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What's the nastiest you have ever been to anyone?

18 Answers

  • rose p
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I returned from overseas I learned my partner had died. Her family claimed her remains and buried her in their private church cemetery.

    I visited the grave as soon as I was able. One of the female relatives saw me and followed me till I found the grave on its own in a corner. The woman started shouting an abusing me while I read the inscription which was UNKNOWN TO GOD.


    I can't recall what I said but know how desperately I wanted to kill her. Something stopped me and the next I can remember is walking home. Severe depression and worse followed..

    Rose P.

  • Moxie!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not really a nasty person, I usually only offend people by being a flake. Sometimes I say I'll do something or go somewhere with someone and just back out (sometimes at the last minute, with no good reason). Sometimes I don't even warn them, I just don't show up, lol.

    But I guess the nastiest thing I said to someone was call this boy fugly after we got into a fight.

  • I am *genrally* a good person so *genrally* I don't act nasty.

    As I key in this answer I actually can't remember anything specifically nasty that I may have done to anyone.

    Do my little childhood fights with my cousins/siblings count as nasty........

    ( As in, eating their share of chocolates and bossing on them and making them do things for me cuz I was the 'eldest')

    But the maths lecturer that we have this semester is REALLY bad. She has a lot of attitude, not so great teaching skills, tries her best to prevent us from getting good grades, is unnecessarily strict and she is not just an overall bad personality, she is not even hot.....

    I am thinking of ways in which I can be REALLY nasty to her.....any ideas?

  • 1 decade ago


    I have put someones car on bricks and loosened their bolts to their tyres so when they get in the tires fall off..

    Written roses r red violets are black ud look ten times more attractive with a knife in your back

    Bullied a guy who was gay till he told me he wud tell the school lol

    cheated on an ex who was an Arseh0le to me

    and cant think of anymore

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When I was small and my little brother was constantly sucking his thumb, and I'm not proud of this, but I would put various things on his thumb for weeks. Salt, pepper, tabasco sauce just a drop. You get the picture. TO this day he does not know, neither do my parents.

  • 1 decade ago


    This is tough to answer.

    Probably 35+ years ago now when I told my "Mother" she would never see me again as long as she lived.

    6 weeks later she passed away, then I found out I had been adopted. I was then 27 years old.

    I still regret that afternoon to this day.

    Source(s): Life experience.
  • geegee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Nothing specific, but being dismissive is pretty awful when it directed to me, and likely in the past I've acted this way towards someone I care about.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mine is kinda on the same as blue monkey..i have yet to carry out my plan.

    I would love to run my homophobic ex stepfather over with my truck like Clara Harris did lmao

    *smacks hand* i am awful. He mentally and verbally abused me for years and I hate him.

  • 1 decade ago

    lets see

    i knew a friend of mine was falling for me and he was falling hard and it had built up over a long period of time i never liked the guy teh way he wanted me to like hi and when he finally came to teh point of telling em he liked me i told hi id need to think about it the thing was i was going out wiht someone i was already commited too i didnt want to disturb him to tell him someone else was falling for me i was going to give the guy time to come to his senses since i was the first male mate he had had in a very long time so i reckoned it was just infactuation i was goin got let it burn out but things led to other things i never slept with him i dont cheat but it came ot teh point i didnt ruat th guy any longer and he got on my bad side he lied a few times and made up a few stories to confuse me so i led him on and he fell even further to the point he was ready to move in with me if i wanted he still never knew about eht guy i was seeing so i waited untill he was getting a bit too close to the point i couldnt handle and when there was a group meeting he ahd called amoungst us and other friends that had been in teh lies and confusion i walked away he followed we where in teh university early so teh place was jam packed full of people and he shouted in teh atrium what was going to happen to us i broke his heart i felt really guilty knowing this was the first proper crush wanting relationship he had ever had when i said "there is no us there never will be an us and never any chance of it happening when im already in love with someone else! you where too stupid to relise the ring on my finger wasnt just decoration you where using emotional blackmail against me by not eating and losing weight making urself ill and it wont work if u want to kill yourself u go ahead and do it i wont be blackmailed into somethign im not interested in nor will i do it out of guilt so get it inot your thick skull im not intereted" in that rant alone i saw his face fall although i enjoyed every minute of it concidering what he put me through i felt evil and horrible for doing it all at teh same time.

    Source(s): real life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, i haven't exactly done this yet, but it's a plan i'm thinking of implementing, to get back at this girl who used to be my friend, and who told the entire school i was gay, & that i had been having sex with this other boy. (i am, but that isn't the point).

    Her boyfriend, fancies someone in the year below, and i have his msn password.

    i was thinking about hacking into his msn, saving a picture of a woman's *cough* onto a file, and then sending the file to his gf under the title of the name of the girl that he fancies.

    That, or saving a picture of a penis under the title of her boyfriend's name, and then sending it to her, saying 'here you go [enter her boyfriend's sexual interest's name]. picture of my penis, like i said i would send to you.'

    Either that, or just hacking his msn, and having a go at her, then dumping her.


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