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Is it at all unreasonable to be a little upset in this situation? New date.?

So I've been seeing someone for about three weeks now, met for the first time three weeks ago. We've had 2 dates since then, the 2nd and 9th of March.

I was kinda bumming that we didn't get to see each other last weekend because we were both busy, but I was missing him a lot Sunday.

We've been trying to make plans to have dinner at my house and today he suggests the next Monday (24th). (I was thinking more this Thursday or Friday).

So is it unreasonable at all to feel a little upset about that? 15 days of not seeing each other when we live in neighboring cities? and when its still new and you should feel like you can't get enough of each other?


Maybe not upset, but a little disappointed and just questioning the interest level... he didn't even say he had definite plans that interfered with a Thursday or Friday date.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think if you're getting upset about that.. the poor bastard should run far and fast

  • 1 decade ago

    You've been on 2 dates, that doesn't mean you are in a commited relationship. He simply may not be as interested in you as you are in him. He may even have other dates planned for this weekend. If and when things get to the point of becoming more serious between you two, then you should expect more effort on his part. But for someone you just met and have only seen a couple of times, I think you're too worked up about it. Settle down and let things run their natural course.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok, hun - you need to settle down and get a grip. Seriously.

    No, you shouldn't be feeling like you can't get enough of each other - those are the type of situations that fail miserably - because one ends up feeling smothered - or things get taken too fast. Feeling that way is fine for teenangers - but not for adults.

    the timing that the two of you are going at is normal and healthy - you aren't even close to really being in a relationship with this person yet - it's just been a few dates - you hardly even know him - so stop trying to rush it.

    If you start showing signs of being posessive or clingy this fast - you may not get to the 3rd or 4th date...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Your sister should have been more organized. When you asked her which weekend would work for her, she should have checked her schedule and let you know whether she had any other major events going on. Even if you did like sorority events, your sister will probably be busy with her freshman, so it won't be the ideal weekend for you to spend time with her. Don't feel bad that your sister got mad at you. Disorganized people often try to turn blame on others when they mess up. Try to be the bigger person about this. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, so don't be mad at your sister. Try to think of a solution. For example, can you get your plane tickets changed? The other thing is, try to understand that for YOU, your awkwardness is a huge problem. But other people probably notice it much less than you think! We are often harder on ourselves than other people are. Remember--your sister loves you for you... She probably forgets your awkwardness sometimes because she focuses on the great things about you. If there is no way to get the tickets changed, then I think you should visit your sister and try to have as much fun as possible. It is OK to be introverted. It is OK to hate parties. But you should still force yourself to experience parties and meet new people sometimes. Because it will make you a better, more interesting person with more life experience if you try doing new things. You might have fun. When I was your age, I was awkward and shy too. Now I'm the opposite. Eventually, most people who are shy at your age get over it. The only way to get over it is to make an effort to get out there and practice socializing. Life is so much easier when feeling awkward is not a problem, so I advise you to make a big effort to get over this. There will be awkward moments along the way, but you'll get better over time. Good luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe let him know you were thinking you could at least meet up sooner to see each other and suggest something small to hold you guys over until that cream, coffee.. see if you can both fit it in. And see how he reacts! that's key. And if not, then talk to him when you guys have dinner and get more of a feel of how he lives his life and why he's SO busy that he can't squeeze in a dinner date.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. I think you should still keep the date BUT do not sleep with him until you guys have a commited relationship. You should also try to date other people until you both agree to be in a comitted relationship

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well think of it this way atleast he wants to c u. i think that 15 days is not a long time worry more when it gets to months of not cing eachother. no biggy i think u should just go with the 24th it will give u something to look foreward to. u also dont want him to think ur obsessed too.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is unreasonable. Youre not married, he isnt your boyfriend, youre just dating. Be patient or you will lose out.

    Everyones interest level is different. Relationships dont have to be hard and fast. When they grow slowly they last longer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so say something or go for the 24 th , sounds like you like to wear the cotton shorts capt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Calm down. I can already see ur the possesive type.....bug turn-off for men.

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