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Lv 4
Barb asked in Education & ReferenceHome Schooling · 1 decade ago

Home-schoolers: Do you have more success stories?

Parents, students, family, and friends of home-schoolers --- Please tell your success stories. I'd like to hear everything from what the littlest homeschoolers say to what the graduates are doing in college and in their careers.

I chose a best answer very early on my previous success-story question. I'd like to have at least 20 to choose from this time.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We live in Louisiana and my son attended a catholic school here for six years before I let him start home schooling. He was being bullied for a few years to the point of sheer horror. The class size doubled the last year, but tuition went up. ANYWAY, he loves it. It has taught us both so much. He jumps up every morning eager and ready to get started. He loves to go online and look up the lessons we have done if he wants to see even more info. It has brought us closer and he now understands it is hard work on the teacher also. He still has plenty of friends around home and joined a group of other home schooled kids. He has actually skipped a grade now due to the mastery K12 system we are using. This is the best thing that has ever happened to us. If you can afford to do it, I say give it a chance. Your child will be all the better and smarter, usually, for it. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Good Writing Job
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My sister home schooled all 3 of her children all the way through. They became so motivated they would often wait at the mail box when they were expecting a new text book. All of them learned to be self motivated. They were tested at the local public school once a year to make sure they were keeping up. In every case they were way ahead to the public school. People said they will be social outcasts. They were somewhat that way, which means they bypassed the sex and drug syndrome which was rampant at the public school. Now all of them are grown and have continued with their educations. The oldest daughter and her husband opened a tutoring school, they contract with high schools to tutor students that are behind. This is a full time business. The second daughter is a housewife and mother, married to an executive of an insurance company. The youngest one is a college campus policeman, has a wife and small child. My sisters children are not social outcasts, they are the opposite. They are a credit to society. Home schooling is one of the finest things parents can do for a child.

  • 1 decade ago

    I started homeschooling in the 5th grade because of acting....Since then I've had more time to work, and take vacations....

    I've been in 4 commercials (2 of which aired during the super bowl), 5 TV shows, one of which is going to start to air this month, and I've been in a movie that was #2 at the boxoffice when it came out....

    I'd say my career has been great because of homeschooling, I got to be alot more flexible, and had alot more time on my hands to do things on my own time....

    I would not call my life great because of homeschooling though, I never thought my life would be this way, and I never realized why it was....I don't agree with homeschooling, and I regret doing it in the last 2, 3 years....

    But I would say my career has been great, and successful with the benefits of homeschooling....But not the main points in my life to me that matter most....

    It can go either way, but I've been very for fortunate to have a good family, and career so far....

    But homeschooling has had it's many and big downfalls for me....But I've had the chance to do many things because of it, but also missed out on alot....


  • 1 decade ago

    I am a homeschool mom who majored in Secondary Education, but instead of teaching in a public institution, I chose to homeschool. I think that the general public is very uninformed about homeschooling today, and still relies on the old stereotype of the "shy unsocialized hermetic homeschooler" who never leaves their home and has no friends. It is so inaccurate. My kids are very social and anything but shy! We live in a suburb of Kansas City, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of other Hschoolers in our small area. Nationwide, there are millions of us. We are active members of several local groups for homeschool famlies, and we take part in at least one social activity every day, outside of our home. Activities are set up and organized by moms through yahoo email loops. Our local homeschool groups offers the following activities to name a small few; Girl and Boy Scout troops, 4H, campfire, bowling, gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding, art, choir, and gym classes, holiday parties, book clubs, a 2 hour long recess time every week, plus park days, field trips, picnics and academic fairs. These are just a few of the many things we do while everyone else is in school). When we are not doing our lessons, we are always on the go, and it is ironic that we call ourselves homeschoolers since we spend so much time away from home! Homeschoolers have the advantage of one on one personalized attention educationally, and we also dont have to waste a lot of time on discipline, paperwork, and busywork. We can get our lessons done in a couple hours each morning, and then get on with enjoying our hobbies and friends. We also have the advantage of making closer more meaningful friendships because our kids have the time for more playdates and outings, instead of sitting, bored and institutionalized behind a desk all day. I find it ridiculous that public schools are thought of as a great place to socialize! How can kids socialize when they have to sit silently and listen for 8 hours a day?? Homeschoolers have the time to learn at their own pace, to spend time with friends, and just be kids, without the pressures and negative influences of public school. Homeschool kids are not hermits and they are not freaky nerds. They are just really lucky kids who get to enjoy life and learning every day. No child is left behind in a homeschool, and socialization is the best reason to homeschool. Public school creates a harsh artificial society where children are raised by their peers. Homeschoolers live and learn in the real world. For more info, read the book; "The Well adjusted Child; The Social Benefits of Homeschooling", by Rachel Gathercole,

    or Dumbing Us Down; The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto

  • Mystic
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I went to public high school until my sophomore year. School had never been very challenging for me, and the administration didn't believe in "skipping" grades. One day my mother looked at me and said, "If you are serious about this, I'll be with you every step of the way, and you can homeschool yourself to college." I had heard about homeschooling before, but there were very few people in our area who were doing it and very few resources to consult. My mom and I worked day and night with a plan on what courses I would need to graduate with honors and what colleges would expect me to have.

