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Does your baby 'fight' sleep?

I recently saw another question on here relating to 'fighting' sleep. Most of the answerers had never heard of such a thing. I thought, surely there aren't just the two of us who have babies who fight sleep? My daughter will be tired, to the point of weariness and still fight sleep. She'll close her eyes for 30 seconds or so, and then wakes up angry and crying herself out of sleep again. She's not in pain, not hungry, not wet, etc....she wants to go to sleep, but won't. She doesn't fight sleep all the time, but when she does, its a battle! Any other mothers out there who have children who fight sleep?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES YES YES! My 13 month old still does it. She actually still cries herself to sleep. It freaks other people out. She will be quiet for like 2 minutes, start to fall asleep and then you will hear this big scream because she doesn't want to fall asleep! Its very entertaining. Eventually she goes down, sometimes it does take a while though. This is very normal! I always just attribute it to her loving life so much she doesn't want to miss a thing!

    She has done it since she was a newborn by the way - I don't know how old your little one is but it will be fine!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both of my kids fight sleep. Sometimes it can be just a matter of too much going on or thinking that they could miss something. My 3 year old will not take a nap no matter how tired she is. She finally crashed last night around 9:00 and then woke up a few hours later. Apparently that was her nap.

    Even my 10 month old fights sleep. I will put him in his crib and he will cry for the longest time! He has never slept through the whole night (wakes up at least once to drink a bottle) and we're trying to get him to start learning to sleep all night. Not really sure how to do that. It's hard to make them cry especially when they are babies but sometimes you have to.

    I have even gone into the room about 45 minutes after my 10 month old son is supposedly sleeping to put a blanket it on him and he sits right up from the would be sleeping position he is in to give me a look of "Hey mom, I'm still awake!"

  • 5 years ago

    My daughter has merely began to try this too. Its utilising me nuts. She took one 15 minute nap at 11:30 the day previous morning and that became into it till she went to mattress final evening at 7:00. She is 4 months old. Its like precise formerly she falls asleep she wakes her self up via crying and he or she's so sleepy she is incredibly fussy something of the day. the only way I incredibly have chanced on that i'm able to get her even on the threshold of taking a snooze is singing twinkle twinkle little famous guy or woman repeatedly. perhaps supply that a try. different than that i do no longer comprehend what to enable you to comprehend. Sorry, yet i comprehend what you're dealing with. optimistically this is going to alter quickly for the two one human beings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes!!!!! Jaliyah is 12 months now and has fought sleep since she was born. It goes on four hours and after she is finally down most of the time she wakes back up and moves and moves around in the bed with us because that is the last effort to get her to sleep. We have to hold her down and wait for her to go to sleep. Its horriable. I love her but don't know if I can have another baby because I don't want to go through this again. Today I had to go to work with only 2hrs of sleep. I'm so exausted. Please help!

  • Yup, my son <<<<<< does this around 80% of the time. Honestly he has it perfected so well he could be an Olympic Champion "sleep fighter" its horrible, he screams, struggles and cries & we know all he wants is sleep - all his other needs are met. The only time he never does this these days is straight after his middle of the night feed when he goes back down really well, most other times - nightmare!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My 4 month old boy does almost every time! He usually cries himself to sleep. But then again, he's always been an active baby. Even when he was a newborn. he really didn't sleep all that much.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you ever tried swaddling?? the nurse in baby class said dads do this best, because mom is scared to do it too tight...think though about how long they were in the woom, nice and cozy. go through the list, hungry, bum change, wants to play, too hot, too cold, irritation from clothes(tag or detergent), when you know they are tired double check food andx bum, then swaddle, you can try rocking and singing. sometimes babies just need to cry, the cry is obvious if they are distresses or hurt as compared to tired. mothers know best. baby is a lttle scientist and they'll test to see if you'll come running and keep testing to make sure they get the same reaction. all babies are different, mother knows best..try the swaddle.

    i would also start a bedtime routine, i did when my girl was 1 hour or more before you'd like them in bed...bath(important and magical), feed, read...lights out

    Source(s): check this out for video instruction on swaddling
  • 1 decade ago

    My baby does not do it, but my 2 year old does! Lol, my nephew fought sleep so bad he would sit in crib crying and would fall asleep sitting up and rocking back and forth all the while he is still sleeping.

  • 1 decade ago

    People on here HAVEN'T heard of it???!!! Wow.

    My son sometimes fights sleep for HOURS. To the point where I have to leave the room before I scream and punch holes in my wall. After 4 hours of crying and its 2 in the morning, ya, I'm fed up.

    He has gotten better, but geez. He used to be a brat about going to bed and I was at my wits end.

  • 987
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    everyday all day until he finally falls asleep from exhaustion. i've also found that my son will sleep if i get out of the house and am on the go more than at home.

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