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Blue Falcon asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 1 decade ago

NASCAR Broadcasters?

In a blog posted on, Sheena Baker ripped a new one on ESPN's NASCAR broadcast team. Among her comments-you can see the full blog at the site above-she wrote that she is tired of "Rusty Wallace talking about "fast hot rods"; Brad Daugherty's uniformed opinions and Dr. Jerry Punch's making every lap sound like the last lap of the 1976 Daytona 500. I agree with EVERYTHING she wrote. Do you like ESPN's broadcast team? If so, why? If you like Fox's or TNT's teams better, why or why not? The most thoughful, reasoned answer gets the 10 points.


Sorry I misspelled. I should have written UNINFORMED, which is the word Ms. Baker used to describe the opinions of Brad Daugherty.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off, Brad Daugherty IS uninformed. Rusty and Jerry Punch do a good job. Fox's team is the best in the sport. Speed TV's F1 crew is the best in auto racing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, here's my take on stupid announcers from Fox and ESPN:

    Rusty Wallace: Fast hot rods (his only 1 liner)

    Jerry Punch: Send him back to the pits where his comments are worthy and interesting

    Nicole Manske: Is a beauty queen better than Brad Daugherty (#43 because he's a Petty fan and about 10% NASCAR)? To the curb.

    Andy Petree: A keeper

    Add Buddy Baker or Ned Jarrett

    We really miss BP

    Chris Myers: To the curb (I kid because I care?)

    Krista Voda: Join the Myers Club

    Larry McReynolds: A keeper

    Jeff Hammond: Stay away from DW's BS - no more poor ZZTop stuff - you ain't that cool

    Darrell Waltrip: Quit trying to be funny and perky. No more Boogity. Stick to serious commentary about the sport you know and love.

    Get rid of Toby Lightman's "Let's go racing boys" BS along with Rihanna's "Shut up and drive" : WE WANNA ROCK!! ROCK!! courtesy of DS from TS.

    The perfect team would be old school TNN announcers mixed in with some old school ESPN. That was when racing was racing. Bias-ply tires, Bristol was asphalt with hills, etc.

    That's all I have to say about that.

  • Tbone
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Who's Sheena Baker and what the heck is Has she owned NASCAR teams like Brad Daugherty ? Has she ever changed a transmission in 10 minutes? Everyone has opinions. I guess I can't be tired of Sheena because she works for a generic website making money of a sandwich specialist at Subway.

    I can't even go on on this nonsense.. To each his or her own. All three mentioned have done more than this "fly by night" columnist. Her and Jenna Fryer can get together and try to comprehend how air and fuel create combustion and horsepower.

  • Ed P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My Opinion--All Network Nascar TV Announcer--Fox-ESPN-Speed Channel should be unbiased and quit Showing Favoritism!!!!!! They need to cover all drivers not just the Most Popular or those in the Top 10 in Points and need to Give all 43 drivers some Camera Time during the race--The Favoritism is sickening. These guys Announcing a Nascar race televised Nationally need to show Unbiasedness-Professionalism-and be Knowledgable!!!!!----I understand a WGN Paid TV announcer Cheering and Talking up the Cubs And Bulls or a TBS TV announcer doing the same for the Braves and Hawks----BUT NATIONALLY TELEVISED ANNOUNCERS SHOULDNT SHOW THE FAVORITISM!!!!!!!

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  • tom p
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is nice to sit in the confines of your office, two or three days after a race that you probably didn't watch, and blame the announcers for your lack of knowledge.

    Let this trollop come on down and call a race. Let's see how "Informed" she is!

    Sounds like a case of microphone envy.

    She is just another bubble-head who should just go away.

    Oh, FOX has the best team.

    Source(s): But I digest..... Just my 2 cents.
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with everything

    Why dont they have pit reporters and a reguler announcer with someone like Hammond calling the race

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I very much prefer the team on FOX!

    G0 Jr.>>>>

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont care for any of the talking heads on tv i turn down the sound and listen to it on the radio

    Source(s): i wanna jam screwdrivers in my ears when i hear dws boggity boogity bs
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