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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Was Jesus crucified on a Friday? If so, how did He spend three days in the tomb if He was resurrected on?


47 Answers

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    Shalom ...No Yeshua was not!.... You must use the Jewish calender to understand this.....................your using the roman calender and that is incorrect to begin with, christians will have to choose to which way to believe, Yeshua was a Jew, it was Jews who buried him, It was Jews that found the tomb empty, Even the story tells of the coming Feast, the Sabbath, what is so hard to understand. The High Priest could not have had a trial on friday night as that would have been the Sabbath and to light the hall would be rekindling fire wich was not allowed and even the account of Judas proves this he returned and threw ths silver pieces back.. to have picked them up would have been work on the sabbath, it also says they bought land something else that would not have been allowed, They would not have had the Trial on Passover as they would have been doing the Passover.

    Mark 8:31 tells us: "And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again." Did Yeshua mean what He said? Did He really expect to be buried in the earth for three days and three nights? Yeshua did not say, "After two nights and one day I will rise again." He said, "After three days I will rise again." He meant three days and three nights a full 72 hours! Yeshua also tear down this temple and in THREE days I will rebuild it!

    The Jews remembered this sign when He was crucified. "Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate, Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first" Matit'yah(Matthew) 27:62-64. They did all they could to prevent His resurrection. They got the watch, made the sepulchre sure, and sealed the stone. "After three days I will rise again" was necessary to fulfill the Yonah sign.

    I am greatly concerned about not accusing my L-rd of lying! Yeshua plainly said He would be in the grave "three days and three nights". He emphatically declared He would rise again "after three days". I believe He fulfilled the sign of Yonah and vindicated His Messiahship. In Matit'yah (Matthew) 28:6, we read this testimony of the angel at the tomb: "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said." He said He would be in the grave "three days and three nights" and "after three days" He would rise again. Yeshua did fulfill the Jonah sign. But He was not crucified on Good Friday, nor did He rise on Sunday morning! Matit'yah(Matthew) makes it plain that two Sabbaths had passed since Yeshua was crucified. The KJV has this rendering: "In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Miriam(Mary) Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre," Matit'yah(Matthew) 28:1.

    Just as Yonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Yeshua says the sign of Yonah will be his death, burial and resurrection. Yeshua will be put to death. He will be buried (in the heart of the earth). On the third day, Yeshua will arise from the dead. Rabbi Saul said this event proved Yeshua was the Son of G-d (Romans 1:4).

    The Chronology of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection:

    Tuesday: Yeshua ate an early-evening Passover meal with His Talmidim(disciples) (at the beginning of Nisan 14, Jewish reckoning) and instituted the New Covenant symbols Matit'yah(Matthew) 26:26-28. Yeshua was then betrayed by Yehudah(Judas), arrested and during the night brought before the high priest.

    Wednesday: Yeshua was crucified and died around 3 p.m. Matit'yah(Matthew) 27:46-50. This was the preparation day for the annual, not weekly, Sabbath, which began that evening, Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; Yochanan(John) 19:31. Yeshua's body was placed in the tomb at twilight Matit'yah(Matthew) 27:57-60.

    Thursday: This was the high-day Sabbath, the first day of Unleavened Bread Yochanan (John)19:31; V'yakra (Leviticus) 23:4-7. It is described as the day after the Day of Preparation Matit'yah(Matthew) 27:62).

    Friday: The high-day Sabbath now past, the women bought and prepared spices for anointing Yeshua's body before resting on the weekly Sabbath day, which began at sunset Mark 16:1; Luke 23:56.

    Saturday: The women rested on the weekly Sabbath, according to the Fourth Commandment Luke 23:56; Shemot(Exodus) 20:8-11. Yeshua rose around sunset, exactly three days and three nights (72 hours) after burial, fulfilling the sign of Yonah and authenticating Yeshua's Messiahship.

    Sunday: The women brought the prepared spices early in the morning while it was still dark Luke 24:1; Yochanan(John) 20:1. Yeshua had already risen Matit'yah(Matthew) 28:1-6; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:2-3; Yochanan(John) 20:1. He did not rise on Sunday morning, but at sunset the day before!

