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How Do I Know If My Crush Likes Me Back?

I have a crush on this guy at my school.I did'nt want him ti know,but my friends told him.He's known since December 21,2007.I still like him and I don't think I'll ever get over him.Ever since he found out that I like him,it's been awkard.I guess we both did'nt know what to do,and we both started to ignore each other.Now since the 10 of this month,we're not ignoring each other.We both have a big group of friends we walk with when we pass each other.But when we pass each other,we both stare at each other.I hear him talking about me to my friends,and I'm pretty sure he hear me talking about me to my friends.This week,one of my friends that is my crushes friend,Brandon,told me that he like me and another girl named Kristen.And then on Thursday,Brandon let me hear a recording,and on it was my crush saying he should have gone out with me before all the awkardness started.Now,I catch him staring at me,and he catches me staring at him.We both just turn away.I need help,thanks.=]

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    here are the signs

    1. Keep an eye on how many times you catch her/him staring at you.

    2. Take notice of whether he smiles at you a lot.

    3. Look for whether he focuses on you in a crowd.

    4. Observe if he has suddenly taken more interest in you.

    5. Pay attention to any significant changes in his behavior toward you recently.

    6. Start showing him a bit more interest and see how they respond.

    One of the signs that a boy likes you is when he always teases you or makes fun/jokes.

    Boys might not tell you directly, but they may tell someone. Or perhaps when you are not around but your friend is there he will ask for you.

    Here are some of the signs: he acts distracted when he's around you and fumbles for things. From the corner of your eye you think he is looking at you but when you look up he turns away abruptly and you think you are imagining things. He tries to like all the things you do. Your instinct tells you that he feels for you but your rational part says you are sure to be wrong.

    I think you can tell if a guy likes you if he always looks at you, he always wants to see you smile, he doesn't like it when other guys talk to you, he looks at you when you are doing something, he follows you places, he doesn't know how to act when he is with you.

    He will make you feel special. He will be romantic. He will not move too fast. He will consider your feelings and take things slow.

    He will show off, sometimes on small things.

    If your crush likes you back him/her will subconsciously:

    1. Play with their own hair

    2. Blush when you are around

    3. Straighten his/her clothes

    4. Mimic you e.g. you lean forward and a few seconds later he/she leans forward

    5. Cross their legs towards you

    6. Show his/her palm

    7. Change the volume of his/her voice to match yours

    Examine his body language. If he likes you, you will see that his body position will lean forward toward you.

    Keep close. Ever get the feeling that somebody is "in" your personal space - so much so that you want to step back? If he likes you, and you like him, neither of you will step back.

    Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he'll get it and hold it. Again, this can be uncomfortable if you don't like him or vice versa. You'll know if you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly.

    Be aware of touching. He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, or not move his leg if it happens to touch yours. This is a very good sign that he likes you.

    Keep an eye out. His pupils will dilate (get bigger) if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might look a bit weird looking that closely into his eyes.

    Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do.

    Joke freely. Does he laugh, even if you aren't funny?

    Check for signs of nervousness: nervous laughter, sweaty palms, fidgeting, etc. Unless he's scared of public speaking and is about to make a presentation, it just might be that he's nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies (hopefully you).

    Smile. A big smile in return probably means the feeling is mutual.

    See if he always ends up in the same part of the room as you. Perhaps he keeps going out of his way to bump into you.

    Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. Also study their reactions to your presence. Do they smile? Do they turn to him? If so, then there's a good chance he really does like you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you are doing any of these things, you have to stop right now. Because if you're asking, "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back," all of the above mistakes will not do it, so stop doing these things immediately!

    So then, what should I be doing to get my ex boyfriend back, you ask?

    Here are some helpful tips for you to follow that actually work.

    You have to stop whatever you've been doing. It obviously didn't work, and if you were making the mistakes I mentioned above, then you really need to stop and take a step back. It's time for a fresh approach.

    You have to break complete contact with him, at least for a while. If you really like him, I know this is going to be difficult, but you have to do it. You can't communicate with him in any way. So, no texting, no IM'ing, no anything. You have to go "cold turkey" in a sense.

    You can consider this "you time" where you work on yourself. You have to work on improving your life instead of focusing your attention on your failed relationship. This will be probably be a difficult time for you, and it's going to feel almost impossible to not call him, but you'll need to stay disciplined so that you don't revert back to your old ways.

    Just remember that what you were doing wasn't working. You're trying something new.

