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Favorite Answers23%
  • Question about Word 2010 and 2003?

    I currently have a Windows 7 computer that I run Word/Office Home Edition 2010 on. The company I work for has programs that are not compatible with 2010 and would like for me to have 2003 instead. Do I have to uninstall 2010 and then install 2003 or can they run simultaneously?


    5 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Sticky birthday invitation question?

    My daughter's one year old birthday will be coming up in a few months. I have a couple of relatives that I hope don't come. My problem is, that over the years I have bought many presents for their children, and would like the favor returned for my daughter......but without them actually coming to the party. I haven't attended their children's parties when the invites go out....I guess its an unspoken agreement, because I know they are only looking for gifts. I'm afraid they'll show up, just because they want to look good to other family members. We are not close and usually only see each other at Christmastime. But I have faithfully mailed/sent presents to them. How do I go about sending an 'invitation' and getting the message across that presents are good (especially as I have done this for their kids over the years), but coming is not? Is there even a tactful way or do I just forgo even contacting them?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Sticky birthday invitation question?

    My daughter's one year old birthday will be coming up in a few months. I have a couple of relatives that I hope don't come. My problem is, that over the years I have bought many presents for their children, and would like the favor returned for my daughter......but without them actually coming to the party. I haven't attended their children's parties when the invites go out....I guess its an unspoken agreement, because I know they are only looking for gifts. I'm afraid they'll show up, just because they want to look good to other family members. We are not close and usually only see each other at Christmastime. But I have faithfully mailed/sent presents to them. How do I go about sending an 'invitation' and getting the message across that presents are good (especially as I have done this for their kids over the years), but coming is not? Is there even a tactful way or do I just forgo even contacting them?

    13 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Mommies who go "against the grain" unite! ?

    Mommies who don't do everything 'by the book'....share with us the rules you break! I'll admit that I bought every parenting/pregnancy book I could get my hands on when I found out I was pregnant. And then when my daughter was born, I could have thrown them out the window! (Except I hate to litter, so they are really nice to sit coffee cups on :-)

    Here are a few of my 'sins':

    -I have bumper pads in her crib (Gasp!)

    -breast AND formula feed

    -started solids at 3 months, 3 weeks

    -propped her up in absolutely every piece of baby equipment I had; her swing, her highchair, her bouncy chair at one month

    -Have placed her in her playpen already

    -Give her a bath everyday

    -Rock her to sleep instead of placing her in her crib to fall asleep on her own (OK, I know this one will come back to bite me, but I just love it too much!)

    -We watch educational DVD's everyday together (The horror!)

    -Sleeps on her stomach for naps

    And yet, she knows sign language, can sit up all on her own, has mastered rolling over both ways, it able to read 6 words already, has yet to smother herself in her crib, and is one happy kid (she's 5 month old). How about you all?

    BTW: I have a feeling many 'rule followers' won't like this question, so if you don't like getting thumbs down, you may not want to answer!

    30 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Earth's Best formula....?

    Currently, my daughter is supplemented with Baby's Only (by Nature's One) organic formula. But now that she is starting to take more ounces at a time, all the foam is making her 'burpy' and the powder doesn't dissolve as well. I'm just not as happy with it as I was. I know Earth's Best was another organic formula recommended to me. Does anyone use it? What are your experiences with Earth's Best or Baby's Only?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Difference in countries on when to start cow's milk?

    What accounts for the difference in ages on when to start cow's milk in different countries? I've noticed on here that those in Canada say their government recommends starting cow's milk at 9 months of age, while here in the US it is 12 months. Obviously, there are differing governmental bodies...but I mean, the babies are all the same! Why the discrepancy?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do I get my Yahoo avatar.....?

    I've seen some people's avatar who show the whole background and not just the face. How do I change mine to do that?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Noticed their was citric acid in a jar of baby's bananas?

    I was planning on giving my daughter her first taste of bananas this morning, but noticed on the label that it contains citric acid (I can only guess this is to keep the puree from turning brown?). I thought you weren't supposed to give babies citric acid. I've already decided to make my own banana puree, but my question is can they still have the store bought kind even with the citrus in it?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can I keep my daughter's hands away from her mouth while breastfeeding?