    Remember also the 3 day test..disproves any chance that Yeshua wasn't really dead, that somehow he could have survived a beating which sometimes killed people before they even got to the cross -- He fainted, was nailed to a cross, speared in the side, taken down and wrapped head to toe in cloth, and laid in a tomb that was sealed with a 500 pound stone, that after all this physical trauma, and after having no food or drink 3 days, Yeshua was revived by the cool temperature of the tomb in less than 3 days, Somehow He had not been suffocated by the grave clothes and even though His hands were wrapped up too, He was able to unwrap Himself. Then, He somehow pushed the 500 pound stone away, despite His unbelievably weakened and feeble condition, and overpowered the entire guard of Roman soldiers who were watching the tomb, soldiers who knew that if Yeshua escaped they would be killed. Then, if He somehow did all of that, He would have to give people the impression that He was an other-worldly being, so glorious that they would fall to their feet when they saw Him, to say anything less that he rose before 3 days, then he lied to the his followers and those in the Temple. which would mean Yeshua could not be the Messiah after all!!!

    Source(s): "Hear, O Israel: the L-rd our G-d is one L-rd," Tanakh and B'rit Chadasha Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Moshe has the right answer, Yahshua died on Wednesday at 3pm when the Passover lambs were being killed, as He is our

    Passover Lamb, He was laid in the tomb before sunset, as the High Sabbath was going to start after sunset, Jews do not

    work or carry on a Sabbath. He spent 3 nights & 3 days in the

    tomb & rose on the weekly Shabbat before sunset, making,

    the only sign He gave that He was Messiah, absolutely true.

    YHWH is not a liar & neither is His Son Yahshua Messiah.

    To EBED:

    Sorry to inform you Ebed, but Yahshua died at the precise time, 3pm on the Day of preperation for the Passover , when

    the lambs were being slaughtered, the time was called between the evenings, Lev 23:5 & Ex 12:18. On the 14th day

    between the evenings the lamb was to be killed & that is 3pm

    on the 14th, a few hrs later 6pm the Feast of Passover begins

    & it is now the 15th & they are to eat only matzah with the lamb & also for 7 days. Matt, Mark, Luke & John record the

    cheif priests & scribes & elders mocking Yahshua & straight

    after that from the 6th hr to the 9th hour it was dark, that is from 12noon to 3pm, about the 9th hour Yahshua cried out &

    was given sour wine & soon after that He died. The cheif

    priests etc were walking by on their way to the Temple earlier

    in the day. If this was the day after, the cheif priests would not

    have been there, as it was a Sabbath day & that is exactly why Yahshua had to be off the cross before the sunset.

    Because of faulty understanding of Ex & Lev 23 some people

    say that the Passover is on the 14th in the evening, Yahshua

    took advantage of this to have a Passover dinner with His disciples on the night of the 14th, but you cannot kill the lamb

    on that afternoon as it is still the 13th & it clearly says on the

    14th between the evenings, which is 3pm. The time the lambs

    were being killed. Ask a Jew he will tell you.

    The sign of Jonah is the scripture that He fulfilled & at that time the only Scripture that was available was the Tanach &

    that was what He read. He is LORD of the Sabbath & He rose

    on His Day, not sunday as people suppose, sunday is not the

    sabbath, it is very much still the 7th Day, the Shabbat.

    Dan 9:27 Yahshua confirmed a covenant with many for a

    week & in the middle of the week He was cut off. The middle

    of the week is Wednesday.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    To the best of our knowledge Jesus spent that time in the sleep of death until he was raised. When, after his resurrection Mary mistook him for a gardener at first, he told her "Hold me not now for I have not yet ascended." So, we can take from that that, exactly as he said, he had not ascended to heaven yet to be with his Father. But we know that those coming to the tomb saw an angel and the clothes folded in the tomb. Whether the angel raised Jesus on behalf of his Father, we can imagine so, but we are not told. If we think of Jesus' friend Lazarus (brother of Mary and Martha) Jesus described him as being asleep in death, but he was raised to a mortal life unlike Jesus. Roman 14 9 For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. 2 Corinthians 5 15 And [that] he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an easy one! Jesus was NOT crucified on a Friday. He was crucified at a 'High Sabbath' not the weekly Sabbath. This Passover was appointed to be held during the Month of Abib and the Passover fell on the 14th day of Abib in the year of the death of Jesus... a Thursday. Do the math... Thurs. eve. to Fri. morn, (1 day) Fri. eve. to Sat. morn (2nd day), Sat. eve to Sun morn (3rd day). "Early on the morning of the first day of the week (Sunday)... "Three days AND three nights in the belly of the earth. There shall be NO OTHER sign. To not understand and believe this takes away the ONLY sign Jesus said would be, and there IS no other sign. There is only ONE true gospel of Christ, and THIS is it.

    Source(s): Exodus 23:15, Matthew 12:39-40
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The concept of a Good Friday crucifixion and a Sunday morning resurrection is a complete falsehood that has led to the deception of those who would be followers of the Christ for centuries.

    The truth is that the resurrection was near the end of the weekly 7th day Sabbath (our Saturday) exactly 72 hours after He was placed in the tomb. Anyone who tells you anything else is calling Christ a liar. If it was NOT 72 hours, then He is NOT your Savior. The only sign that He gave that proves His identity is Matthew 12:40. Three days and three nights cannot possibly fit into Friday evening to before sunrise Sunday. You cannot even count, if you believe in a Friday crucifixion, Sunday as a day because the scriptures say He was already risen BEFORE the women got to the tomb.

    Several links where you can study the truth for yourself:

    To truly understand what went on during the week of the crucifixion, you need to study the Biblical Holy Days:

    To give you a basic overview, because you really need to study this vital truth for yourself, in the Bible, the days start and end at sunset:

    Crucifixon week:

    Our Tuesday evening (Sunset started the 14th day of Exodus 10-12) Yeshua ate the Passover with His disciples and instituted the bread and wine ceremony as a memorial to His death. That night He was betrayed, arrested, taken to the High Priest's house. The next morning (our Wednesday) very early before the morning sacrifices began at the Temple, He was taken to the Sanheidren. Peter denied Him about the time the Temple Crier (Not a rooster) was calling for the morning sacrifices to begin.

    After being shuttled back and forth between Herod and Pilate, He is finally condemned, tortured, and crucified and died on the cross late Wednesday afternoon and was placed in the tomb before the sunset that ended that day. This was the preparation day for the 1st High Sabbath of the year, the first day of Unleavened Bread (Again read the Exodus account and Leviticus 23).

    This period of time from sunrise Wednesday to sunset Wednesday is also the preparation day for the Highday Sabbath mentioned in John's account.

    Night 1

    Sunset Wednesday to Sunrise Thrusday. The Highday Sabbath, the first day of Unleavened Bread, or the Passover of the Jews, mentioned in John's account began at this sunset


    Sunrise Thrusday to sunset Thrusday. It is still the Highday Sabbath.

    Night 2

    Sunset Thursday to sunrise Friday began the preparation day for the weekly Sabbath.

    Day 2

    Sunrise Friday to sunset Friday. This is the daytime portioin of the preparation day for the weekly Sabbath, during which the disiple prepared the spices for the final burial of Yeshua.

    Night 3

    Sunset Friday to sunrise Saturday, the weekly Sabbath began at sunset Friday and the disciples rested according to the commandment.

    Day 3

    Sunrise Saturday (Sabbath)to just before sunset, 72 hours after being placed in the grave ends the 3rd day.


    This is so easily proven from the Bible that it is rediculous that people still believe in a Good Friday/Easter Sunday scenario. Like so many other practices and beliefs of traditional Christianity, it is rooted in pagan worship of heathen gods and has no Biblical basis whatsoever.

    Edit: DMD the days began and ended at sunset, ask a Jew. Also, consult an astronomical calender so you come to understand that sunset to sunset does not mean 6pm to 6pm.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Jewish Sabbath is observed on Saturdays now. I don't know which day it was observed on then. The Sabbath is observed from sundown on Friday until the first 3 stars appear in the sky on Saturday evening. Using this as a reference...

    Day 1: The Gospels indicate He was crucified before late afternoon the day before the Sabbath.

    Day 2: The Sabbath being observed, no one went to the tomb

    Day 3: Mary Magdalene and another Mary went to annoint His body and were met by the angel and they didn't recognize Jesus there until He spoke to them.

    Jesus said in three days he would rise again. He did on the third day.

    I could post many scriptures that state He said He would arise on the third day. I don't know why people automatically think that means 3 days AND nights.

    For example...

    Matthew 16:21 From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.

    Luke 24:46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your Right! your not able to get three DAYS and THREE NIGHTS from good Friday to Easter Sunday morning. :The BIBLE says that he died in the middle of the week which is Wednesday. Count from there to the end of the week SATURDAY. and you will come up with the correct days he laid in the tomb. He had to be gone before the sun went down at the end of the sabbath day.(Saturday) When it was yet dark Jesus had risen.

    (not during sun rise ) Plain & Simple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It may had known that he was Crucified the Beginning of the Sabbath 6 PM Friday. And had Risen Sunday The Third Day!

  • 1 decade ago

    It was prophesied that he would remain in the heart of the earth three days and three nights even as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish (Matthew 12:40) . It cannot be much more specific than that. This required time period can be worked out quite easily if we remember that the phrase "three days and three nights" is an expression of the disciples’ culture, rather than scientific exactness, then there should be no problem with understanding Matthew 12:40. The "sign" that Jesus gave was not the length of time that he would be in the tomb, but it was the fact that he would die, be buried and be raised to life.

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