    Finally, during Christmas break, I was pulled out of school. It was quite an overwhelming feeling knowing that I was leaving behind something very familiar, but exhilarating too, knowing I held my own future in my hand. I excelled so much at my subjects in homeschooling that I graduated in 6 months at the age of 16 with an ACT score high enough to get me a free ride to the college of my choice. I chose a private college to go to......the only problem was that they had never admitted homeschoolers before and didn't intend to!! (Keep in mind this was in 1998 and that things have changed!) Through perserveance and with the unwavering help of my mother, I became the first homeschooler ever to attend that college.

    I graduated college in 3 years with a BS in Biology/Pre-Med and a minor in Russian. I taught 3 years in the Public School System before becoming a homeschool teacher for the last 4 years. I realize that everyone homeschools for different reasons and at different speeds, but I will never regret my decision to homeschool and am so glad that we have the opportunity to use it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was homeschooled ..

    I was pulled out of a good Christian School because I had learning disabilities. The teachers could not teach me even when I was in special ed.

    I was in Year 5. I could not read the most simple of sentances or do any math.

    My mother took me out of school and began homeschooling. With in 6 weeks I could read simple sentances and was leaning times tables. From then on it was great.

    Homeschooling gave me a love of learning and knowledge. Reading and writing was know longer my enemy. I loved studdy and life. Homeschooling saved me from a life of being labled as the "disabled kid, or troubled youth". I am very greatful to my mother for what she gave up to home educate me.

    In Australia there are not that many home-schoolers. I hope to see more and more in my country as I think it is wonderful.

    I recently graduated from Bible College and am excited about life. I have no signs of the ADD or ADHD and all those other learning disorders the school system labled me with.

    Thanks for this question..

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a recent success! My 5 year old is interested in American History! We are studying the Spanish Conquest in America and specifically the area of Florida and St Augustine. Well last summer that was where we went for vacation. My daughter was having a hard time recalling Castillo De San Marco so I looked it up on-line so she could have a picture in her mind. My son took one quick glance at it and started telling me some of the history he remembered from the "soldier" that was speaking while we visited. Even where the soldier was standing when he gave his speech. I didn't think that much of the trip stuck with him since he didn't want to listen and just wanted to explore the fort! He also told me of the Manatee we saw in the bay while walking the fort walls! No prompting just his memory! I wish I had a tape recorder just to preserve the memory. He usually can't sit still through his own lessons.

  • 1 decade ago

    We homeschooled our 3 children. The oldest 2 had been to public school when we decided to homeschool. They are all adults now and none of them have attended college.

    The youngest one who only took a supplimental class or 2 at the public school and is currently serving in the army and just got back from Iraq. He loves the army and plans to make it a career.

    Our daughter has held a lot of jobs locally. It's hard to find a job which earns a livable wage in our community without a college education. She has struggled but gets by.

    Our oldest son lives in another state and works for Wells Fargo. He started out in their phone bank and has worked his way from there to working as a computer tech and from there to doing Quality Assurance work for the job he used to do a little over a year ago.

    The two oldest did their high school courses through American School. Our youngest decided to earn his GED instead of going for a diploma.

  • 1 decade ago

    My mother started homeschooling me at age 7. She was also schooling my 2 sisters and 1 brother.

    I decided to get my GED, instead of taking calculus.

    I graduated in the top 10% of the state at 17 years old.

    Unfortunately, I didn't go onto college. I started working at a factory. But, I proved myself to be extrememly responsible for my age 23, after working there for 5 years. I believe that my responsiblity was due to my homeschooling. I was given a promotion, making $60,000 a year. I am also going to school for Business Management, paid by my employer!!

    Everyone at the factory was surprised at how mature and resposible I was at 18 when I started. This was due to my mother taking the time to teach us, the proper way to act and treat people. My parents also taught us to take pride in our work and give 110%. After I graduate, I am going to be up for more promotions. I have been told by the head of the plant that the sky is the limit for me!! I credit this to being homeschooled, by parents that care!

    When you are homeschooled, you don't only learn from the books, but your parents have more time with you to teach you how to live and treat people!!

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