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HOA Voting Power?

In our community we have 80 units, but 10 of them have failed to pay their monthly dues and are now a few months behind. Our HOA Board has banned these 10 owners for attending meetings and not allowing them any voting power in the community until they are deemed "In good standing," meaning paid up in their dues.

I can't find anywhere in the governing documents that states this. Can an HOA Board do this? Make an active home owner vote ineligible because they are behind on their dues?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If this is a condo association, or your rules are based on condo associations, then yes, the HOA board can certainly prevent homeowners in arrears from voting. The basis for this is usually found in the small print. Having been a manager for my condo association for 7 years, I ran across all manner of strange things, but the power to do this was clearly there. In most associations, they can't prevent the homeowners from attending meetings, but can prevent them from voting. I think preventing people from attending meetings carries it way too far, but I'm not there and I'm not privy to your ByLaws, Rules and Regulations. They are all basically the same, no matter what state you live in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if an amentment to the charter is passed as such yes they can, if it isnt written no they cannot, be aware they can also lein the property and foreclose on it for failure to pay hoa if it is so written in the charter.

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