    Go to :

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    After a bad break it is often difficult for most individuals to make their ex talk or speak to them. Break up usually occur with a sudden decision without even thinking. Well in fact they still do love their ex. So are you one of those individual having difficulty in making your ex talk to you? In this article, you will actually know three stunning way to make your ex talk to you again. Read more and you'll know these simple yet stunning approach.

    Send some mystery messages. This approach do usually work all the time. By sending some mystery messages to your ex, it will make your ex puzzled and think what is the solution on that particular mystery message. Make sure it's a fresh mystery message not those common mystery message. Using common mystery message might probably spoil your objectives.

    Give your ex some space. Giving your ex some extra space will be one of your best approach. It doesn't mean giving her space will be the end between of your broken relationship. Giving your ex some time can make you both think on what happened and can make the pain heal. Otherwise, it can also make you think if you really want to continue your broken relationship. This way you can also avoid hurting your ex again.

    Try to talk to your ex. If you really love your ex and you want him or her back into your arms, you should approach him or her to talk you again. If you don't try talking to your ex, there is a possibility that your ex won't talk to you again. While doing this approach, try not to be pushy or desperate, it will just worsen the problem. Be nice and tell your ex what you really feel. The key in this approach is sincerity.

    Here is the most important question you must answer - Do you want to get back with your ex? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will have your ex asking YOU to get back together. These steps are so powerful that they GUARANTEE that you will get back with your ex. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. See the proven steps on how to get your ex back

    Source(s): Gitber - Make Different Choices
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Help! How can I get my ex boyfriend back? Are you frustrated because you want your

    ex back but have no idea what to do? It's not uncommon to hear women say that all

    their efforts only seem to make things worse. Does this sound like what you're going

    through? If so, understand that there is still hope... you just need a little

    guidance to get you on the right track to a successful reunion.

    It's human nature to want what we can't have. If you throw yourself at him it will

    probably push him away. If your ex senses that you're pressuring him, he will pull

    away from you.

    Go to :

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Are you wondering how to get my ex back but all you can feel is pain and heart break? Have your tried everything in your power to try and make your ex reconsider their decision to but her or she doesn't even want to talk to you? Thankfully almost all relationships can be saved once you change your approach.

    Love is rarely the reason for a break up and with that in mind you should understand that almost every other problem can be fix if you play your cards right.

    Stop asking and wondering how to get my ex back, take action and learn an extremely unconventional method that will make your ex powerless to resist you.

  • 5 years ago

    You're only shot at getting your ex back is to follow the right steps that will make her ask you to get back together. Learn here

    Maybe if you broke up with her, then you might be able to be the one who brings up the subject of getting back together. But if you can do it without, it would be much better. But how do you get someone back without seeming desperate? In order to get your ex girlfriend attention, you have to show value without telegraphing your interest in her, while at the same time initiating interaction. So don't ignore your ex texts and calls when they break up with you. It screams that you are so devastated by the breakup that you can't even handle talking to her. You want to respond to her, but do it in the right way. You can even initiate communication if you do it in the right way. You have to maintain a strong frame of confidence, and show your ex girlfriend that your happiness isn't dependent on being with her

  • 6 years ago

    After the relationship ends, how can you behave in a way that says you respect yourself? It's hard because being dumped or just ending a relationship can make you feel you've failed somehow. Still, it's important that you respect yourself as a person and carry on. Let's assume you are a young woman whose boyfriend has just told you he wants to break up with you and see other women

    Go to:

  • 1 decade ago

    wow the guy before me pretty much explained everything!!! lol

    anyways i really think that this guy does like you cuz believe it or not i had the same situation happen to me when i was in the 7 grade (except there was no recording) in the end i never actually got to go out with the girl i liked but maybe you will have better luck. anyways getting back to you this guy is probably just scared to make the first move but like i said before im almost 100% sure he like you so maybe you should consider making the first move if hes to scared!!!

  • 6 years ago

    Texting lets you control the tone and establish what kind

    of conversation you want to have. This is probably the most

    important part. With texting, you can STOP and THINK about

    what you want to say to your ex at each step of the way. Instead of

    reacting emotionally, you can take your time, figure out the right

    thing to say (I’ll give you most of it), and be strategic with your ex

    without saying something that you’ll regret.

    Go to :

  • 1 decade ago

    When he stares at you SMILE then turn away. See what happens the next time he sees you looking. He may or may not smile back. Smile anyway then he will either start to feel more confident that you are approachable. Go from there.

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