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breakfast ideas for south beach diet, 1st phase?

I've done South Beach before and had no problems, but gained some weight and need to lose it quickly, which I did last time. But I've been dieting for so long I'm sort of finding it hard to stay on a diet right now, why I put on weight. I can figure out what to do with meals for the rest of the day, but breakfast is getting to me. It's basically eggs of all different types and some time lox or tuna salad. After phase 1, it's not so hard as there are breakfast bars and egg wraps, but on phase you are just so limited. Does anyone have any help on what to eat. I know there are a lot of people on the diet out there.

4 Answers

  • mark
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Same problem I had. Honestly, I have not found anything but eggs that were suitable for the 1st phase. Occasionally I would have a yogurt or some cheese for breakfast but breakfast is the toughest meal on that diet.

  • 1 decade ago


    Try visiting the link below. That will have some idea's for you. One in particular I found is "eggsangna" labeled as south beach any phase!

    Egg mixture

    1 whole egg

    2 egg whites


    salt (optional)

    Cheese mixture

    1/4 cup low-fat ricotta cheese

    2 tablespoons low fat mozzarella

    2 teaspoons parmesan cheese (low fat or reduced sodium can be used)

    1 teaspoon italian seasoning



    1/4 cup diced stewed tomatoes (SBD approved)

    1 teaspoon parmesan cheese

    1/4 teaspoon italian seasoning

    1. Beat eggs and cook as an omelet in a small round skillet. Flip once the eggs are almost dry on top.

    2. While eggs are cooking, mix all ingredients for the cheese mixture. (I generally just use the same bowl that I mixed the eggs.) Spoon onto the cooked omelet; fold omelet in half and put on a plate.

    3. Heat diced tomatoes and Italian seasoning. Spoon onto omelet and serve.

    4. (Optional step: place finished omelet in the microwave for 30 seconds).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Make Over 200 Juicy, Mouth-Watering Paleo Recipes You've NEVER Seen or Tasted Before?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'd stop this nutrients plan and definitely get exhilaration from existence via ingesting 1g protein/lb bodyweight, .25g fat/lb bodyweight, and someplace around a million.5g/lb bodyweight carbs, you are able to mess around with this # even with the indisputable fact that. upload a good education application to that and you'd be able to get exhilaration from nutrients and drop pounds. as long as you're at a caloric deficit, you will drop pounds. the concern with low carb diets is they are depressing to stay with making them short term strategies, bring about binges and bam you in basic terms wasted 4 weeks. you're additionally messing with the way your physique makes use of nutrients for potential via thoroughly removing carbs. you're additionally making it annoying on your digestive gadget via not getting any fiber, that are carbs. Or quite of eggs you would be able to desire to easily drink a protein shake and a spoonful of olive oil...

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