    My daughter (4 months) always has her hands in her mouth. To be fair, at every ultrasound I ever had (and I had plenty before she was born; high-risk) she had one or both hands in her mouth every time! She's not a thumb-sucker....she's a whole hand sucker. To make matter worse, she's at that stage where everything is picked up and put in her mouth. When I breastfeed, one hand will migrate to her mouth, breaking the seal on my breast and then we have to start all over again at finding the nipple. I'm not exactly the most proficient breastfeeder breast are very large, and I have to hold the breast she is feeding on or else, no matter how hard she sucks, she simply can't keep the weight of it in her mouth. Now the other hand is busy keeping her hands away from her mouth. It is taking us forever to finish feeding and its driving me crazy!! Short of duct taping her hands together (!) what else can I do? Has anyone else had a baby that does this?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does your baby 'fight' sleep?

    I recently saw another question on here relating to 'fighting' sleep. Most of the answerers had never heard of such a thing. I thought, surely there aren't just the two of us who have babies who fight sleep? My daughter will be tired, to the point of weariness and still fight sleep. She'll close her eyes for 30 seconds or so, and then wakes up angry and crying herself out of sleep again. She's not in pain, not hungry, not wet, etc....she wants to go to sleep, but won't. She doesn't fight sleep all the time, but when she does, its a battle! Any other mothers out there who have children who fight sleep?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When did you start giving your baby?

    teething cookies/Zwieback crackers?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone use organic formula? ?

    I would like to hear of your experiences with organic formula if you have used them; specifically Nature's One or Earth's Best formulas. After hearing the news of melamine in the big 3 top infant formula companies, I pulled my daughter (almost 4 months old) off Nestle Good Start Natural cultures formula. She is mostly breast-fed, but I supplement with formula. My breastmilk not only constipates her, but gives her more than the standard explosive gas, and the Good Start alleviated that problem. However, I will not intentionally feed her a poison. I want to start her on an organic formula and liked the reviews of Natures's One and Earth's Best formula. Share your experiences, good or bad?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Melamine in US formula!?

    OMG! Anyone been following the formula news story and seen the complete 360 the FDA pulled? Who honestly believes that ANY amount is good for their baby? What to do if you are already on formula? Anyone have any good alternatives? (besides breastmilk, we all know that it is best).

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone taken an infant massage class?

    I'm taking my daughter (3 months) to an infant massage class this week. Has anyone else had any experiences with this type of class? Also, what would be a good outfit for her to wear there? (I'm sure I'll need to bring spares!) Have left a message with the instructor, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can I go to hair salon.....?

    So, its been more than 10 years since I've been to a hair stylist. I usually trim and color my own hair, but I'm a new mommy and would like a new style. Nothing drastic, or contemporary. The problem is, I have NO idea what cut looks good on me. Can I go to the hair salon and have a hair stylist pick a cut for me? Do they do that? Or will I have to sit and look at pictures of styles, pick one out and hope it looks good?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Anyone else experience green poo?

    I mostly breastfeed and supplment with formula (Nestle Good Start, Natural Cultures). I would like to exclusively breastfeed, but due to labor complications must supplement. I've noticed that the formula gives my daughter's poo a forest green appearance. Is this normal? Just the brand of formula or do all formulas do this?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Almost 3 months postpartum and no period yet?

    I had my daughter 10 weeks ago, and stopped my lochia bleeding 2 weeks post partum. I haven't gotten my period yet and am a little worried? I'm breastfeeding her and I know that breastfeeding can delay the return of your period while breastfeeding, but can it prevent you from having your period? Thanks for the help.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to determine age? ?

    I'm confused about how old my baby is in months. Once your baby hits 8 weeks old (two months), are they then considered to be in their third month? or will they technically still be two months until they hit 12 weeks old?

    I only ask because my doctor told me to make my daughter's two month appointment 8 weeks after her birth, but it got me to thinking that wouldn't it be closer to the start of three months?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone tried Fenugreek for breastfeeding?

    Has anyone tried Fenugreek to boost breast milk supply? If so, did it work or not? What did you use, capsules, tea?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Choosing a vaccine schedule question?

    My daughter is getting ready for her first round of shots, but after doing a lot of research, I don't want her to have every shot recommended on the schedule. For those of you who have also picked the vaccines/or gone without them completely, why did you decide to do so? Which ones did you have your children get?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago