that we can avoid recession.

  • 1 decade ago

    The rich don't have recessions. He and his friends, the wealthy oil men, won't suffer at all. We have been in a recession for years, everytime we pay at the pump. The extra $100.00 a month at the pump has to come from somewhere.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush never had a rocker.

    Have you noticed that the first thing these "trickle down economics" idiots do to stimulate the economy is a tax rebate that is supposed to work by "trickling" up?

    Even they know that their policies are destroying the economy. Their goal is to keep rich people rich and only give a break to the workin' class when they have no other choice. Which is what they're doing now. It is a tacit admission that trickle down economics is a scam.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How long has this questrion been hanging in the ether? The fruitcake's been a sandwich short of a picnic for the last eight years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you have to understand something about our nutball President: He's in his own little fantasy world--completely cut off from reality.

    As such--being the lame-duck that he is--he has no reason to look out the window or go to a grocery store, and see just how bad things have gotten for the average American consumer.

  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Since a country in recession cannot be heading into one, technically he is correct.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the Democrats take office than it's all bad. We will have more Mexicans than Americans. The only way to save the U.S. is with the fair tax. This way even the illegal Mexicans will have to pay taxes when they buy good and services inside the U.S. No more Free ride for the law breakers.

  • peach
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I just heard him say that today on the news. He is always in denial about anything he doesn't agree with. Including saving our environment since he is in oil himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    His claims are never based on reality. If he says it enough, it must be true.

    Repeat after me, the economy is not headed for a recession.

    Global warming is not caused by burning oil nor humans.

    It is not illegal to evesdrop on the citizens of the US.

    Mission accomplished.

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