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Anna asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is anybody else having problems with Sky broadband?

Sorry to post in this section, but I reckon I'll get more answers.

Kev, where are you lolol.

My connection keeps resetting, it's going at a snails pace and sometimes won't even load the page.

I asked this a few days ago, and there were reports that there were problems after the earthquake.

It's doing my head in, and coincidently never had a problem with it before the tremor...

Update: - there's no error message. It's taking about 5 mins for a page to load. Sometimes it won't load and says the page was reset. It's sporadic and sometimes it will run normal, other times it won't.

It's taken me about 10 minutes to ask this question, by the time the page loads or I've refreshed.


Update 2:

It won't let me load that page.

It's running quite quick for the time being...

Update 3:

It's all sites, not just Yahoo.

SM - ah ken aright.

Update 4: - have done that, it's come up with the user/password box but won't take them. Saying 401 unauthorised.

Update 5:

Sorry - it won't take me to the Netgear site, just requests the router username and password - there isn't one.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no my sky bb is fine, what error if any are you getting?

    type in in your address bar will take you to netgear site

    name is sky

    password admin run the sky test

    Source(s): SORRY ITS
  • Kev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There's not any problems at Sky's end, well there wasn't when I left work anyway. There would have been a bulletin to let us know of any issues, but there wasn't anything like that for Broadband.

    Are you still having the same problems? I'm not in the broadband department so I don't know all the tricks, so all I can suggest is to give them a call and see what they can do for you over the phone.

    It's quieter at night though so you won't be kept on hold for about a year before someone answers.....! :D

    Edit: lol! Steph ~ Phone them and kick up a stink, that always seems to get people moving. There's something they can do over the phone to get it back on for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's exactly what happened to mine Delly, it was crap. I live by Birmingham as well so it looks like you have these problems all over the country. It started off crap by cutting off and not coming back on for hours, sometimes all day. Then it got a bit better then it just went worse by cutting off every hour or so and going so slow I had to keep resetting the router. I got rid of it and now have BT which is loads better. :-)

  • Susie2
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Read into the small print.. 'Fair Sharing' most servers do this, it's annoying when you pay for a fast speed broadband and are controlled, told how much you can use it....

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  • Ysanne
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not Sky, but mega problems with AOL (now car phone warehouse) and I'm locked in a contract so can't do much about their abysmal service.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    l have sky broadband and have had no problems.

    i have noticed a slowness in getting into my mail, but i think thats more to do with yahoo rather than sky.

    have you tried deleting your cookies, we find that often helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to check the speed of your connection and compare it with what you are supposed to be getting then complain. If its wireless make sure its secured from other people using it too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you sure it is not Yahoo Q/A's that is the problem? I get soooooooooo frustrated as this happens often on here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm with BT and ive got the same problem, it's really slow tonight

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm with bt and mine has been slow all day, it was like dial up it was that slow. I thought it was yahoo.

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