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Lv 6
weeder asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Why does everyone care so much that weed be legalized?

1st off, the Govt will end up putting a sin tax on it and making it even more expensive than it is now.

2nd They'll probably make the penalties even tougher for growing your own so that you will be even more afraid and have to buy theirs.

3rd Now we got a bunch of inexperienced smokers out there driving around and acting stupid.

4th They'll probably make you register or something so they can keep track of who does what.

I mean it makes absolutely no sense! In most (if not all) states it's a misdemeanor as long as you only have enough for personal use anyway. So it's not like you're going to get into big trouble with the way it is now.

Is it just because there are so many people who want to smoke but are afraid because it's illegal so they want it legalized? It would be treated just like alcohol so oyu wouldn't be able to drive while smoking or walk down the street or fire up at the local Wal Mart.

Please help me understand why legalizing is better.



wiseguy - less than an ounce you won't. And is the cop coming to your house?

Update 2:

tyranus - when it's legal you'll pay $400. That's my point.

Update 3:

Anyone who thinks that the weed will cheaper when legalized is insane and there is no guarantee that you will see any of it back OR have any other taxes reduced. I already pay $20 for a case a beer that costs $2 to make due to taxes and the same thing would happen with weed.

Also, if you think they would let you just "grow on your own" you're crazy. That would take $$$ out of there pockets and the growing of tabacco is not a good analogy. Who the hell grows their tobacco now to avoid buying cigs.

I guess I'm just old school and like it just the way it is. Whether it's legal or not had no effect on me now and legalizing it would only make it owrse for me. And yes.....It's all about me! I don't know you people.

Update 4:

Some of you guys are clueless. Since when has the Govt EVER done something that more a benefit to you than to them? You guys are in dreamland and we they ever do you will see and be like "Dammit! why couldn't we just keep it underground like we used to!"

Update 5:

Don't you ever wonder why you pay $150 bucks for $20 worth of prescription pills? THE US GOVT IS WHY

Update 6:

But you can buy them much cheaper elsewhere but it is illegal! You seeing the correlation now?


16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Think about it, if it's legalized the government will charge big time taxes and make mucho dinero and they can help pay your SS wages when you retire but the best part is, the dope dealers won't make any money out of it anymore and that will be worth it all.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Listen weed is way less harmful then caffine tabacco and liquor and just because you smoke weed does not meen your a low life. Cannabis is label a level 1 drug meaning it's most harmful but crack is labeled level 2 so bascliy what the goverment is saying crack is better for you? Yeah think about that but enough of that. The reason why it is illegal is because it could be used for many this such as fuel, paper, etc and the big name company's will go out of business. That's just the short answer. And fir every one saying if you smoke weed your a looser your just closed minded I can tell you more on y it should be legal but I'll have to type at least 5 pages lol and i don't think yahoo will let me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your 1st off-

    If the sin tax on weed were used to diffuse the taxes taken out of my pay check, that would rock.

    your 2nd- growing your own should not be illegal, growing tobacco isn't illegal & tobacco is worse than weed.

    your 3rd- less likely than drunk driving, which happens daily.

    your 4th- impossible, this is not a communist government

    A lot of non-violent offenders (people that grow their own at home & smoke it) would get out of jail... which would save all of us some tax money. Where I live you get 1 week in jail per quarter oz of smoke- even for personal use the penalty is harsh... even if you are a cancer patient.

    It is because weed is less dangerous than either tobacco or alcohol. Their has NEVER been any recorded deaths from a weed overdose. A casual weed smoker (1 or 2 joints a week) is in no danger of respiratory disease. Smoking a bong full as opposed to drinking a bottle full of alcohol & you don't even want to go drive... you want to watch cartoons and eat out of the can of chocolate icing.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Sorry, but you're wrong. Prices may not get "cheap" but they will still be cheaper and besides if it were legalized you could start to grow your own.

    2. Doubt it, people can make beer at home and no laws are broken.,

    3. I fear drunk drivers ALOT more than weed drivers.

    4. Yes, they may make you register and that is a bad thing but its far better than making you register as a criminal.

    Legalizing is better because in a free and democratic society we needs reasons to make things illegal NOT to make them legal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it should be legalized because the government is wasting money on the "War on Drugs" when they can use it on something good and productive. And when you get caught with it your car doesnt get impounded and waste 3 hours in a police station thats why. if it legal of course they're gonna tax it but you wont be arrested for it. In some states you go to jail overnight and its really not that serious to have weed on you. It should be treated like alcohol but it really doesnt affect you like alcohol at ALL!

  • I don't smoke so I don't care. It would be better off for the government I assume. They spend a ton of money on the "never ending war" on drugs. I am getting really irritated that the deficit is getting larger and larger, yet they keep funding money into things like the war on drugs. There are bigger issues than Mary Jane, that's for sure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be or not to be that is the question........everyone wants to be fat and happy right???? Dude it will never be legalized because America would stop working and we are already considered the fattest country as well as the laziest, yeah it is a waste of a thought really, which in turn is what happens to you when you smoke.........Makes no sense that this is causing you so much anguish-go smoke your doobey!

    Source(s): All the potheads in school amounted to fat lazy bastards that cry poor me............or druggy smeegal types.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree that there would be penalties for growing and that it will be more expensive. After a few years it will be just like tobacco. It will be taxed though, and it could be used to help fund social security. You probably wont have to register either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I shouldn't have to pay $300 for something that cost $10.

    Besides for me its more about LIBERTY then anything else.

    And yes it might be a misdemeanor but I have had a number of friends that had to spend a whole day in jail because of that misdemeanor

  • 1 decade ago

    Legalization would remove the stigma that is placed on smokers. Even misdemenor charges can hurt. 10 months in jail sucks

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