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Relationship advice...?

My girlfriend and I have been together for about 5 years. We're both 26. She's VERY ready for marriage, where as I'm not so ready. We actually broke up about a year ago (for a couple months) because she needed a concrete answer. We got back together a few months ago with the mutual understanding that I would make an effort to not only communicate more, but start making forward motions in our relationship.

I now communicate better by reasuring her that I do in fact want to get married to her, but I'm not quite ready. I've also moved forward by suggesting that we live together. In December we did just that and it's been going great. She just brought up the marriage topic again a couple days ago. I said that I feel like I have grown a lot over the last few months and I definatley feel more comfortable then I did before, but i'm just not ready for marriage right now.

To be blunt, it scares me. Not that being with her scares me, it's more the finality of the concept.


I told her that I want to by fully ready when I ask her, and I don't want to do it because i'm feeling pressured or out of obligation.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think you should do anything you don't feel ready for because you usually end up regretting it in the end. I understand you guys have been dating for a very long time, and she probably feels pressured to be married herself. Well I mean you need to make moves as well because five years is a long time. In my opinion marriage doesn't define how much you care for someone. But that's just me. Well at least you are trying to come a mutual understanding with her. But it sounds to me like to you need to leave boyhood behind and tie the knots. As scary as it may seem it really isn't that bad. But I honestly think you should do what ever you feel is best for you. But you have to take into consideration that you might lose her in the process...

    I heard stories of couples that waited to long to get married, and it usually was the girl that ended up leaving. But its really up to you. Your choice, your life, your decision.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally understand where you are coming from. However marriage is not the finite step it was a couple of generations ago, thanks to the wonders of divorce lawyers !!

    I think you need to explain to her your feelings and understand why she is so keen to get married - does she want kids for example but feel that you should be married before they come along. If you feel compatable in every other way, you may find you come to the point where you might have to marry her to stop losing her, tell yourself if things go wrong though you aren't stuck like that forever. If you have more cash than her though get a pre-nup (!).

    Chances are you probably will be happy together as you seem to love her. Good luck !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was in her position @ age 22. (27 now) I've been through a marriage and divorce. So bugging the crap out of my ex to marry me was not such a hot idea. I felt he needed to marry me because I needed proof of his love for me. I needed to know that he loved me THAT much. Enough to want to be with me forever. My Dad and Step-Mom Just got married after a ten year engagement. And believe it or not. They still don't actually live together yet. (he's still remodeling his house) So my point is, don't rush something that will last forever. Tell her that. "I don't need a wedding ring to know that I will love you for the rest of my life." Thats not an excuse to NEVER marry her. But if you REALLY want to be with her till you die or she does, then you need to mentally prepare for the "I do." To happen at some point. Also keep in mind that if you want children, it gets physically more difficult after 30 and older. Just stuff to think about.

  • celexa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well that's a lot of bullsh** coming from your end. I would be pissed if I were her she's wasting her time with you. What's so scary about that piece of paper? Gee, your already pretending to be married by doing and living like a married couple so just go through with it. All your doing now is hurting her and causing problems when there doesn't seem to be the need for any. Marriage is not scary, your looking way to deep into it. But stop stringing her along for your ride, it's just not fair if you really love her.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, Ive been in my realationship for just over 3years now and all i go on about is getting married - we talk about it together where we'd like our honeymoon etc but i dont see it happening soon even though he says he will. I havn't told him to marry me ive told him i dont want him to ask me enless hes 100% certain!

    I think most women dream of their big day for a while i know ive been thinking about it for a while now and if someone said right your gettin married in a few months i could easily plan it! lol!

    It was definatly a good move living together and its good that its all going well, thats a step forward which is what she asked for, me and my partner have lived together for nearly 2 years but this doesn't mean you have to maek her wait that long lol!

    I think most blokes get scared about marriage my boyfriend has a friend (who is one of the ppl likely to end up single for the rest of his life) and he makes jokes about getting married and oh you dont wanna do that your be stuck etc! Its a load of rubbish - getting married doesn't mean anythings final you have the rest of yours lives to look forward to together, being there for each other, getting a house togetehr, kids etc. Look at it more like you'll have all the ppl you love friends family all togetehr for one day to show them how much you love each other and for them to be able to share that.

    I really hope this helps and be honest with her about how you feel so she doesnt think its her you dont want to marry, tell her your scared and also not to push you - she wouldnt want you to marry her because you though thats what she wanted she will want you to want it to!

    Good luck for the future!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you are not ready that is ok but the thing is she mite break up with you and find a guy who is ready so you better change the answer soon

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